Grand Haven's First Electric Lights

Location of Grand Haven's first electric lights.


 A Few Points About Electric Lights.

   In an interview with a gentleman connected with the Electric Construction Co., we gather the following information:

   The company does not intend to charge more than 76 cents per month for 16 candle power incandescent lights in stores and business places, where three or more are needed and where a large number are taken the price will be proportionately less. For residences and churches the price will be governed by the number of lights taken and probable number of hours they are to burn. For instance a light for a sleeping room which is lighted only a short time in the evening will not cost as much as one in a parlor that is lighted all evening.

   The Company are in hopes to be able to furnish 1000 candle power arc lights in business places where they are not burned later than midnight, for one dollar per week. From our knowledge of such things we believe these prices are very reasonable and will put the light within the reach of any of our citizens who may wish to use it.

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