
Another Probable Incendiary.

   Fire was discovered at about 9 o’clock last evening in the building on Fulton street occupied as a dwelling and small store by Mr. Hobek and family. The fire was in an old storehouse or sort of summer kitchen back of the main building and had not gained much headway before the fire department was on hand and quickly extinguished it. The origin of the fire is a mystery. The room contained a stove, but no fire had built in it since noon and the fire would have started in the back part of the room several feet from the stove. The people in the house state that during the past few months that there have been indications of several attempts to set fire to the building.

   The family were pretty badly frightened as the husband who has been ill for some time, was confined to his bed in the upper part of the house.

   The loss is small.

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