The Evening Tribune November, 1891

Church & Society


Pleasant Anniversary Party.

   As enjoyable party as has taken place in our city for many a day was given by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mieras last evening the occasion of the 13th wedding anniversary to forty of their friends in this city.  There were also present Mr. and Mrs. Blom of Holland.  The pleasant home on Franklin Street was beautifully decorated with a profusion of flowers.

   A sumptuous supper was served, and interesting feature of which was a cake baked for the wedding thirteen years before.  This cake was well preserved and although not eaten was tasted of, and seemed not any the worse for its old age.

   The evening was passed pleasantly with music, songs, and games lasting until one o’clock.


   The Misses Daisy Scofield and Marie Collins gave a dancing party in the Gray block last night.  About 30 couples were present and the affair was a very enjoyable one.  Refreshments were served at 11 0’clock and dancing continued until 2 o’clock.


A Good Showing of Church Work.

   It is about a year since the dedication of the Second Reformed church.  The church was built at an expense of $4,600 and today with the exception of $235 is free from debt, a grand showing for a church organization numbering less than fifty families.  Thanksgiving a present of $100 from the Ladies’ Aid society and a present of $100 from the Young Peoples’ society reduced the debt $200.  Also during the year $200 of interior decorations has been paid for by the Sunday school.  The Second Reformed church is certainly in a very flourishing condition.

 A Glorious Time.

   Mrs. Geo. E. Angel, organist at St. John’s church, has made it a practice each year to entertain the vested choir in a very pleasant manner and this year she invited in a good number of the friends of Master Harry and Walter Mower, her sons.  The young folk were entertained in the large dwelling on LaFayette street formerly occupied by the Ferry family.  It was arranged that all who attend should mask and the young ladies and gentlemen carried out the plan to the full extent and appeared in the most comical rigs imaginable.  Dancing and amusements, closing with refreshments was the order of the evening.