1812 Warship Porcupine Found at Ferrysburg


Battle of Lake Erie.




 A Relic of Perry.

   An important relic of the war of 1812 has just been unearthed at Ferrysburg. It is the lower portion of the sloop Porcupine, one of the nine small vessels built by Commodore Perry on Lake Erie, and with which he achieved his great victory over the British squadron, known in American history as Perry’s victory. Perry’s nine vessels consisted of the Lawrence, his flag ship of 20 guns; the Caledonian, three guns; Schooner Ariel; four and two swivels; the sloops Trip, Tigress and Porcupine, one gun each.

   The Porcupine was taken to Detroit, where, in 1830, her upper decks were rebuilt and her name changed to Caroline. Eventually she was brought to Grand Haven and sailed by Capt. Harry Miller. In the early fifties she was set adrift in the Grand River near the mouth. The current carried her out into Lake Michigan, but a west wind blew her back after a day or two and she was refitted and sailed a season or two. Finally, about the year 1855, she was allowed to sink head on at Ferrysburg in front of where Johnston’s boiler works now stand, and where at present a portion of the timbers may be seen. Her remains will be taken from the water and properly cared for.—Grand Haven Correspondent, Grand Rapids Democrat.

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