The Evening Tribune

Grand Haven, Mich.   March 1892




   The conflict is more turbulent, but the victory is gained.  The world awakes.  There come voices from long hidden birds.  The smell of the soil is in the air.  The sullen ice is retreating from open field, and all sunny places, has slunk to the north of every fence and rock.  The knolls and banks that face the east or south sigh for release, and begin to lift up a thousand tiny palms.





    A great deal of friendly rivalry exists between our local ocean steamship agents.


   Tony Baker has been at home under the influence of the prevailing malady for several days much to the regret of hi many young lady friends.


   Supt. Dykema has finished relaying the suction pipe between the city waterworks and the well and the pump is working in apple pie order.


   A fire alarm was turned in last night by the burning out of a chimney in Thos. Cairn’s residence.


   A slightly inebriated individual stopped in front of G. A. Bottje’s store last night gazed at the stove signs decorating the front thereof; gazed at the contents of the windows and then moved off with a thoroughly mystified air.  He evidently mistook them for beer signs.


   An amusing little incident occurred on Washington street this morning.  A little girl had went into the International Bakery and bought some bread, giving it to her dog to carry home.  The proprietor of the bakery owns a large dog, who when he saw the strange canine carrying a package from his Master’s shop immediately pitched into him and got the loaf—after it was unrecognizable.


   West Michigan pugilists, toughs and wrestlers are having a hard time of it elsewhere.  First Tom Kinnard dies in the Ashland jail, and then the report comes that wrestler W. E. Gibbs known as the “Kansas Demon” was nearly strangled to death in a match with Dennis Gallagher at Bradford, Pa.  Gibbs lived in Muskegon for some time and gave a wrestling exhibition in this city on a Fourth of July, some years ago.


   Lent begins tomorrow in the Catholic church, but by virtue of special faculty, bishop Riecther suspenses with all fast and abstinence, except March 9, 11th and 12th,which days will be Ember days and also April 15th shall be Good Friday.  Tomorrow being Ash Wednesday the ashes shall be blessed at 7:30 a.m.  Thee will be a sermon in the evening at 7:15 on “Death.”  All the Fridays of Lent however are days of abstinence.


   Rev. W. W. Walsh’s lecture at the Akeley last night on “Castles and Legends of the Rhine” was a most entertaining one and was listened to by a large audience.  The new building was used for the occasion for the first time.  Mr. Walsh dealt with the scenery of that picturesque and historic river and gave many of the beautiful legends associated therewith.  The lecture was illustrated with beautiful views of the river and the towns lying on it.



St. Patrick’s Church Fair and Supper.


   The Catholic supper at the Opera House last evening was attended by a larger number of people than have assembled there for a similar purpose.  Besides the older people there were a large number of little folks who congregated mostly about the fish pond.  After supper a program dialogues, songs, etc., were given, many of them evincing much applause.  Following are some of parts taken.  Song—Misses Josie Finch, Nellie Parker, Dolly McMillan and Master Ernie Gibbs.  Piano duet—Misses Ida and Carrie Utter.  Singing—by Misses Luikens.  Song—Herbert and Howard Lyman.  Song—Winnie Maher.  Piano Selection—Master Ernie Kibler.  Miss Marie Collins gave a fine selection on the piano, being accompanied by Miss Daisy Schofield on the violin. 

   Several drawings took place.  Mrs. Geo. D. Sanford winning a rug.  Prizes were also drawn by Mrs. Capt. O’Day and Mrs. Ingersol of Muskegon.

   By all odds it was one of the best church fairs and suppers ever held in this city, and was a great financial success, as evidenced by the fact that $200 at least was cleared.



Knew Hedspeth.


   Fred Warber of this city was well acquainted with Hedspeth the desperate express and train robber recently arrested in San Francisco.  He became acquainted with him while driving a freight wagon in 1868 over the plains in the Arapahoe Indian region.  Hedspeth at that time was a desperate fellow, and carried a complete killing outfit in his belt, and his record was by no means unquestionable.  Mr. Warber also knew those noted heroes of the plains, General Custer, Wild Bill, Buffalo Bill, and California Joe, and can tell many interesting stories of those brave Indian fighters and scouts.

   Hedspeth, it may be remembered, was arrested only after a sharp ruse by the Pinkerton detectives.  They published in all the national papers “that it was known for certain that Hedspeth had escaped the United States and gone to Honolulu.”  Hedspeth took it all in as it was officially announced from the Pinkerton agency and came out of his hiding place, which was in Oakland Cal. And came to San Francisco.  Officers were stationed in the Post Office corridors and he was arrested while inquiring for his mail.  As soon as touched by the officers, his hands made a bee line for his hip pocket, but was overpowered before doing any shooting.  He was a confederate of Adelbert Slye recently arrested in St. Louis.


   Foster, the weather prophet, says March will be plenty wintry.


   In 1844 but one trotter had equaled 2:30, but at the close of 1891 the number in the list is estimated at 5,664.


   A larger tonnage passes the Detroit river during the nine months of navigation each year than passes into and goes out of the ports of London and Liverpool combined.  These are two of the largest shipping ports in the world and yet our inland commerce between east and the west passing through that commercial highway, the Detroit river, exceeds both.


   February is gone.  She came like a lamb and has given us a bright sunshine, harbinger of spring.  She gave us some glorious sunsets and some heavenly displays at night that were an interesting study.  Her lengthening days have loosed the tensions of winter.  With more hours of daylight comes the promise of spring.  Winter is dying, it has had its revels, its merrymaking, gorgeous festivals, big banquets, and convivial gatherings.  And other scenes, hours of suffering, dying, beds, parting words, last hand clasps, confined forms, open graves, desolate homes, vacant chairs, broken hearts, urns and tears.  All upon the Canvass.—Ex.


   Tom Kinnard, the pugilist who died in Ashland, Wis. Jail from an attack of delirium tremens, was at one time a a resident of Ferrysburg.  At one time he gained high prestige throughout the stated as a pugilist.  He fought a seventeen-round draw with Joe Shoeby, was knocked out by Jim Fell at Grand Rapids, gave Mike Queenan, the Chicago stock-yards champion, a terrific thumping, and fought James Dalton twice, once in Milwaukee.  He whipped Dalton both times, but police interference caused a draw to be announced.  He defeated the “Ithaca Giant,” Jack Fogarty of Pittsburg and Tom O’Donnel of Grand Rapids, Ed Carey of Michigan, and others were some of his opponents.





   Work on the steamer City of Milwaukee is going on rapidly.


   Freight cars still continue scarce over the D. G. H. & M. road.


   All the vessels sheltered here are being fitted up for the opening of navigation.


   It is thought that more foreign companies will compete for lake business this year than ever before.


   Venus and the moon were in close proximity last night, (as we see them) Venus being three degrees to the north.  As the moon went down, the star seemed to be rejoicing on its very edge.


   The Detroit News recently stated that Muskegon harbor was free from ice this winter.  A good tale to tell but aspect somewhat changed when looked at, as nothing but ice can be seen within eight miles of their “death trap.”


   A large yellow dog, frothing at the mouth and supposed to be mad was shot near the Corn Planter yesterday by deputy marshal Henry VandenBerg.  The dog had been running around snapping but it is thought any person or dog was bitten.


   The stockholders of the Globe Match Factory met at the city hall last evening.  The factory it is expected, will be in readiness to commence running about May 1st.


   Every year a wandering band of musicians which gave rise to that popular song “That Little German Band” strikes this city.  They were here yesterday delighting the standers-by with the plaintive and merry songs of the country on the Rhine.



Death of Mrs. Dwight Cutler.


   The sad news was received this afternoon of the death of Mrs. Dwight Cutler, at East San Gabriel, Cal., this morning.  Mrs. Cutler had been in California shortly over a year, having gone there for the benefit of her health which was breaking down under that dread disease consumption.  Mr. Cutler and family joined her last fall.  At times it was thought she was improving and then again she would grow weaker, gradually drawing to her death.  Mrs. Cutler was in her 60th year and was loved and respected by all who knew her, especially in this city where she lived so long.  The funeral occurs Saturday.

   A more extended notice and biography will be given tomorrow.


A Good Showing.


   Five years ago yesterday Mr. A. J. Nyland moved to this city to assume management of the Grand Haven Leather Co., and the event was celebrated by the shipment of over six hundred sides of leather.  When Mr. Nyland first assumed the management of the tannery, the only grade of leather that was manufactured here was sole leather, while today there is hardly any grade of leather that is not manufactured by that firm, although their specialty is harness leather and saddle skirting in various colors, the quantity of which is superior to any manufactured in Michigan and second to none in the Northwest,  Their markets are from Augusta, Me. in the East, Galveston, Texas in the South, to Denver Co. in the West.




   Graham Macfie received a fine Irish setter this morning from Charlotte per American Express.


   Will Loutit went to Fruitport this morning to superintend the fitting up the buckets at the furnace so as to be ready at the opening of the iron ore trade.


   The long talked of Maher-Fitzsimmon’s fight came off at New Orleans last night.  Fitzsimmon weighed 165 pounds and Maher weighed 178 pounds.  After the first three rounds the fight was all in Fitz’s favor, Maher finding trouble in reaching and Fitz getting in blow upon blow.  In the twelfth round Maher was knocked down with a heavy left and gave up the fight.


   Old Sol is knocking out the ice up the river and many big cakes can be seen at the dock floating quietly to the lake.


   Columbus Street citizens complain that their street is not properly lighted.  Between fifth St. and Baker’s alley there is not a light.


   Trowbridge the “Apostle” had a hearing before Justice Post in Holland yesterday.  He was bound over to the March term of circuit court, and brought back to jail.


   Wm. F. Dake met with a painful accident yesterday while assisting in moving an engine.  In some manner it slipped and fell on his foot.  Dr. Hofma was called and dressed the wound.


   The two year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gronevelt died yesterday afternoon of a complication  of scarlet fever and diphtheria.  Funeral tomorrow afternoon at two o’clock from the residence.  Rev. J. J. VanZanten will officiate.


   The Evening Wisconsin in speaking of the harbors on the East shore says:  “At Grand Haven the supply of cars has been sufficient right along to handle all the freight the steamers Wisconsin and Roanoke can deliver.  The Milwaukee & Eastern Transit – Line steamers are carrying considerable grain across the lake to St. Joseph, in addition to package freight, of which they always seem to have a full supply.  Shoal waters constitutes a barrier to the movement of these boats.  The depth over the bar at St. Joseph has averaged 12½ feet during the winter boats, and as they draw that much loaded the harbor can only be taken only when there is no sea running.  Ice does not appear to hamper the movements of the winter months much at any point.  The only ice encountered at Ludington is between the piers.  Off Grand Haven a field of ice fifteen miles wide exists, through which the steamers are assisted by the tug M. F. Merrick, which was stationed there at the close of the navigation for this express purpose.  The tug is the property of the owners of the Roanoke.  The Osceola, plying between Kewaunee and Frankfort is said to making trips with great regularity, as is also the F. & P. M. No. 2 between Manitowoc and Ludington.  On the whole all the east shore lines have enjoyed a fair winter season.”




   Even this warm weather does not knock out the ice in Muskegon Lake and ice boats are still in order.


   The Juistema store building is being repaired and refitted to accommodate Valom tailoring establishment.


   The ladies of the Presbyterian church gave one of their 15 cent suppers in the basement of the church last evening.  Over $22 was netted.


   Johnston Bros. of Ferrysburg are building a boiler for the Green Bay tug Charnley.  It will be 14 feet long and 8 feet in diameter and will carry a working pressure of 125 pounds.


   Capt. Smallman takes as readily to land as water.  He has taken advantage of these warm and balmy days to become an expert in garden making.


   Washington, Mar. 3—Representative  Bankhead’s resolution declaring  it to be the sense of the house that no new public building bills should be appropriated for at this session has been laid aside without action and the committee is now at work preparing a list of the most meritorious measures before it, which it is expected will be reported  in a batch as soon as an understanding can be had with the committee on rules.  Ann Arbor will lead the Michigan list, with a fair chance that Grand Haven and Alpena also be included.



Mrs. Dwight Cutler.


   Frances E. Slayton, wife of Hon. D. Cutler, was born Oct. 12th, 1831, at Stowe, Vermont.  When a young lady she came to Grand Haven, taught school for a time and lived with her sister, Mrs. E. W. Barnes.

   While here she met Mr. Cutler, then a young merchant of the firm of Cutler, Wartz & Stegeman, to whom she was married in February, 1858.  Since that time Mr. and Mrs. Cutler have been residents of Grand Haven, deserving always the thorough respect and honor accorded them by our citizens, as by all who have ever known them and the harmony of their home life.

   Mrs. Cutler’s health began to fail some fifteen years ago, since which time she has made several trips south and to California in hopes of regaining her health.

   Her last trip to California was made over a year ago, and although her death was not entirely unexpected, the fatal news received March 2nd, brought with it a sense of loss that is felt far and wide.

   The surviving members of her father’s family are Osman Slayton of California, Decatur Slayton of Stowe, Vermont, Mrs. E. W. Barnes of Emporia, Kansas and Mrs. W. C. Sheldon of this city.

   Her husband and children, with the exception of Mrs. John J. Bagely, Jr. of Detroit, were with her at the last; and to them and to those who know her best, words cannot measure her worth.  Her life of unassuming goodness, in it’s silent eloquence speaks and appeals to the best in every soul that has known her kindly sympathy.



Sam Small.


   The Opera House was fairly full last evening, the occasion being Rev. Sam Small in his interesting lecture “From Bar Room to Pulpit.”  Mr. Small speaks in an earnest, eloquent manner, bringing naturally in the course of the lecture, many humorous and sarcastic points and incidents.  His lecture embraced a synopsis of his life.

   In early life he was possessed of some means and was given a fine education.  He drifted into society and became acquainted with men of prominence but soon became addicted to drink.  Thinking that life and society in Washington would have a tendency to improve his character, his friends secured for him a government position.  But the drink habit grew still worse.  His friends were still working in his behalf and he was given a position with the Parisian consulate.  In short time he was brought from Paris to his home in Atlanta a mental and physical wreck.

   A total reform set in soon after and he became a minister of the gospel.  He became connected with Sam Jones and for several seasons toured the country in the interest of temperance.  For the past six years he has been engaged in lecturing the majority of the time.




From the Grand River Times.

No. 4

   [Coincidentally, a hypothetical re-publication of the early Grand River Times was done previously in this Evening Tribune article compilation and can be found in the July, 1891 issue.  However, article selection for the two presentations do differ.  A complete collection of the Grand River Times can be found on microfilm at the Loutit Library.]




   An automatic fire sprinkler was experimented with at Kilbourn’s factory this afternoon.


   Bert Stone has been hauling sawdust from Agnew this week to be used in ice houses.


   H. VanWingeren of Noordelooa visited his brother Peter, who boards with Sheriff Vaupel this week.


   “Prophet” Trowbridge on his way to the train at Holland Wednesday delighted the crowd that followed to, “They are after me.”


   E. P. Baker displays a fine lot of photographs taken by him, to be used in the Grand Haven souvenir.  The scenes embrace many of the factories, churches, etc. 


  Tony Baker has recovered from the grip, but is now suffering from after grip—the grip of his may friends who congratulate him upon being able to be around once more.


   Grand Haven was represented in the New Livingston yesterday by N. R. Howlett, the well-known capitalist.  He is buying timber for the proposed new swing bridge to connect Grand Haven and Spring Lake.  Mr. Howlett will own the bridge and expects to be remembered by the toll he proposes to collect.—Grand Rapids Democrat.


   Ball & Co. are the only grocers that get oysters direct from Baltimore by express.


   The street crossings are in a very muddy condition.  The council should put the street commissioner on full duty at once.


   Geo. D. Sanford, Jr., now has charge of the Grand Rapids Democrat in this city.  Master George is of the hustling fiber and will not fail to bring the circulation of the Democrat to the No. 1 notch.


   Vessel masters are again agitating the matter of Canadian officers on American lake vessels.  The broad claim is repeated that Canadians secure citizenship papers in the United States for the purpose of sailing American vessels, but hold residence in Canada all the time.


   Our citizens should take every opportunity to let manufacturers known of the advantages this city possesses as a shipping point.  Read what Captain Martin, of the propeller Roanoke, says in regard to our harbor.  His is an honest opinion and carries great weight, as the Captain is known to be one of the most intelligent navigators on the lakes.  Read it, then mark it and send the paper to parties that would be interested.




An Old Lake Captain Talks of Winter Navigation.


   [By request we publish today the entire interview of Capt. Martin by the Grand Rapids Herald reporter concerning Grand Haven harbor]   


   Capt. James M. Martin of the steamer Roanoke running on the Grand Haven and Milwaukee line, was seen by a Herald reporter, at Grand Haven, yesterday, and was asked for his views on winter navigation on Lake Michigan.  The genial captain’s face brightened at that question and he answered, “I have been on the line between Milwaukee and Grand Haven for years and I have never seen or known of so prosperous a winter’s business before.  I have been making regular trips, and have not been delayed a day by any cause.  I have been loading the boat as deeply as we do in summer time, carrying from eleven to eleven hundred and fifty tons of freight on a draft of fourteen and a half feet.  The traffic out of Milwaukee steadily increases from year to year.  Formerly there was but one line engaged in the winter traffic out of that city, but now there are three, and we are all unable to meet the demand for the increased business.  I came into Grand Haven this morning drawing fourteen and one half feet of water, loaded with eleven hundred and five tons of east-bound freight.  We found no ice in the lake to trouble us.”

   “How do you find Grand Haven harbor,” was asked by your reporter?  The captain answered:  “I find it in fine condition and plenty of water, nowhere less than eighteen feet, deepening to twenty, twenty-two and twenty-four feet.  This depth of water is found the whole width of the piers, which is 425 feet giving a depth of water and width of channel equal to any harbor on the great lakes, excepting none, making a safe, broad and deep harbor easily of access on the east shore of Lake Michigan, whereby winter navigation can become safe and profitable.  It is a harbor of refuge, and the only one on the east shore into which vessels of deep draft can enter in rough weather.  The steamers Roanoke and Wisconsin are landing from one thousand to twelve hundred tons of freight a day on the docks at Grand Haven.  The traffic for February of 1892 is the largest in the history of the D. G. H. & M. railway’s business.

   “How is the winter traffic divided as to the east shore points?” was asked, and was answered by saying that Ludington was receiving the F. & P. M. freight, but that their boats were unable to carry full loads for the reason that the water is too shallow over the bar at Ludington, and the same difficulty exists at Manistee, St. Joseph and other east shore ports, except Grand Haven, where we find water deep enough to admit any vessel or steamer navigating the great lakes, and you can say for me that Grand Haven is the only natural harbor on the east shore of Lake Michigan, and will in the future be the only gate-way through which will pass products of the north-west on its way to the sea shore, as it is the only safe harbor for deep laden crafts on the east shore of Lake Michigan.”




   There is a great deal of quiet work going on just now among the local politicians.


   The boiler of the tug C. H. Auger was inspected by inspectors Scott and Dodge this afternoon.


   It is reported that O. VerBerkmoes will soon move his cigar factory into the building lately occupied by S. K. Samuels.


   The two year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Dreuwis Gerber, living in the southern part of the city, died very suddenly this morning.


   J. W. Boynton, the projector of the new railroad between this city and Grand Rapids has never failed at anything he has undertaken.  He is known throughout the country as a hustler.


   It is reported that E. P. Ferry of Utah has purchased the Wm. M. Ferry property at the corner of First and Columbus Sts.


   Local grain shippers appreciate the necessity of a transfer elevator at Grand Haven, and may unite in an effort to have the Grand Trunk Railway people to erect one.—Evening Wisconsin.


   A wild rabbit hunt participated in by about fifty men and boys took place on Washington street yesterday.  The rabbit first showed up around the corner by Vanderveen’s drug store and was caught about two blocks further down.


   There are about 200 worthless curs in this town that should be shot or otherwise done away with.  This morning one of our citizens was walking down the street when he was set upon by two dogs and it was only by chance he escaped being hit.  The dog tax should be enforced or a dog pound instituted.


   It is claimed that the tug Chartiley, of Green Bay, will be the most powerful tug on these waters when all the contemplated improvements have been finished.  A new shaft, a new wheel, 7 feet and 10 inches, and a boiler 8 by 14, carrying 125 pounds of steam and weighing 37,000 pounds are being put in the boat.—Sturgeon Bay Republican.  The boiler was built by Johnston Bros. of Ferrysburg.


   The old Michigan & Ohio road bed over which the projected road between this city and Grand Rapids will run is one of the most level in the state.  In the entire distance the grade is only fifteen feet.  Heavy cars, which the two roads now entering the city, would not attempt to carry could be brought over the new road with ease.  This is a thing in itself which should commend the road to our citizens.


   The sad death of Marie Alida Albers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M Albers Jr., occurred Saturday night at eight o’clock.  The parents are nearly prostrated by the sad blow, it being the only child and the idol and pet of all.  She was born in this city ten years ago the coming 28th of March.  About four weeks ago she was taken with bronchitis which soon affected the lungs and for the past week no hopes were entertained for her recovery.  Funeral takes place Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. from the First Reformed church.



Praises Grand Haven.


   A man prominent in lumbering interests in Northern Michigan, but whose name we failed to learn, was in the city for a short time Saturday afternoon.  Speaking of Grand Haven compared to any other northern Michigan town he said: 

   “Yes, your city compares favorably with any of them, with the possible exception of Manistee.  That other town up there, Ludington, has a few thousand more people, but there the comparison stops.  True she has finer business blocks and perhaps a few more costly residences, but as to her harbor and manufacturing industries you are still several years ahead.  In a short time the saw mills that are running in Ludington will have completed their cut, and then comes the lethargy which always takes place after that event, and which I am told also occurred in this city.  You have almost recovered from that shock and with a little more energy on the part of your business men could make the town a manufacturing centre, considering that fact that you have the best boat and railroad facilities of any town in West Michigan.  I wish to say right here that every Grand Havenite should stick up for his town when visiting in other places.  I will always, though having no interest here, because I think it should be, and hope it will be, the metropolis of the east shore of Lake Michigan.” 




   Nets have now been set by every fish tug here.


   Skating is still the popular amusement on Muskegon’s far famed lake, while boating is becoming the fad here.


   The Muskegon News states that Capt. J. M. Bradley has purchased the small passenger steamer “Joe” of T. W. Kirby.


   The Spring Lake bridge will be impassible after the 15th.  It is expected that the new bridge will be completed about May 15th.


   As we go to press we learn that Kilbourn & Co. will pump into the city mains until the arch of the Electric Works is repaired.  Seth Moss will be night engineer.


   Henry Dyk and James Dyk for trespass on land in Olive were fined $5 and costs for malicious injury to property.  Henry Dyk was bound over to circuit court in Justice Pagelson’s court this morning.


   Bert Nedervelt, an incorrigible youth, will have a hearing before County Agent Post of State Board of Corrections and Charities Thursday.


   To the oldest residents this has been one of the most remarkable winters known.  The migratory birds have already arrived and the temperature is two months ahead of usual time.


   The tug Kaiser Wilhelm which went down in Spring Lake last fall has been examined by a diver, but it is thought that she will not be raises as the cost of raising and repairing would be nearly as much as the value of the boat.


   The steam launch Mollie Paxton arrived here this morning from Grand Rapids.  Her captain Thos. Robbins states that the trip was made without difficulty.  Some thing remarkable for the 8th of March when the river is generally frozen from shore to shore.


   Flora Beach of Fruitport has begun a suit in Muskegon circuit court for $5,000 damages against Samuel White of the same place.  She claims that White maliciously fired a gun at her, loaded with shot, which struck her in the face, by reason whereof she is injured and disfigured for life.


   Hank Dyk, one of the four notorious Dyke brothers who have been in jail for some time, is again in town.  His 90 day sentence had just extended when he was caught in the act of stealing a razor in jail.  He was brought before Justice Pagelson this morning and sentenced to 90 days in the Detroit House of Correction.  The Dykes have led a life of crime in Olive for some years and the peaceable residents of that township will hear the sentence as glad news.


   Will Loutit, John Welsh and A. Bowman went up the river near Stearns Bayou yesterday to move Will’s duck shanty.  The shanty was being moved on a scow, which sad to relate tipped over and precipitated the three into the river.  They returned some to recuperate, but went up again this morning.  They had not been heard from up to a late hour and it is surmised that they met with another terrible accident.


   The Electric Light Works shut down this morning to have the arch and rear end of the boiler repaired.  The arch was not put up properly and is caving in, necessitating immediate repair.  Kilbourn & Co., were to have pumped into the city mains but their water supply was not sufficient and the attempt was abandoned.  The fire steamer Rix Robinson is now doing the pumping.  It will probably take several days before everything is repaired.



Electric Lights

From Council Proceedings


   Alderman DeGlopper recommended additional electric lights as follows:  one on corner of Third and Elliot; street corner of Adams and Fifth streets; Fifth and Elliot streets; Sixth and Fulton street; Seventh and Columbus streets; and the following changes:  from Third and Madison streets to Second and Madison; from Fourth and Elliot to Holland Depot; from Sixth and Elliot to Madison and Sixth streets; and move the adoption of the new lights and changes which was carried …




   The one and a half old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gale died last night.  The child had been sick almost from its birth, with a spinal trouble and death was not expected,  funeral tomorrow at two p.m. from the house, Rev. Root officiating.


   Michigan contributed 186,575 pounds of grain to the famished peasants of Russia.


   The tannery did not run today, a holiday being given to its employes that they may observe prayer day.


   John Cook, successor to C. N. Addison & Co., is obliged by increasing patronage to put another delivery horse on the road.


   Many of the merchants closed their stores this afternoon for the observance of the Holland prayer day.


   Sheriff Vaupell left for Detroit this morning accompanied by “Hank” Dyk who will serve 90 days’ sentence in the House of Correction.


   Peter Jobbin, better known as “Old Man” Jobbin, was arrested by Marshal Verhoef and brought before Justice Reynolds this morning on a charge of habitual drunkenness,  He was sentenced to twenty days in jail.


   All mails for the East and West close at 7:30 p.m. and go via Grand Rapids to Kalamazoo where they catch the fast trains on the Muskegon Central, thus giving this city a better mail service than we ever had before.


   One gentleman in this city wakes up from a sound slumber every night with the cat mare, caused directly by his next door neighbor’s cats.  He declares that the feline tribe will lose several of its population before many moons.


   Yesterday’s TRIBUNE stated that the tug Kaiser Wilhelm, which went down in Spring Lake last fall, had been inspected by a diver and the cost of raising was reported to be much considering the value of the boat.  This is not true and Capt. Joslin, her owner informed us that she has not been inspected by a diver but that she will be raised this spring.


   Capt. T. W. Kirby, of Grand Haven, has sold the small passenger steamer Joe to Capt. Bradley of Muskegon, and the steam freighter J. C. Ford to Detroit parties.  The Ford was built in 1889, measures 408 tons, rates A1* and has a Lloyds valuation of $45,000.  Capt. Kirby will build a passenger steamer to take the place of the Joe, and may also soon begin work on a steam freighter larger than the Ford.—Evening Wisconsin.


   Two years ago today one quiet Sunday morning the Second Reformed church burned.  The fire was a hot one and for a time the Congregational church was in danger from the sparks which the wind fanned directly that way.  At that time the Second Reformed church had no regular minister, but Rev. E. Winters D.D. of Grand Rapids filled a classical appointment.  He came down that morning only to find the burnt ruins of the former church.  The loss was a hard one for the church people, but with indomitable thrift and energy a new church was built and dedicated, the following December.  The church is now in a prosperous condition, its members embracing many of the most influential Holland Americans of the city.





   The Grand Rapids Board of Trade Favors Grand Haven as the Terminal of a Railroad.

   There was a full attendance at the Grand Rapids Board of Trade last evening.  The following letter was read by the secretary:

   “Zanesville, O.—Gentlemen:  Would be pleased to have an expression from your body, which of the two ports on Lake Michigan would you prefer to have another line of railroad to, viz,;  Grand Haven or Muskegon.  We intend this year to locate a line from Toledo and Lake Michigan via Grand Rapids.  You may also indicate what places in Michigan you would prefer for us to pass through between Grand Rapids and Toledo.


“Albert C. Boone.”

   The matter was put to a vote and Grand Haven was unanimously selected.  One of the principle advantages mentioned in connection with the building of the road was that it would enable the railroad company to bring a superior quantity of coal to this city from Sebewing coal field, on the Saginaw bay, for fifty cents per ton than consumers of coal in this city are now paying.  After the vote selecting Grand Haven had been taken, the entire matter was referred to a committee of seven, the committee being instructed to notify the secretary when ready to report, when the latter will call a meeting of the board.

   The following are the members of the committee:  L. J. Ringe, O. A. Ball, A. S. Musselman, E. G. Studley, J. A. Covode, C. H. Leonard and S. M. Lemon.





   Martin Doornbos who resides at Grand Rapids took the early morning train for this city a week ago Monday to attend to matters pertaining to land in Robinson township in which he was interested.  He has not been seen or heard from since either there or in this city.  At the time of leaving he had from $100 to $150 on his person.  Any information leading to his whereabouts should be addressed to R. M. Doornbos, Jenison, Mich.

   The following is the description given of him.  Age, 30 years; height 5 feet 1o inches; light complexion, wore grey striped pants, black coat, vest and overcoat, and black slouch hat.




   County Agent Post of the state board of corrections and charities was in the city today to conduct the examination of Bert Nedervelt.

   Bert Nedervelt, a very tough specimen of young manhood, was sent to the reform school at Lansing until he attains the age of 17 years, by Justice Pagelson this morning.


   The repairs to the arch and boilers of the Electric Light Works are completed and the pumps were started at one o’clock this morning.  Too much credit cannot be given Supt. Dykema for the short length of time taken to complete the work, and put things in first class order.  He informs us that by tomorrow clear water will be pumped.


   The Muskegon papers are very badly worked up over the Grand Rapids Board of Trade in its preference of Grand Haven, as the most suitable terminal of a railroad between Toledo and Lake Michigan.  The Muskegon journals charge jealousy as the principal motive of the board in its selection, but all true minded people call it one of wisdom.


   An extensive addition will shortly be made of the Co. F. Armory.  It is proposed to build the addition on the north side of the present building, the dimensions of which are to be 100 feet long and 40 feet wide.  The rooms now used as an armory are by far too small and inadequate.  The annex will be fitted after the plans of a modern armory with ladies reception room, lockers, etc.  Lieut. Pellegrom is preparing the plans.


   Capt. J. F. Smallman, of Grand Haven, was in the city yesterday.  He says the steamer City of Milwaukee, of which he is commander, has had about seven or eight thousand dollars expended on her improvements during the past winter, and that the boat is now in tiptop shape.  He says both boats owned by the company will run between Muskegon, Grand Haven and Milwaukee on the same schedule as last year.  They will begin making regular trips just as soon as navigation opens.—Muskegon Chronicle.


   Blendon, March 9—The irrepressible “Jerry” Boynton is pushing his new railroad enterprise in Ottawa county with his characteristic zeal and energy; moreover the people along the line of the route are highly elated and astir with enthusiasm over the prospects of a railroad which will not only give them easy and cheap transportation for their natural and cultivated productions, but will also afford them daily communication with the great business centers.  The country through which the road passes needs but a railroad to develop its resources and place it in the front rank as one of the richest localities in the state.  Several thousands of acres of the richest lower lands in Michigan lie adjacent to the line, together with highly productive uplands in Georgetown, Blendon and Allendale.  The lighter lands are not only especially adapted to the growing of fruit, but are located in one of the most favorable fruit belts along the shore of Lake Michigan.  Fruits of every variety, but especially peaches and the smaller fruits flourish as in no other part of the state.—Grand Rapids Democrat.




Drops Dead at His Home at Holland Last Night.


   The sudden death last night of Arie Woltman, at his home in Holland, removes another of Ottawa county’s oldest and most estimable citizens.

   Mr. Woltman had not been sick in the least with his rugged constitution many years of life would naturally be expected.  He left the house at about 10:30 last night to go to the wood shed.  His wife becoming alarmed at his long absence stepped out of the door and saw his prostrate form on the ground not far away.  The neighbors were informed and a physician summoned, but he was already dead.  So far as can be learned by dispatches received by relatives and friends in the city, death was due to either heart failure or apoplexy.

   Mr. Woltman was born in the Netheralnds some 49 years ago, and when about ten years of ago he, with his father and brother emigrated to this country   The father was taken sick on the passage over and died several days after landing on Staten Island.  After this sad event he came to Holland and immediately began to shift for himself.  The sea had its attractions and he shipped as cook’s assistant on the schooner Marguerite then commanded by Captain Pagelson.  He also sailed on the A. P. Dutton, Ardon, Rose Bell and VanRalta.

   In his official capacity he was marshal of this city and Holland several terms.  At the expiration of Henry Weathelwax’s term of sheriff, in 1893, Mr. Woltman was elected to that office serving two terms.  In 1885 he was again elected to the office of sheriff and served two terms, making altogether four terms in that important position.

   After his term of office expired in 1889, Mr. Woltman moved to Holland.  He opened a cigar store there and in the summer months commanded the fruit steamer Lizzie Walsh.

   It was just two weeks ago that he was in the city, the perfect picture of health and ruggedness, and the telegram received this morning announcing his death was a great shock to all who knew him.

   Jurrien Ball received the following letter at noon today.

   “Father died last night.  He was not sick at all.  He dropped dead as he was coming in the house.”


   Mr. Gerrit Ball went to Holland this morning and tomorrow we will announce the time and place of the funeral.



Up with the Timer.


   Enos Stone of this city is fast proving himself one of the most enterprising livery men in western Michigan.  The citizens of Grand Haven have many reasons to congratulate themselves upon the fact.  He has today, without a question, the best livery outfit that was ever maintained in this city, and his prices are always reasonable and his courteous treatment of passengers unsurpassed.

   He has a large barn full of excellent driving horses in good condition, stylish harnesses, and complete outfits of single and double buggies and carriages.  Not content with all these he has just added to his equipment a new and elegant five glass French head back.  No more stylish one can be produced in Grand Rapids, or Detroit.  He has a hearse and complete outfit for funerals.  Mr. Stone is possessed of that enterprising spirit which is needed to advance the prosperity of Grand Haven, and our people may well afford to appreciate the fact and call on him for everything in the line of livery outfits.




From the Grand River Times

No 6 - 7

August 13, 1851




   Jacob Baar is in the “ice bound,” formerly “saw dust city” today.


   Muskegon’s lumber cut this season will not exceed 175,000.000 feet.


   The fire in the Fourth ward this morning again echoes the need of better fire protection in that section of the city.


   Three new enterprises started in this city within the past month would in itself answer the question.  “Is Grand Haven booming?”


   Surveyors in the employ of the C. & W. M. road are now in Michigan City and it is thought that the road will extend its line to Chicago before the World’s Fair opens.


   A candy store and manufactory devoted to the wholesale trade, will soon be established in the building on northeast corner of first and Washington St.


   The steamers F. & P. M. No. 3 and Roanoke were detained in Milwaukee by the storm Wednesday night.  This is the first delay these boats have had for over a month.


   The general election will be held next November 8.  In order to vote however, foreigners must get out their first papers by May 8th.


   The projectors and incorporators of the new railroad to be built from this city to Grand Haven and called the Grand River Valley railroad have been announced as follows:  J. W. Boynton, Frank J. Lamb, David L. Silvan and four others.—Grand Rapids Press.





   One of the series of entertainments commenced by the ladies for the building a pavilion at the park will be given at the Opera House, Tuesday evening, March 15, consisting of a baby fair.  Keep your eye on the date.



An Early Morning Blaze.


   Early this morning while James Loch was in his greenhouse on Washington Ave. He discovered flames coming from what he thought a house on the lower end of Ferry street.  He immediately ran to the engine house and turned in an alarm.  The run, though a long one was made in an incredibly short time and the blaze was found to come from the barn and adjoining sheds of Peter Roosien.

   The flames had gained such headway, that it would have been useless to attempt to save the barn, and immediate steps were taken to save the animals.  The doors were broken open and one horse and a cow released, but one horse was already dead, having suffocated.

   Besides the horse, five tons of hay, tools, etc., were burned.  The insurance amounted to about $200.  The loss will approximate seven or eight hundred dollars.  The horse was owned by Martin Kieft, who is in company with Mr. Roosien in the celery business.

   After the fire had been extinguished the firemen were treated to a sumptuous breakfast by Mrs. Roosien, which they very much relished after several hours of hard work.

   Great courage was shown by Walter Fisher who released the cow when the barn was wrapped in flames and the heat so intense that its hair was burning.  Even after brought out the crazed animal was only restrained from entering the burning building by one of the fire laddies who heroically held on to her tail.





   The committee which was appointed by the Grand Rapids Board of Trade to consider the best course of a railroad between Toledo and Lake Michigan reported last night.  Their report is published below in full.

   Gentlemen―Your committee to whom was referred that portion of the several communications received from Col. A. E. Boone, requesting the body to indicate its preferences as to what places in Michigan a proposed line of railroad from Grand Rapids to Toledo and from Grand Rapids to the Sebewaing coal districts should pass through, beg leave to report that with a view of the greatest possible result to the commerce of the city of Grand Rapids, as well as to the financial interests of the proposed railroad lines, and having taken pains to fully acquaint itself with the topography of the country, and in every way having given the matte careful consideration, we unanimously recommend a line of road as indicated by the red ink markings on the attached copy of the state of Michigan

   The board will perceive that Grand Rapids is made the pivot point of the branches leading one in a northeastern and one in a southeastern direction.  The northeastern line passes through a well settled country, rapidly growing, going in a direction long desired by our wholesale merchants and reaching bodies of hardwood timber that so readily find a market in this manufacturing center.  The entire distance between Grand Rapids and Saginaw is covered by some of the finest farms in the state, supporting many popular and flourishing villages, the level surfaces of the land particularly well adapted for economical railroad construction.  The southeastern line, you will be pleased to note, traverses a very long section of that populous territory lying south of the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad and east of the Grand Rapids & Indiana Railroad, being entire without railroad facilities, and opening up, as it does the northeastern line, new avenues for jobbing and manufacturing interests of the city.  Other routes have been suggested, but the line herewith presented are the most feasible and practicable.  Your committee, while it has no such instructions from the board, has also indicated on the attached map a red outline as the most practicable route to Grand Haven, and take the liberty to make it part of their report. 


   The line selected is east of Grand river, it avoids the expense of bridging the river, and enters Grand Haven on ground especially adapted for depot grounds, and adding facilities close to deep water.  We have selected this line as it runs through a section of farming country not reached by any railroad, while the west side of Grand river is amply supplied with railroad facilities.  Your committee would further recommend that the board invite Col. Boone to visit Grand Rapids at an early date and request him to acquaint this board more fully with his plans and objects of the scheme.

Respectfully submitted,











   Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher yesterday, a boy.  Regulation size.


   Grand river is now free of ice the entire distance to Grand Rapids.


   The Grand Rapids Eagle says the police of that city have not been notified of the disappearance of Martin Doornbos.


   Capt. C. D. Thompson of Port Huron, owner of the steamer Roanoke and tug Merrick has appointed Capts. Martin and Wash. Harrow to command these boats respectively this season.


   A large number of strangers have been in town for the past few days.


   The icebergs along the lake shore have nearly disappeared.


   The public schools contributed $15.40 to the World’s Fair exhibit fund.


   Johnston Bros. are building a boiler five feet three inches by ten for a new Sheboygan tug.


   W. Phillips of this place has accepted the position of state organizer in behalf of the National Farmer’s alliance.  Mr. Phillips has already organized a number of alliances in different parts of the state.


   It is reported that steps will be taken to organize a Board of Trade to look after the interests of the city generally in a commercial way.  Grand Haven badly needs an organization of this kind and it is hoped the movement will be a success.


   The schooner Annie Dall, one of the oldest sailing craft on the lake, and which some years ago ran in here was recently sold by the Dall Brothers to Capt. Anderson of Milwaukee for $2,000.  She was built in 1848 and can carry 200,000 feet of lumber.


   Over 1000 volumes have been drawn each month this year from the public school library.  The supplementary catalogue of new books is now ready and can be secured by the librarian.  The plan of opening an hour Saturday evening seems to be appreciated as many are taking that opportunity to secure books.





   Judging from the wail of the Muskegon News, the Grand Rapids Board of Trade have thrown away the chance of a life time, by unanimously choosing Grand Haven instead of Muskegon as a lake port for the Black Diamond system of railroads.  The paper attempts to make people believe the reason prompting the selection to be because of jealousy, rivalry and such rot.  Will the news tell us in what way Muskegon is the rival of Grand Rapids, or why she should be jealous of the community that tolerates and keeps alive a newspaper of the style and caliber of the News, noted for its asinine imbecility and drivel. 

   The action of the Grand Rapids Board of Trade is the deliberate judgment of practicable business men, as to the relative merits of the two harbor cities, Muskegon and Grand Haven, and is a notice to the world that the methods and ways employed by the Muskegon News are contemptible and silly.

   The news in a way says, “there can be no question from a commercial point of view but what Muskegon would be the preferable terminus of the proposed road.”  But there does seem to be a question that comes from the business men of Grand Rapids, who know all about the commercial importance of your city.  Men who know that the light draft passenger boats of the Goodrich line were wind and sand bound, for weeks at a time in your mud hole of a harbor last fall.  It is because these men of business know you so well that they condemn you.  Ta ta, Mr. News.



Wanted to be Pulled.


   A tramp some what under the influence of liquor applied to Marshal VerHoef for arrest this afternoon.  The marshal informed him that the jail was full, and he had no cause to arrest him.  The fellow was working the night lodging racket, and told “Andy” that he would soon have some cause to be “pulled,” and walking down the street took a pair of shoes from the front of Brower’s shoe store.  He was made to put them back, but not deterred in the least went over to Juistema’s Bros. store and grabbed another pair.  He was arrested without more ado and if the charge of larceny is preferred against him, he will probably be given all the lodging he wants in the House of Correction.


   The Goodrich Transportation Co.,s steamers Virginia, Indiana, City of Racine, Atlanta, Chicago, Sheboygan and Muskegon are undergoing general necessary repairs and being put in first-class condition for next season’s business.  On the steel steamer Virginia the duplex air pumps are being replaced by the Knowles compound air pump, and the Howden system of force draft is being applied to the boilers, which changes are expect to increase her power 35 per cent.  Some slight alterations in the cabins for the convenience of passengers will be made.  A very powerful search-light will be placed on her foremast, by the aid of which small objects can, it is said, be seen at a distance of two miles.  It is of French manufacture and the same as those used on first-class cruisers of the navies of the world and is the first of that class to be used on any passenger or freight steamer either on the lakes or ocean.—Marine Record.




   Sand bricks, which are made from the blow sand from the lake shore are coming more into the favor of the builders each year.


The optimist already sees the spring

   in vale and hill:

The pessimist looks around and finds

   the signs of winter still.


   Cornelius Brown of this city shot a grey fox recently near Rosy Mound.  There have been only a few killed in this vicinity this winter.


   A. E. Winchester, formerly of the TRIBUNE, has purchased the East End News of Grand Rapids and will change that paper to the North End news.


  Newaygo will soon have a fine new court house costing $7,000, and yet the wealthier and more populous county of Ottawa will not spend a cent towards improving their barn-like structure.


   Lumbermen would like to see more snow in the lumbering regions, so that when the thaw comes everything will go with a rush.  If spring should set in now the water in the river would be very low which would badly hurt the lumber business.


   A Russian family named Fuhr will arrive in the city from Chicago tomorrow, to occupy land in Robinson sold them by Chas. Ronge


   Sheriff Vaupell went to Lansing this morning having in charge the youth Bert Nedervelt who was recently sentenced to the Reform school.


   The weather yesterday was characterized by a series of snow flurries, the sun shining through it all reminded one of a sunshiney summer shower.


  Walter Scott, Louis VanDrezer, Robert Scott and W. O. Connell, representing a Grand Haven athletic club, are in the city visiting Muskegon athletes and having a good time.—Muskegon News.


   Judge A. Howell was taken suddenly ill Saturday, and the taking of testimony in the water works was postponed.  He is now at his home in Detroit and his friends are alarmed about his condition.


   Rev. J. J. Vanzanten recently received a call from the Reformed church at North Holland.  He announced to his congregation yesterday, that he had declined the call.  The call to that place was an exceedingly tempting one, and the many friends of himself and estimable family will be pleased to learn that he will remain here.


National Attention.


   Grand Haven is getting great praise for the incomparable excellence of its harbor.  This has been a great year for the railroads doing a through freight business from that port.  Through the uninterrupted prosperity of many years the through freight business done through Grand Haven harbor has assumed such proportions as to attract national attention.—Grand Rapids Press.


   Andrew Powell was before Justice Pagelson this morning charged with the larceny of a pair of shoes from the front of Juistema Bros. shoe store.  He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 90 days in the Detroit House of Correction.  The sentence is not to his liking as he demurred on the way back to jail.


   Several business changes are mooted to occur the coming spring, which not the least of which promises to be in the Northern Hotel management.  With the close of May, Messrs. Sweet and Ford will dissolve partnership, Mr. Ford having arranged to connect himself with the Oaks House at Reed City.  Mr. Reed thinks it not unlikely that at the same time he will give up the Northern Hotel.  He says he has secured a lease for thirty years of the Park Association’s Hotel at Grand Haven (a delightful summer resort on the beach,) and will open the same the coming season.  When asked the reason for leaving the Northern, he says the rent is too high for the business done.  However, should a satisfactory arrangement be made, and he continue the Northern, he will furnish the Grand Haven Hotel from his Reed City property, and his wife go there and superintend the house; otherwise he will remove the Northern outfit to Grand Haven and go there himself.—Big Rapids Herald.




   A wreck on the C. & W. M. near Holland last night.


   Muskegon will probably get a $55,000 appropriation for its harbor.


   Fred Pfaff & Co. have just completed pipes to be used for heating purposes at S. Kilbourn’s factory.


   Loungers in the postoffice should refrain out of common decency from spitting tobacco juice over the walls and window-sills.


   At the village election in Spring Lake yesterday Aloys Bilz was elected President by 11 majority, over T. Savidge.


   Many flags about town are half mast today in respect of Asa Reynolds.


   Frank S. Wilson, formerly of this city, but now of Spring Lake, has been appointed general foreman of Kilbourn’s Kit Factory.  Frank is an A-1 business man and will push to success every thing he undertakes.


   You can vote for Mayor of the city next month and for President of the United States in November, but both elections sink into utter insignificance when compared with the ballot which will decide who has the prettiest baby, at the Opera House tonight.


   Mrs. Jane DeKoyer of Marshall and Mrs. M. Fisher of Grand Rapids are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John Mastenbroek and family.  This is the first time Mrs. DeKoyer has been here in 45 years.  At that time she had just arrived from the Netherlands and remained in this city but a short time going to Grand Rapids by then handsome river steamer Olive Branch.  In Grand Rapids she resided twelve years and then moved to Marshall, her present home.  Mrs. DeKoyer has a vivid recollection of the appearance of Grand Haven at that time.  Things have changed wonderfully, the principal part of the town then being across the river, where the D. & M. depot and freight houses were located.  The big sand hill across there she thinks considerably less in height than at the time she was here.  She was very much astonished at the big steamers that run in here, not having seen one since the time she was here.



Were the Words that were Heard all Over the City Last Night.


   Coming so suddenly and so soon after the death of Arie Woltman, the death of Asa Reynolds last evening was a great surprise and shock to his many friends in this city and vicinity.  Mr. Reynolds had been a sufferer for the past seven years with dyspepsia and indigestion, though this was not generally known.  Sunday he complained of not feeling well but on Monday morning went to the City Hall as usual saying he felt much better.  Having finished his duties he left for home shortly before 6 o’clock last evening and had just stepped outside when he was noticed to falter and fall by Rev. DeBruyn, who was passing.  While falling he made an effort to catch himself on a tree, but failed.  He was brought into the engine house and an effort made to revive him, but he was already dead.

   Asa Reynolds was born in Schrwon, Essex County, New York, January 12, 1830.  When about 10 years of age his parents moved to Ohio, settling at Massadona.  Shortly after they moved to Brechtsville, same state.  In 1862 he was married to Miss Frances D. Chaffe of the same place who survived him.  In the year 1864 they moved to Michigan settling at Bandon, this county.  For a year and a half this township was their home and they moved to this city where they have resided since.  Mr. Reynolds first engaged in the brick business but shortly afterward appointed Postmaster by P, Hamilton Jones Johnson preceded him.  For two terms thereafter Mr. Reynolds served efficiently as Postmaster, his last term expiring at the close of Gen. Grant’s administration.  When he was first appointed the postoffice was located in what is now Senator Ferry’s office on First Street, but it was shortly after moved to a building owned by Mr. Reynolds on the site of the present Odd Fellows’ Bock, and this in turn was moved further down the street, being Mr. Reynold’s present home. 

   This was the really first-class postoffice building here up to that time.

   As a postmaster his administration is spoken of as a model in all respects.

   Mr. Reynolds was a member of the Grand Haven Fire Department for many years, and was also assistant chief of the department for some time.

   In 1880 he was elected city marshal and served one term.

   In 1889 he was nominated on the Republican ticket for the office of city recorder and was duly elected.  At the time of his death he was serving his second term in that capacity.

   Mr. Reynolds leaves a wife and two sons to mourn his sad death.  The oldest son Fred is attending the Chicago Dental College, and Ernie is a member of the senior class of our high school.  Two sisters also survive him, Mrs. Chas, E. Wyman and Miss Sarah Reynolds of this city.

   The funeral will take place Thursday afternoon at two o’clock from the Presbyterian church, under the auspices of Ottawa Lodge No. 46 I. O. O. F. of which he was a member.

   Our citizens feel keenly the death of one who has served them so faithfully and well in official and other capacities, and it can be truly said that Grand Haven loses one of her best citizens.


   Bob Ingersoll is chief mogul in the reorganization of the Cincinnati, Jackson & Mackinaw Ry.  As it needs a terminal, and as Ingersoll’s disbelief in heaven will prevent his running it there, he should select the next best place, which is of course Muskegon.—Muskegon Chronicle.

   Bob knows well enough the difference between heaven and hades and as Muskegon and its harbor are an exemplification of the latter resort he will never bring his road there.




Postmaster Parish showed respect to the memory of Asa Reynolds by placing creped flags in the Post Office today.


   The steamers of the Detroit & Milwaukee line are booked to commence running on the route between this port and Milwaukee on April 25.  It is expected that the first boat of the line to put in an appearance will be the City of Milwaukee, that is said to have earned anew its title of the “floating palace.”—Muskegon News.


The Fair.

   The supper given at the Opera House last night for the benefit of Highland Park was a pleasant and successful affair.  The bill of fare was most excellent in every particular and although a large number of our citizens partook thereof there was an abundance left for another supper this evening.  Quite an interest was manifested in the voting for the handsomest baby.  When the polls closed the tally sheet showed 58 votes for Aggie Koster and 40 votes for Emma Pfaff.  Among the boy babies Henry Buswell distanced all others, receiving 22 votes.  The voting will be continued this evening and at the close, the little miss receiving the highest number of votes will be presented with a handsome dolly, and the young man with a rocking horse.  The ladies who have taken hold in this manner to improve Highland Park are deserving of encouragement and should be ably sustained in their noble efforts by our citizens.  The following is the vote in full received by each little girl:


Agnes Koster ........................................... 58
Emma Pfaff................................................ 42
Florence Wright......................................... 10
Ida Danhof................................................   7
Edith Simpson...........................................   1
Nattalie Farr.............................................   1
Mattie Lockie...........................................   2
Marguerite Vanderveen.............................   1
Carrie Johnston.........................................   1
Vera Pfaff.................................................   1
Miss Hutty................................................   5


The vote on the most popular young man resulted as follows:


Morris Vanderveen.........................   2
Henry Bussell................................. 22
Herbert Root.................................   9
Clare Simpson...............................   9
John Faraham................................   2





   The stars and stripes float from the farm of Geo. Miller today in honor of Irelands patron saint.


   Captain Rossman, for many years captain in the Goodrich Transportation Co.’s service has retired.  He will be remembered here as captain of the Racine and Atlanta.


   Died.  This morning at 11 o’clock Mr. F. Buckman at his home corner 2nd and Columbus St.  Mr. Buckman had been sick about a week with pneumonia.  He came here about 6 months ago and has been working for F. Pfaff & Co. since.  Before coming to this city his home had been in Portland, Me.  His death is particularly sad from the fact that he was very little known here, and had no relatives in this vicinity.  He is said to be a member of the Odd Fellows.



St. Patrick’s Church.


   Grand Haven Catholics have reason to be proud on this, their patron saints natal day.  The church was organized in 1867 with about 20 members, now it has over 80 families on its membership roll.  Before 1867 Catholic families attended services at Ferrysburg and Spring Lake, the priest coming from Grand Rapids or Muskegon.  The first priest of this church was Father Takken, who remained but short time.  After him came in succession, Fathers Murphy, Dalton, Caldwell, and before the arrival of Father O’Connor, Father Troy of Grand Rapids conducted services, and won a popular place in the hearts of the parishioners.  Father Murphy is now at Flint, Dalton at Manistee and Caldwell at Big Rapids.

   Thinking it might be of interest to older parishioners we herewith publish the names of several of the first families belonging to the church:  Capt. Kirby, Capt. Furlong, Patrick Doherty, James McCarthy, Jerry Haggerty, R. Connell, John Golden, Capt. Walker, A Lacrosse.  Most of these are still residents of this city.


   “The harbor at Grand Haven is open and has been all winter,” said N. R. Howlett at the Livingston today. “Boats are running to Milwaukee right along.  It is pretty cold at the Haven and when the wind comes off the lake a man feels like finding the lee side of a furnace.  I am caulking my boats and they will be ready for sea about April 15.”


   The whistle of the new river boat on the Grand will be heard ere long.  James Craig of the Craig Ship Building company at Toledo, was in Grand Rapids yesterday conferring with he stockholders in the “Valley City,” the new flat bottomed boat for Grand river.  Mr. Craig says the boat is nearly completed and will be delivered in Grand Rapids next week.  He has a photograph of the boat in his inside pocket and was exhibiting it to those interested in the matter.  His main object in coming was to arrange for freight rates for shipping the boat.  It will be shipped in sections, which will be placed in position on the bank of the river.




   Grover Cleveland is 55 years of age today.


   The old chestnut of patting candidates forward for the different city and county offices has begun.


   Master Henry Buswell, who received a prize at the baby contest in the Opera House Wednesday night, has very generously presented it, (a hobby horse) to a son of a poor widow.


   Appearances are sometime deceiving.  The temperature from the inside these days appears to be that of balmy spring time, while upon stepping outside the cold northeast wind puts an end to the illusion.


   Local steamship agents predict a heavy influx of foreigners to this vicinity this summer, the majority of whom will probably be from the Netherlands.


   The City Band gave their second concert of the season at the Opera House last evening and that it was a success goes with out saying.  The hall was crowded and every selection was received with applause, especially the concluding comic sketch, which turned the audience into an uproar.  The band is to be congratulated upon giving such entertainments, and is surely deserving all success.


   An exchange gives a list of classes of people who do a town no good, and retard improvement and progress.   The classes are:

   Those who go out of town to do their trading.

   Those who oppose improvements.

   Those who prefer a quiet town to one of push and business.

   Those who imagine they run the town.

   Those who think business can be done slyly without advertising.

   Those who disturb public spirited men.

   Those who oppose every movement that does not originate with themselves.

   Those who put on a long face when a stranger talks of locating in the city.

   Those who oppose every public enterprise which does not appear of personal benefit to them.

   Those who seek to injure the credit of individuals.

   Those who have property to sell and seek twice what it is worth.

   Those who have a pocketful of money and will not invest a cent without first being positive that they can make twenty or twenty-five percent on the investment.

   Those who cannot bear to see another man make a dollar without a feeling of envy.

   Those who haven’t enough business of their own to keep them out of other people’s affairs.

   Those who sit up nights thinking how they are going to get even with some-body who has offended them.


   The Muskegon News in speaking of the new river boat to ply between this city and Grand Rapids says:  It is understood that a narrow gauge iron track is to be laid on the river bed and that the keel of the boat is to be provided with iron rollers or wheels which will fit snugly over the rails so that the boat can be run something after the plan of the cash railway cars in the dry goods stores.  This will prevent the shutting down of navigation in dry weather.  The vessel will carry fore and aft sails, will have safety brakes and will be fully equipped with rubber boots in case of wrecks.

   Probably Mr. news thinks the scheme could be worked with advantage at your mud hole of a harbor.  Grand river will float boats ten miles up its course that would never attempt to make Muskegon harbor for fear of being grounded.




From the Grand River Times

No 8 - 9

August 27, 1851


[These issues of the Grand River Times, except for the Marine List were omitted from this compilation for lack of sufficient local news content].




   The time for the tearing down of the Spring Lake bridge has been postponed until Tuesday, on and after which date it will be impassable.


   About one hundred and fifty men crowded into Len Kameraad’s saloon on 7th St. last night, to witness the raffling of Peter Hamstra’s horse.  Number 89 drew the prize and the lucky possessor was Wm. McCambridge.  Many tickets had been sold, and much interest was shown in the drawing.


   Capt. John Lysaght has received official notice to open the life saving station and report for active duty April 1st.


   Capt. John Lysaght of the life saving station recently caught the largest fish this season, a sturgeon weighing 135 pounds.


   The Grand Rapids Democrat mentioned Hon. Dwight Cutler as a strong candidate for Governor from western Michigan on the republican ticket.


   Aldermen Thielman, Bryce, Kamhout and Nyland have been appointed by the council a committee to receive donations for the relief of famished Russia.  Contributions can be left at Baar’s and Vanderveen’s drug stores, where subscription papers will be found.


   The following is the list of officers appointed to the Goodrich Line for the season of 1892:  City of Racine—Capt. J. M. Gee, Engineer John Durr, Purser Wm. Herbert; Menominee—Capt. H. E. Stines, Purser Thomas Joyce; Atalnta—A. W. Rosman, Engineer B. Beerman, Purser F. Hughs.


   The Detroit News published the following in regard to the Black diamond railroad, dated from Grand Rapids:  “The Black diamond railroad system in which Calvin Brice is largely interested; has for two years past been figuring upon gaining a lake outlet by which to reach the north-west.  The system now extends from Zanesville to the Atlantic ocean and reaching into the richest of the Tennessee and Ohio coal fields.  An outlet to the north-west would be especially desirable, in view of the increased demand for coal from that region.  Col. Boone, who is acting as chief pusher for the proposed extension, made several visits to Grand Rapids last summer and also in 1890, seeking to interest local capitalists and incidentally looking up right of way matters, but at that time nothing was accomplished.  He has been there this spring and takes a fresh start by asking the board of trade to suggest the most feasible route for a railroad from that city to Toledo, there to connect with the system, and also for a line between that city to the Sebewaing coal fields in the Saginaw valley, and a route from that city to the lake.  According to the suggestions of the committee, the lie to Toledo will run midway between the Michigan Central and the Grand Rapids & Indiana railroads, to Battle Creek, and thence will extend about half way between the unoccupied territory to Coldwater, Reading, Waldron, Ontario and Moranel, and finally to Toledo.  The Sebewaing coal field route, as recommended, will strike Grattan, Belding, Carson City and Utica, and thence will run to Saginaw and the objective point by the most direct route possible.  The line to the waterfront will, if built as suggested, follow the south bank of the river to Jenison, and thence will run along the river, touching at half a dozen small towns along the way to Grand Haven.  Those roads will all run through rich farming countries, and will be far enough away from competing railroads to catch all the trade.  They will also make directly tributary to this city much territory that is now reached by teaming.”


 A Pleasant Affair.


   At 8 o’clock last night a party of about 150 members of the Second Reformed church met at the parsonage of their pastor Rev. J. J. VanZanten.  After every body had been seated Mr. C. Glerum made an address suitable to the occasion, and in behalf of the congregation presented to Rev. and Mrs. VanZanten a handsome book case as a token of the love and respect in which they are held.  Mr. VanZanten was taken completely by surprise but in a few grateful words thanked the congregation for the gift, which they bestowed upon him.  After this all sang “Blessed be the tie that binds,” in a fervent manner.  Refreshments were served by the ladies, and the remainder of the evening passed pleasantly singing and socially.  The affair will be long to be remembered by the pastor and his devoted congregation.




   A crew of men are here fitting up the steambarge Alice M. Gill.


   Nearly all the vessels moored here are now being fitted up for the opening of navigation.


   The engine of the steamer City of Grand Traverse is being compounded at Johnston’s foundry.


   Local marine men think general navigation will open before the 1st and 15th of April.


   2,600,000 feet of lumber (the last cut) were manufactured at Grand Haven and Spring Lake last year.


   An eel measuring 3 feet 8 inches was caught in the gill nets of the tug Meister commanded by Capt. Ed Obeke on Friday.


   Cornelius VerBerkmoes has moved his cigar factory into the building formerly occupied by S. K. Samuels.


   Grand Haven’s marine population was somewhat lessened today by several of them leaving for their boats to prepare for the opening of navigation.


   Cadillac has an ordinance requiring all small boys to be indoors by 8 o’clock in the evening.  It probably would not be a bad idea to have such an ordinance here.


   While we are preparing for the World’s Fair, let it not be forgotten that judicious advertising will bring many visitors to Ludington while the fair is open.—Ludington Record.

   This is a good point for Grand Haven citizens to remember.


   The Ionia reformatory has 352 inmates and every one is now employed.  Grand Haven has more than its quota in the institution, mostly tramps, of which a large number have been sentenced from here in the past three or four months.


   Robert McCarty, the man who shot the noted Detroit tough and desperado, John Considine, Saturday night, was a brother of the noted Jerry McCarty who was in jail here so long for the robbery of Sheriff Woltman’s house and the later stabbing affray with George Walker.  This brother, it may be remembered, was in the city during the trial working in his behalf,


   One of our citizens was up to Muskegon the other day and was approached by a prominent resident of that burg who asked him “how the ice was in the river and when will the boats commence running?”  Muskegon people are probably not aware that several heavy draught boats have run here every day this winter, while their pond is yet embraced in icy fetters.


   Ed Miner, Will Garvey and Harry Boyer representing a Muskegon athletic club are in town, and are having as good a time as they showed our boys when there.


   The steamer J. c. Ford formerly owned by Capt. Kirby will be in the general freight business this season, instead of the iron ore business as formerly.  Capt. Sid Scott will command her this season.


   Some unregenerate villain has been smashing eggs on the Episcopal church door.  The person or persons committing such despicable acts should be arrested, which would probably relieve them of an over surplus of cuteness.


   Geo. B. Parks left for Grand Rapids today where he has taken the management of the Merchant’s Dispatch Transportation Co.


   Jerry Boynton is in the city today and reports every thing booming.  He will leave shortly for Pittsburg and the east to work up the capital of the projected road.




   Crosby & Co. of Muskegon have obtained the contract to fill in 300 cords of stone in old revetment work at the pier.


   Jennie and Reka Dufany and a girl named VanderBoet, three female bums from Holland, were landed in the jail yesterday afternoon, having been brought here by the marshal of Holland.


   The residence of Mrs. David Miller more familiarly known as the Garnsey house was discovered to be on fire this afternoon while Mrs. Miller was absent.  When the firemen arrived the house was filled with smoke, but the fire was extinguished after a long fight.  The fire started in the kitchen, but the damage done was mostly by smoke and water.  Loss not learned.


   While the residence of Mrs. Miller was burning this afternoon it was learned that a trunk containing many valuable articles was in the building.  The room where it was located was filled with the densest smoke, but Simon Lamoroux of Muskegon and William Walker of this city volunteered to get it out.  Their bravery was cheered to the echo of onlookers, when they appeared with the trunk.  Mr. Lamoroux was in the city being examined by Capt. Robbins before taking a position in the Frankfort life saving station.


   The house committee has recommended the following Michigan appropriations:


Frankfort to complete and repair $10,800
Grand Haven to complete   40,000
Grand Marias, refuge   30,000
Manistee to complete and repairs   60,000
Holland (Black Lake)     6,000
Muskegon, to complete and repairs   15,000
Pentwater complete and repair     5,000
Sand Beach refuge, to complete   16,000
St. Joseph   50,000
South Haven   10,000
White River   50,000
Marquette   60,000
Ludington    6,000
Petoskey  20,000



    G. W. A. Smith, a well known lumberman of Grand Haven and of White Hall, is stopping at the New Livingston.  “We are justly proud of our town,” said Mr. Smith, “for its material and numerous growth.  Our celery industry is one of Grand Haven’s specially promising features.  We do not calculate that it is on a par with our lumber interests, which is gradually declining as the timber is cut away.  The table luxury, however, is something that will be present and lasting.  Our transportation facilities are first class, our harbor has been open every day this winter, and we have daily communication with the west by freight steamers across the lake.  With the Detroit & Milwaukee road as a feeder the amount of traffic down at our docks would surprise you.  As soon as we get the new railroad from this city to Grand Haven the business will be doubled, and things will be much busier.  It is already in a process of survey and I think by the middle of the summer some definite action will have been settled upon and the thing will assume a more realistic aspect.  Our town is also blossoming out as a summer resort as you know.  We already have eighty cottages built on the bluffs for resorters, and the summer will see many more erected.—G. R. Herald




   Two tramp scissor grinders arrived from the south yesterday.


   The Canadian government has contracted for three new revenue cutters for the lakes.


   The firemen wish to thank W. VanSlyck, John Klaver, Capt. Miller and others for aid furnished them at the burning of Mrs. Miller’s residence yesterday.


   Mr. J. J. Danhof will not open a tailor shop in his building on Washington street but is fitting it up for a new millinery establishment from Chicago which will open about April 1st.


   The contract for building a new crib at the pier goes to Truman & Cooper of Manitowoc for $1,590.  The crib will be 30 by 100 feet.


   The mission at St. Patrick’s church is being well attended.  Fr. O’shea proves a very pleasant speaker.  His sermons after the 9:00 o’clock mass in the morning and those in the evening at 7:30 are listened to by a large number of people.  Tomorrow he will be joined by a large number of Priests, who speak the French, German and Holland languages.  The following are expected:  Fr. Calrk, Grand Rapids, Fr. Franken, Grand Rapids, Fr. Gossen, big Rapids, Fr. Mangan, Muskegon.


   If a C. & W. M. conductor ever got abused it was the one on the passenger that arrived at 2:10 yesterday afternoon.  It happened this way:  The Julia Marlowe theatrical company took passage at Muskegon and were to change at Ferrysburg to take the D. G. H. & M. train for Grand Rapids where they were to fill an engagement last evening, but the conductor did not inform them when that station was reached.  It did not come into his mind until midway between Ferrysburg and this city.  The manager of the company became very wrathy but the difficulty was patched up by flagging the D. & M. train at the curve near the bridge and landed the troupe on board.





   The Democratic ward caucuses were held last evening.  In the report below the chairman and secretary of the caucus, nominees for aldermen and constable, and delegates and ward committees are given:



   Chairman—Martinus DeGlopper.

   Secy—Chas. T. Pagelson.

   Ald—James Lewis

   Constable—Gerrit J. Hilderink.

   Delegates—Wm. VanDrezer, M. Kamhout, Gustav Krause, Charles Hass, James Lewis, Henry Pellegrom, August Kraatz, M. DeGlopper.

   Ward Committee—M. Kamhout, C. T. Pagelson, James Lewis.



   Chairman—S. H. Boyce.

   Secy—Wm. F. Somers.

   Ald—Sherman H. Boyce.

   Constable—Lesander Davidson.

   Delegates—Wm. Thieleman, H. S. Boyce, Lesander Davidson, Charles Seligman, H. Vandenberg, William Fritz, Fred Albers.

   Ward Committee—John Brandstetter, Fred Albers, Phillip Rosbach.  



   Chairman—Geo. D. Sanford.

   Secretary—Fred D. Vos.

   Ald—Albert Vandenberg.

   Constable—Peter Vanweelden.

   Delegates—E. Mull, L. Fisher, Wm. Mieras, Dick Danhof, Wm. R. Loutit, C. Baker, Wm. Baker, Ed Stuveling, Loendort Kameraad, Andrew Verhoef, Fred Yonker, tony VanToll, Peter Deheer, J. D. Duursema, Ed.Hollstelle.

   Ward Committee—W. J. Baker, P. Vanweelden, Albert Vandenberg.  



   Chairman—Dick Verwy

   Secy—D. C. Wachs.

   Alderman—Dick Verwy.

   Constable—Walter Fisher.

   Delegates—Aart Donker, Henry Donker, H. Rossien, D. C. Wachs, D. Verwy, Walter Fisher.

   Ward Committee—D. C. Wachs, Dirk Verwy, Fred Groneveldt.





   Tomorrow afternoon and evening Wright’s Confectionery, opposite P. O. will be open to the public.  No enterprise of its kind on so large a scale has ever before located in this city.  The building occupied has been fitted up to accommodate a large stock.  Its shelves are filled with the choicest of bonbons, candies, chocolates, etc., a larger and better line than any in the city.  A line of the choicest domestic and Havana cigars can also be had there.  rooms will also be fitted out for ice cream and soda parlors during the warm months.  Nearly all the sweets will be manufactured by themselves in their candy kitchen.  They also have a large stock of the celebrated Walter M. Downey’s chocolates.  Mr. Wright, the manager, is a business like gentleman and all visitors will be assured of due courtesy.  Everybody is cordially invited to attend to see and partake for themselves.







   The death of Mrs. Geo. F. Mulder occurred this morning at her home on Fulton street from apoplexy.  She had been in her usual good health Monday and had stepped out doors in the afternoon when her son’s  family, who live next door, heard a scream and went out to investigate.  They found Mrs. Mulder leaning against the fence with a strange look in her face.  She was led into the house and lapsed into an unconscious condition, she was in this condition until 4 o’clock this morning, when she died.  Mrs. Mulder was born in the Netherlands, January 9, 1820 and had lived in this city 48 years.  Her husband died July 26, 1882 at the age of 73.  Four sons and one daughter survived her as follows:  Mrs. Wm. Vandermeiden of this city, Henry Mulder of Duluth, Christian Frederick Mulder of Sullivan, John Mulder of St. Ignace and Wm. And Herman of this city.





   Mrs. Karoline Behm died suddenly from apoplexy this morning at the home of her son, Mr. Louis Behm, and family.  She was just arising, it being near seven o’clock when her little granddaughter happened into her chamber and found her sitting on the bed but looking queerly.  She died shortly afterward, the physician in attendance ascribing death due to apoplexy.  Mrs. Behm was 76 years old.  Two sons and three daughters survive her as follows, Louis Behm, Fred Behm, Mrs. Charles Hass, Mrs.Wm. Zoerner and Mrs. Cremer all of this city.  Funeral will be held Friday at two o’clock from St. Paul’s German Evangelical church.




   The tanners of this city contributed liberally to the striking tanners of Milwaukee.


   The number of sudden deaths from heart disease and apoplexy in this city within the the past month occasions much comment.





   The men that were prominent in the early days of Ottawa county have nearly all disappeared from the active walks of life and the few that are are still among us are being gradually summoned to the world beyond.

   John H. Newcomb, the father of the village of Spring Lake and for fifty years a prominent figure in Ottawa county, answered that summons at 7 a.m. today.

   Mr. Newcomb was born in Westford, Otsego county, N. Y., May 29, 1811, attended the common schools of Onondaga county and spent most of his early days on a farm.  In the fall of 1831 he removed to Rochester, N. Y. and engaged in the manufacture and sale of lumber, and three years alter went to Grand Isle, Erie county, where he manufactured ship planks for the eastern markets and displayed a degree of mechanical ingenuity that attracted the attention to him as a mill-wright and machinist.  He came to Michigan in 1837 to assist in the erection of a sawmill in Muskegon, which, when completed, was paced under his supervision until May, 1840, when owing to severe injury to his arm, he was obliged to suspend business operations.  He spent a year in the states of Wisconsin and Illinois, mainly in the city of Chicago and came to Mill Point, now Spring Lake, June 1, 1841.

   Here he built the first house, and erected a sawmill for Barber & Mason, which he operated for them until the fall of 1842, when he removed to Chicago and as agent for that firmed had charge of their lumber sales until the firm dissolved in 1848.  March 16, 1848, Mr. Newcomb was married to Frances Sinclair of Chicago, who after a happy union of nearly half a century, survives him with their only daughter Miss Lydia, who has for some time been prominent in the lecture field of physical culture and temperance and came home some two weeks ago to be with her father in his closing hours.

   March 31, 1848, Mr. Newcomb returned to Spring Lake, improved and enlarged the saw mill and operated it until 1858, when it was destroyed by fire.  He rebuilt it the same year and continued to manufacture lumber for five years more.

   In January, 1859, he opened a general store, and until 1868 was the leading merchant of the village of Spring Lake.  For some years thereafter he devoted part of his time to real estate and insurance, and although he has of late led a quiet, peaceful life to which his years and attachment to home and family naturally inclined, he never lost interest in his neighbors and their welfare, and to the last performed such duties, official and otherwise, as still devolved upon him always prompt in business affairs and official duties and a safe and reliable counselor.

   Mr. Newcomb, although never seeking office, held many responsible official positions.  He was collector of internal revenue from the time the tax was first levied until the death of Abraham Lincoln.  For some years he was a member of the school board and as its director gave much valuable advice and time in superintending the erection of Spring Lake’s commodious school building.  He never joined a church, but he and his estimable wife were among the most regular attendants of services in the Presbyterian church of which he was a trustee from the time it was organized, (June 3, 1861,) serving most of the time as treasurer, and died in the harness.

   Politically Mr. Newcomb was a Republican, but his temperance principles induced him to join the prohibition party.

   His memory will long be cherished as that of a man of strict integrity, always kind, calm and considerate, and one of a class of men that we can ill afford to spare.  His end, like his life was calm and peaceful.  With mental faculties unimpaired, and no special ailments, but having reached more than the average time allotted to mortal men his bodily mechanism gradually but surely neared that point when his friends knew it would refuse to do duty longer.  Although he still set up more or less nearly every day, and conversed intelligently on all subjects, his words have for several days been almost too faint to understand.  He arose this morning without assistance, seated himself in his easy chair and without a struggle ceased to breath.

   Funeral from the residence at 2:30 p.m. on Friday.

   Spring Lake Mich., March 23, 1892


    The marine quarter of the town presents a lively appearance now-days, all the boats moored here are caulked and fitted up for the coming season.


   La Belle Point association filed articles of incorporation Tuesday and will do business in Muskegon and Ottawa counties, with headquarters at Spring Lake.  The capital, stock is $50,000, held by Chicago parties.  The business is that of dealers in summer resort property, for the present exclusively at Spring Lake.


   MR. EDITOR—One of the tanners refused to donate to the striking tanners of Milwaukee, claiming that it conflicted with his religious convictions.  Now do you think it would conflict with his religious convictions if he and his family were in want, to accept if some neighborly brothers’ should donate them a small amount?



   The late Mrs. Chas. F. Connell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hiler, was born in Penfield, Monroe county, N. Y., November 3, 1866.  When five years old, she came with her parents to this state.  April 6, 1881, she was married to Chas. Connell.  Grand Haven was their home until four years ago when they moved to Pullmanville, Ill.  She died March 20, 1892, leaving a husband and three small children who deeply mourn their loss.  The funeral was held yesterday afternoon at 2 o’clock from St. John’s church.





Miss Rebecca Richmond’s Generosity.


   Within two or three days Akeley Institute has been the recipient of a most generous gift.  A year ago Miss Rebecca Richmond of Grand Rapids gave $500 for the endowment of a Lectureship in the institute.  On Monday of the present week Miss Richmond increased the amount to $3,000 in bond for the endowment of two lectureships.  The one is to be called “The Arethusa Hull Lectureship,” and each year some person is to deliver before the members and friends of Akeley Institute a lecture on “Woman in the Home and Country.”

   The second is “The Jeanette Ferry Lectureship,” and each year a missionary lecture is to be delivered in the institute on missionary work and motives  the interest from the invested funds goes to the lecturers.

   The lectureships are named after old school friends of Miss Richmond, who is desirous of having their names connected with the school in which she herself is so warmly interested.  It is a matter of interest to the people of Grand Haven that “The Jeanette Ferry Lectureship,” is named after Mrs. Wm. Montague Ferry, for many years a resident of this city.

   Miss Richmond is working earnestly to raise means for completing the new Hall.




   There are still ten inches of ice on Muskegon lake.


   The steamer Milwaukee is receiving a spotless coat of white paint.


   School left out for the spring vacation this noon.


   An assistant from the signal office has been appointed and will arrive in a few days from St. Paul.


   The tug McCormick owned by Capt. T. W. Kirby, has been sold to Saugatuck parties.  She left for there this morning.


   The work of tearing down the Spring Lake bridge is going on rapidly.  Robert Convey has charge of the job.


   The little steamer E. M. B. A., Capt. Coates, arrived to-day from Chicago to be fitted out at the Grand Haven shipbuilding Co.’s yards.  Her captain says no ice was found between here and Chicago.  She is engaged in passenger traffic on Lake Superior, and is the first steamer other than the regular winter boats, to arrive here since the closing of navigation.


   Sheriff Vaupell escorted the Vanderboef and two Dufany girls to Holland this morning to have a hearing.


   The mission being conducted at St. Patrick’s church by Rev. Fr. O’Shea, is largely attended by people of all denominations who do not fail to appreciate the excellence of the explanations of the Catholic doctrine.  Those who heard the discourse last evening on “The Confessional” cannot fail to understand this much disputed doctrine.  The instruction this evening will be concerning “The Holy Eucharist;” tomorrow evening, “The Mother of God;” Sunday evening. The Sacred Heart;” closing on Monday evening with a special discourse on “The One True Church,” which it is earnestly desired that all should hear.






   Married, at 8 p.m. last evening, at the residence of the groom on Franklin Ave., Miss Maggie Beihl of wheeling, West Virginia, to Mr. Will Bishop of this city.  Rev. J. E. Wilkinson performed the ceremony.  Mr. and Mrs. Bishop will commence housekeeping at once at their pleasant home, with the congratulations and well wished of their many friends.  We sampled some of the wedding cake for which we extend our thanks.






Robert Finch heads the Ticket for Mayor.


   The Democratic city convention was called to order promptly at 8 o’clock last evening by the chairman of the committee, Jacob Vanderveen.  On motion of Dirk Verwy, Sherman H. Boyce was elected temporary chairman.  Mr. Boyce expressed his thanks to the convention in a short speech.

   On motion Wm. Loutit was elected temporary secretary.  The chair appointed J. D. Duursema and Henry Pellegrom tellers and balloting was commenced for Mayor.  The first and only ballot resulted:  Finch, 22, Kirby 12, G. D. Sanford 2.  Mrs. Finch having received the majority of the votes cast was declared nominated.

   The convention then proceeded to nominate a city recorder with the following result, Wm. N. Angell, 26, C. T. Pagelson 10.

   Thirty-five votes were cast for city treasurer of which Jacob Vanderveen received 18, Albert C. Vanberg 10 and 7 scattering.

   The vote for marshal resulted in the renomination of Andrew Verhoef by the following vote, A. Verhoef 29, Lysander Davidson 14, and scattering 2.

   There were three justice of the peace to nominate, one for full term of 4 years, one for 3 years and one for one year, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Asa Reynolds.  These were all nominated by acclamation as follows,

Four years term—C. T. Pagelson.

Three years term—Wm. N. Angell.

One year term—Willian Mieras.

   On motion of John D. Duursema Rev. James K. Lewis was nominated school inspector.

   The convention then elected Jacob Vanderveen, chairman, Wm. R. Loutit secretary and Henry Pellegrom, of the Democratic City committee for the ensuing year.

   Each ward then voted separately for delegates to the county convention; but on a point raised by Fred D. Vos the result was annulled, it not being clear to the convention, whether such delegates could be elected without previously issuing a call for such.  A caucus will now have to be held by each ward to nominate delegates.

   The work of the convention closed with the 1st and 2nd and 3rd and 4th wards separating and balloting for supervisor.  John C. Brandstetter was nominated from the First and Second and Simon Stuveling from the Third and Fourth.


   The supper given at the Opera House last week for the benefit of Highland park pavilion fund netted $40.40.  It will soon be followed by other entertainments for the same purpose.  The ladies are desirous of raising a sufficient amount to warrant them in beginning to build as soon as the weather will permit.  As it is something in which all citizens and especially those who have not cottages there should feel an interest.  The ladies hope that all will respond to their efforts by giving them material support and a place will be provided that will not only be an addition to the park but of personal comfort to all who may wish to spend a few hours or a day there.



Diabolical Cruelty.


   Our usual quiet community [Agnew] is badly stirred up over a case of unusual cruelty equaling some of the stories of the Redskins depravity in early days.

   Every person in this neighborhood and many in Grand Haven city know Aaron Barber, a harmless Christian pioneer, who settled on a homestead here in the 60’s.  He has been considered always a little weak minded and getting into some family difficulties (through no fault his) it troubled him so much he had to be sent to the insane asylum about four years ago, but as he was entirely harmless they sent him back.  Since then he has been living on his homestead with his wife until last fall.

   At that time a stranger came along and by fair promises managed to buy the homestead of the old people giving payment a second mortgage, (there being a mortgage on the land.)  he then got possession of their winter provisions and turned the old folks out doors.

   After a time the old man went back to the homestead, the stranger putting him to work cutting wood and Barber being too old and weak he was not able to do much.  Barber says that the stranger, whose name is Blowers whipped him nearly every day for the last six weeks and had his two boys pound him with sticks and burn him with red hot irons.  Blowers threatened to kill him and bury him in the cellar if he told any person.

   The old man is in a sad condition being one mass of bruises, burns and sores.  Supervisor Saul on Tuesday went and took Barber away from Blowers leaving him at present at the home of his stepson.  Let the punishment of this fiend be swift and sure or it will not be possible to keep the people from taking the law into their own hands.




   The passenger trade is good over the C. & W. M. and the D., G. H. & M. roads.


   Grand Haven will have a ball team this season, and a good one,—Muskegon, beware!


   The steamer Lizzie Walsh will be commanded by Capt. Van Ry of Holland this season.


   During the past term which has been unusually marked by sickness among children in the city, 162 pupils in the public schools have neither been absent nor tardy and received honorary certificates at the close.  Miss Gertrude Pellegrom’s room at Columbus St. school led the list by issuing twenty certificates.


   The Detroit Tribune in speaking of R. A. McCarty’s (the shooter of John Considine) attendants states that he has a brother Jack, evidently meaning the notorious Jerry, who is one of the hardest criminals in the business.  It further says:  “That Jack was the murderer of a Chicago man and also a seaman on Lake Michigan.”  While here one of the affairs in which he was connected nearly ended in murder, the stabbing of Geo. Walker, but he was acquitted of the charge.  Where he is now is not known.


   A base ball team was organized last evening composed of twelve of the best players in the city.  A good ball team and a good game of ball is some thing to be relished in Grand Haven and our citizens should contribute liberally to its support.


   Two of Uncle Sam’s pensioners arrived from Grand Rapids last evening on their way to the Soldiers Home in Milwaukee.  Pension money did not last long after their arrival but instead whiskey took its place and they were soon landed in jail.  They were sentenced to 8 days in the county jail by Justice Pagelson this morning.






   The several Republican ward caucuses last evening were largely attended.   In the following report the chairman and secretary of the caucus, nominees for alderman and constable, delegates to the city and county conventions and the ward committees are given.



Chairman―Joseph Palmer

Secretary―Robt. Redeke.

Alderman―John D. Vos.

Constable―Gerrit Brouwer.

Delegates city convention―Joseph Palmer, Gerrit Brouwer, John Decator, Francis M. Dennis, Martin Kieft, Ferdinand Harbeck, William Sleutel, Harry Oaks, Peter Nederveldt,

Delegates county convention―Ferdinand Harbeck, John D. Vos, Baltus Pellegrom          

Ward Committee― Joseph Palmer, F. M. Dennis, William Sleutel,



Chairman―George W. McBride

Secretary―Capt. F. A. Mansfield.

Alderman―Joseph Koeltz.

Constable―Curtis W. Gray.

Delegates city convention―Geo. W. McBride, John Neil, Chas. N. Dickenson, Joseph Koeltz, O. J. Parker, Louis Bon, F. A. Mansfield.

Delegates county convention―G. W. McBride, F. A. Mansfield.         

Ward Committee―Sherman Dickinson, F. A. Mansfield, H. H. Haines.



Chairman―Geo. A. Farr.

Secretary―Adam S. Kedzie.

Alderman―Cornelius Boss.

Constable―Derk Bottje.

Delegates city convention― Cornelius Boss, Geo. A. Farr, Edward Vander Zalm, Jas. P. Armstead, Jacob Nemire, Cornelius Van Zanten, Geo. D. Turner, George Stickney, Derk Bottje, W. G. Van Slyck, Adam S. Kedzie, E. P. Cummings, Folkert Van Zanten, Adrian Ver Berkamoes, Martin Everts, Chas. E. Soule, Covert Van Zantwick, John Glerum, John Bryce, W. C. Sheldon.

Delegates county convention―Geo. A. Farr, Cornelius Boss, Geo. W. A. Smith, Silas Kilbourne, John Bryce, Geo. D. Turner, A. Ver Berkemoes, A. S. Kedzie.         

Ward Committee―Geo. D. Turner, Cornelius Boss, John Bryce.



Chairman―Cornelius Nyland.

Secretary―John M. Lockie.

Alderman― John M. Lockie.

Constable―Arend J. Klaver.

Delegates city convention―Herman Nyland, John Vaupell, J. M. Lockie, James Franks, John Vos, Arend J. Klaver, Richard Dykema, Henry Bolt.

Delegates county convention―C. Nyland, John Vaupell, Arend J. Klaver.         

City committee―H. G. Nichols, John Nyland.

   The delegates to the city convention from this ward were instructed for Silas Kilbourne for mayor and A. J. Klaver for marshal.


   The weather, variable for a week, gave us yesterday a perfect Spring day.  There was almost a Summer sunset on the lake and but for the presence of the ice which still fringes the shore, giving gentle reminders of its presence to the unwary person without an overcoat, one might almost imagine Spring well along.


   The Democrats have put together a strong ticket in the field.  No one can deny the eminent fitness of the head of the ticket to occupy the position of Mayor.  Mr. Finch is a man of sterling integrity and capable in every way of filling the position.  We shall see what we shall see.






   The Democratic ward committee of the third ward have nominated Levi Scofield for alderman in place of Albert C. Vandenberg resigned.


   Jennie Dufany, one of the notorious Dufany sisters, has been sentenced from Holland to 80 days in the county jail for disorderly conduct.


   John Massicote, laborer formerly in the employ of the Spring Lake Iron Company at its smelting furnace at Fruitport, commenced suit in the Muskegon County Court Saturday for $10,000 damages.  He was injured Feb. 26 while wheeling ore from the dock to the furnace hoist, a pile of frozen ore falling upon him and breaking his arm so as to permanently cripple him.


   Snakes are already making their appearance.  Sam King, manager of the Miller farm killed a large one on Ferry St., yesterday.


   According to the Detroit Tribune, Ottawa county stands first in the state in the sugar beet industry.  The average tons per acre is 29 with 16.59 percent sugar.


   In order that the public may keep tab on Jerry Boynton’s intentions, that a gentleman has given out the following card for publication:  “I desire to answer questions asked me daily, which are something like the following: What railroad scheme are you at work at now?”  I am trying, with the aid of parties interested along the line, in this city and at Grand Haven, to build a double track railroad from this city to Grand Haven, there to connect by boat for Chicago and Milwaukee.  The road is being projected for the purpose of heavy freight road for east and west traffic, with a belt line at Grand Haven and Grand Rapids.  Boats will be owned by the railroad company constructing it and will run in connection with it.  During the heated season it is the intention of the Grand River Railroad company to run passenger trains hourly from the union depot to Highland Park and the beach.  ‘Will the road be built?’  To this question I have only to say that I have enlisted for the war—more or less.” —Grand Rapids Herald.




People’s Party Convention.


   The People’s Party City convention was held in D. C. Wach’s office Saturday evening.  The convention was called to order by Chairman D. C. Wachs and the following ticket was nominated.  Mayor, Thomas W. Kirby; Recorder, Wm. N. Angell; Marshal, Areud J. Klaver; Treasurer, Jacob Vanderveen; Justice of the Peace full term, Chas. T. Pagelson; Justice of the Peace, three years, Wm. N. Angell; Justice of the Peace, one year, John VanDonges; School Inspector, R. L. Lewis; Supervisor, 1st and 2nd ward, Byron W. Parks; Supervisor, 3rd and 4th wards, Simon Stuveling; Alderman 1st ward, J. K. Lewis; Alderman 2nd ward, Joseph Koeltz; Alderman 3rd ward, Jacob Glerum; Alderman 4th ward, Derk Verwey; Constable 1st ward, Ed Stokes; Const., 2nd ward, Curtis W. Gray; Const., 3rd ward, Peter VanWeelden; Const., 4th ward, Walter Fisher.  The present city committee was reelected for the ensuing year.




   Henry Fisher and family moved into the old city water works building today.


   The Ferrysburg and Grand Haven base ball club played at Ferrysburg Sunday.  The score was even, 7 to 7.


   It is reported that Col. Wm. M. Ferry was among the injured in the recent railroad accident near Park City, Utah.


   In the spring of 1855 navigation was not open at the straits until June 18 and the earliest opening since that time was in 1890, when passages were reported April 15.


   Will Clark and Thos. Knight have purchased the flour and feed store of Clark & Lum and will continue the business at the old stand, next to the post office.


   The family of Barney Cleveringa moved from the old city water works building to their former home on the beach, yesterday.  Mr. Cleveringa will be member of the life saving crew this year.


   The alderman ticket put up by the People’s Party has been declared not legal as the new election law requires that a ward caucus shall alone nominate for that office and not a general convention.


   Rev. Father O’Shea who has been engaged in mission work in St. Patrick’s church, was one of the spiritual advisors of the anarchists hung at Chicago.


   According to Prof. Totten of Yale, tomorrow will be the judgment day.


   The report that has been circulating around town that Robert Finch had declined the nomination of Mayor on the Democratic ticket is not so, and Mr. Finch tells us that he is in the field to stay.


   Charles Wilson has been employed by Robert Finch in dredge work for a number of years, and by a singular coincidence has met with an accident the first day of every season he has been working.  Last Friday the dredge was put to work on the Spring Lake bridge, and during the course of the day, Mr. Wilson kept up his reputation by falling in the river.





Silas Kilbourn for Mayor.

   The republican city convention was called to order promptly at 8 o’clock last night by the chairman of the city committee, John Vaupell.  Mr. Vaupell called Geo. D. Turner to the chair, and Adam S. Kedzie was elected temporary secretary.  On motion the temporary chairman and secretary were made permanent.  Committee on credentials and tellers were appointed and the roll called with all present but two delegates.

   It was on motion adopted that the chairman of the two ward delegations, representing the wards of the absent delegates should cast the vote for those delegates.

   It was at this point that a lengthy joint debate took place between Messrs. Farr and McBride.  Through some misunderstanding it was understood that the city committee elected at the ward caucuses were to elect a city chairman.  Mr. Farr held that this was not right and that the delegate assembled should elect a chairman.  Mr. McBride, on the other hand, thought that the committee should.  On motion it was adopted that the city convention should elect a chairman for the ensuing year.

   A committee on order of business was then appointed and reported, the first work being the nomination of mayor.  An informal ballot was taken with the following result:  S. Kilbourn, 27; T. W. Kirby, 17.  Mr. Kilbourn, having the majority of votes cast, it was on motion declared that he be the nominee.

   The remainder of the nominations were acclaimed as follows:

   Recorder—W. G. Van Slyck

   Treasurer—Daniel Gale.

   Marshal—Arend J. Klaver.

   Justice of the Peace, full term—W. G. Van Slyck.

   Justice of the Peace, 3 years—Joseph Palmer.              

   Justice of the Peace, 1 year—George A. Farr.

   School Inspector—Re. P. DeBruyn.

   The convention then elected John Vaupell Chairman of the city committee for the ensuing year.

   The work of the convention closed with the 1st and 2nd and 3rd and 4th wards separating and balloting for supervisor.  Wm. Slentel was renominated supervisor of the 1st and 2nd wards by acclamation.  For supervisor of the 3rd and 4th wards a ballot was taken.  Johanne F. Vos received 13 and Folkert Van Zanten, 12.  Mr. Vos was declared the nominee.




   The tug Kaiser Wilhelm which it will be remembered went down in Spring Lake last fall is being raised by her Capt. Joslyn.


   It is thought that the new cutter to take the place of the Andy Johnston will be ready by the time the world’s fair opens.  The Johnston will act as tender to the line of battle ship, Illinois during the year.


   One would not imagine that the passenger trade over the lake at this season would amount to much, but the Roanoke and Wisconsin carry from a dozen to twenty every trip.  The F. & P. M. boats running between Milwaukee and Ludington also carry a large number.


   Jerry Boynton was in the city to day and reports the new railroad progressing nicely.  Everything points now to the success of the venture.  This railroad with its bolt line connections will be worth to Grand Haven many thousands of dollars and all the encouragement possible should be shown by our citizens to it and its projectors.


   The propellor H. A. Root, Capt. H. W. smith arrived this morning at 9:00 o’clock from Michigan City to be inspected.  She will leave for Muskegon to load lumber, as soon as the ice breaks up in Muskegon lake.  The Root is the first clearance from Michigan City and the second arrival here, other than the regular winter boats, this season.


   The fish tug Meister when about 8 miles in the lake, Monday, became disabled and was towed in by the Auger.


   Geo. Clark who is employed as a hired man at the farm of Mrs. Dan Connell in Grand Haven township was arrested Monday evening for fast driving by Marshal Verhoef.  He was brought before Recorder Angell but his hearing was postponed and he was released on his own recognizance to secure bail.  He has not made his appearance since and inquiry reveals the fact that he left Mrs. Connell’s farm the next day.  Agnew parties also state that he narrowly escaped arrest the other day for cruelly whipping a horse.


   The railroad accident in which Col. Wm. M. Ferry was injured in Utah, was over the Utah Central road near Park City.  Extra precautions had been taken to run the train slowly, as there had been a heavy rain fall and it was feared the rails might spread.  This was just what happened and the passenger coach left the track and turned over on its side.  Several persons were injured, some badly.  Col Ferry was injured mostly about the head, but Mrs. Wm. M. Ferry had a narrow escape from death.  We clip the following from the park City Record:  “The escape of Mrs. Wm. Ferry who fell with her head through a window being the most wonderful, when the train stopped her head was against the embankment on one side, while the edge of the window was pressing the other side, had the car moved a foot further her neck would have been broken.


   Fred Zaph of Spring Lake was horribly burned by steam at Kilbourn’s factory this morning.  He was employed in repairing the boiler with other workmen and becoming very hot beneath where they were working all left for a breath of cool air but Zaph.  Some one then very foolishly threw cold water underneath the boiler and striking the hot bricks made a heavy steam.  Zaph was burned about the body, face and hands and now lies at his home wrapped in cotton.  His injuries are thought to be very serious, if not fatal.




   Leonard Vaupell is now possessor of a handsome new safety bicycle.


   The dressed stone for the abutments of the new bridge arrived yesterday and are being uploaded today.


   A. and P. Van Lopik under the firm name of Van Lopik Bros. opened their new clothing store in Kalamazoo, March 18th.  They are located at 144 S. Burdick St.


   If the Methodists of Western Michigan want n assembly ground on the shores of lake Michigan no better place could be found than at Highland Park.


   Mr. Donahue who is employed in Bloecker’s foundry was the victim of a brutal assault Tuesday night.  He had been in Graham’s saloon during the evening and became involved in a quarrel with some boat man over a bet.  He left the saloon shortly afterward and was badly kicked and pounded by some party on the Second street hill.


   John Meuson of North Holland is a live stock dealer and was in the city yesterday with a load of pigs.  He left the wagon in the barn of E. Kraai, the feedman, last night and this morning discovered that the largest and most valuable hog in the lot had been stolen.  No trace of the thief.


   Gus Hubert of this city has invented an improvement on the Wing shovel plow used for plowing celery.  Those two prominent celery men, George W. Miller and Fred Warber have been experimenting with it and state that it saves one half of the labor tilling celery by hand.  It will undoubtedly meet with a great demand among celery growers, a fitting reward to Mr. Hubert’s genius.


  John Collins died at 11:00 o’clock last night at the home of his parents on Franklin street.  John or “Jack” as he was more familiarly known would have been 21 years of age next August.  He was taken sick the 17th, the physicians announcing his disease as typhoid fever.  For the past few days he had been growing continually worse and very little hope was entertained of his recovery.  John was one of the most popular young men in the city and was always known for his affable and genial manner.  His death was a surprise to his friends many not knowing him to be in so serious condition.  The funeral will take place Saturday at 9:00 a. m. from St. Patrick’s church.


   Dr. Hedley’s lecture on the Sunny side of Life, the best in the course, was listened to by an appreciative audience.  His manner was a departure from the usual thing and was a decided improvement.  He is an excellent mimic and related a number of anecdotes in undeniable brogue.  On the whole we think the people of Grand Haven will be better for the evening’s entertainment.  A laughable incident not noted by all occurred when the lecturer stopped in the middle of a period, apparently looking right at a youngster in the front row who asked:  “It was Frederick the Elector was it not?”  The Johnny man squirmed his back, the only portion visible to the writer, looked uncomfortable as he shook his head in emphatic denial of any knowledge of the subject.  The committee reported a balance of about $82 which it was understood was to be devoted to the Akeley Building Fund.






   Last evening’s Detroit News published an article and also a cut of the new river boat, “Valley City.”  We clip the following:  Grand Rapids, Mich.,—The steamer Valley City will be making daily trips between this city and Grand Haven by the time the frogs begin to croak in the lowlands.  She is now being built by the Craig Ship Building Co. of Toledo, and will be 146 feet in length, 28 feet beam, and 4 1/2 feet in depth.  She will be of the Ohio and Mississippi river pattern, with a spatter behind and will be constructed of steel throughout.

   The boat will draw but 14 inches of water when light and will carry 400 tons of freight and 400 or 500 passengers.  The paddle wheel will be propelled by two high pressure engines, and the boat is warranted to make 12 miles and hour.  If business warrants, she can make the round trip to Grand Haven daily.

   The steamer is built by the Valley City Transportation Co., in which manufacturers and heavy shippers of freight are the principal stockholders.

   It is expected the river navigation will cut freight rates on the railroads and that even if the boat itself does not yield a profit, the saving in freight will represent a substantial dividend on the investment of $20,000.  Besides carrying freight the Valley City will go extensively into the excursion business and a large resort and picnic ground down the river is already projected.  The steamer will be built and set up at Toledo and then taken apart and shipped here by rail.  It is expected to be in commission early in April.   The board of trade which really fathered the enterprise, although as a board had no money invested in it, thinks the steamer will have a beneficial effect upon the deep water channel and Lake Michigan project.  It will show congress and others in authority that Grand Rapids means business and the amount of traffic on the boat during the coming season will be used on congress as an argument for improvement appropriations.

   In early days, before the railroads reached this city, the river was the public highway for freight and passengers from this city to the outer world.  At one time there was a lively traffic on the river, and the old settlers still delight in telling how steamboats landed freight and passengers on a dock which lay where Sweet’s hotel now stands, two blocks from the present banks of the river.  The first steamer on the river was the Governor Mason, which in 1837 made three trips a week between this city and Grand Haven.