The Evening Tribune

Grand Haven, Mich. April, 1894



   School begins again today.


   The Straits are now open and free of ice.


   The steamer Menominee makes her first trip on the west shore today.


   The Corn Planter shut down this noon for a half day holiday on account of elections.


   The Goodrich steamer Atlanta will arrive here tomorrow morning on the first trip of the season.


   A Michigan Fish Commission car arrived at the D., G. H. & M. depot this morning with cans containing 3,000,000 white fish to be planted off this port.


   Sheriff Keppel was called to the C. & W. M. depot last Saturday night to arrest a woman in a beastly state of intoxication.  The woman, whose name is Marble, is a sister of the well-known Mrs. Beach of West Olive.  When asked who had given her the whiskey, which had caused her to become intoxicated, she replied “Billy Andres.”  The sheriff took the woman to jail and yesterday Mr. Andres, hearing that the woman had accused him of making her drunk, visited the jail.  The sheriff allowed Mr. Andres to see the woman.  Billy asked her who had given her liquor.  She stated that Billy Andres had.  Mr. Andres then asked her to describe the man and her description did not answer that of Billy by a good deal.  Andres then told her who he was and the woman told him that he was not the man.  The story made a capital campaign yarn, but Andres soon got on to it and proved his innocence in the matter.  It was undoubtedly the work of some party bent on putting up a job on Andres, and the man who gave the woman the whiskey told her his name was Andres.


   All the fish tugs went out this morning and the big vote of the fishermen was not polled until late this afternoon.


   An ice bicycle ridden by a man named Tirtle made a mile in one minute and 44 seconds at Chicago last week.


   The best trotting record for twenty miles is fifty-seven minutes and twenty seconds.  The best twenty mile record for a bicycle is forty-six minutes and seven seconds.


   The government will expend the balance of last year’s appropriation for harbor improvements at Grand Haven by extending the south pier 100 feet and the north 250 feet.


   There is a law on the statute books of this state which provides that shade trees shall be planted along both sides of the highway at a uniform distance as near as may be, of sixty feet apart, and not less than twenty-three nor more than twenty-five feet from the center line of the highway.


   The life saving station opened this noon and drill was given.


   Five grain steamers started down the lake from Milwaukee today.


   The High School voted this afternoon with the following results:  Mayor, Vaupell, 36; Reynolds, 17; Marshal, Smead, 1; T. Kiel, 3; Klaver, 9; Andres 48.


   Grand Haven people have devoted the most of the week to holding political conventions.  Reform is the war cry, and so enthusiastic have they become that even some of the young saloon keepers are crying for it.—Zeeland Expositor.


   Today was one of those exceptionally fine sunshiny days which brought out an unusually large vote.  Crowds of men thronged all of the voting places, but everything seemed to go off quietly.  Never the less the candidates were nearly all working vigorously and a great deal of buttonholing and quiet electioneering going on.


   The steamer Wisconsin brought over the Romany Rye Theatrical Company from Milwaukee yesterday, the troupe consisted of 18 members.  A special train left over the D., G. H. & M. for Grand Rapids about 11 o’clock, making the run in the fast time of 43 minutes.  NO. 234 conveyed the special, and Engineer Rymer held the throttle.


   Andy Fall’s Spring Lake bus line is in operation between here and Spring Lake.  That popular driver James Somerset handles the reins as of yore.  Bus leaves Spring Lake for this city at 7:45 a. m., 10:00 a. m., 1:35 p. m. and 4:00 p. m.  Leaves the Tribune office for spring Lake at 9:00 a. m., 11:00 a. m., 3:00 p. m. and 5:00 p. m.  All orders properly attended to that are left at this office.



The court house portraits of Rix Robinson, Wm. Ferry and Dr. VanRaalte, along with court house furniture and fixtures are on permanent display at the Grand Haven Tri-Cities Museum. 


   The Board of Supervisor has authorized the building committee to procure a picture of the old Court House of Rix Robinson, the first settler of the county; Rev. Wm. M. Ferry, the first representative of the religious development of the county, and of Dr. A. C. VanRaalte, the representative of the large and flourishing Holland settlement of the county, having these portraits suitably framed and placed in conspicuous positions in the new Court House.


    At about two this afternoon the vote in the First ward had reached 180, in the Second 170, in the Third 400 and in the Fourth 125.


   The vote in the Third ward is expected to reach upwards of 500.  Next year two voting precincts will undoubtedly be located in that ward.


   The big fight in the city seemed to center on the candidates for marshal.  Plenty of supporters of both candidates could be found at the polling places and nothing definite can be known who the winning man is until the ballots are counted tonight.


   City sexton Botbyl has the names of several boys of this city who damaged the Hancock monument at Lake Forest cemetery by throwing stones.  A lesson should be taught the young rascals who destroy grave yard property.




   A flag was flung from the G. H. A. C. rooms today in celebration of the election of Andres.


Election Notes.

  [This article was edited to include some of the interesting notes regarding the election and omitting the general results contained in the more complete account below.  Also omitted were election notes outside of Grand Haven.  The article can be seen in its entirety on microfilm (less lost text from original copy) at Loutit Library.]


   Andres and Gale carried every ward in the city and Vaupell all but one.  Vaupell was defeated in his home ward and the tables turned on Reynolds in is home ward.


   “Billy” Andres is elected city marshal by one of his old time majorities.  The majority was a surpriser to most everybody as such a majority was unlooked for.  It was the fight of the local campaign and the vote shows which element was in the majority.


   Billy Andres was the most popular man in the city last night and was given an ovation at the Grand Haven Athletic Club rooms.


   The excitement on the streets last night was great.  Pandemonium reigned and it seemed as though every boy in town was bent on making as loud as noise as he could.  Every conceivable implement of noise was used.  Fish horns, tin pans, drums and trumpets.  It sounded like the blare on Midway, only far worse.  The Grand Haven Athletic Club were out in force and the City Band serenaded the successful candidates.


   Every time a successful candidate appeared on the street last night, he was followed by a horde of boys hooting and yelling.


   The present method of voting has done away with one thing.  In previous years a general idea could be gained by voters around a polling place of how the vote was going.  It takes the count to settle that now.


  During the excitement last night a crowd thronged into VerBerkmoes’ cigar store and in the general melee and scramble four boxes of cigars were stolen.  Suspicion points to several young fellows.


   It was pent up enthusiasm that the people vented last night.  All day yesterday everything passed off quietly, but at night when the votes were counted the citizens broke loose.


   The next board of aldermen will consist of a grocery man, machinist, cigar manufacturer, saloon keeper, two foremen, and an agent and a tanner.


   The citizens movement seems to have been a success.


   John Klaver will retire from the office of city marshal with a good record as regards attention to duty.


   People are catching on more and more each election to the new method of voting.


   One man in the third and also one in the fourth put a cross at the head of each ticket thus invalidating their ballots.


Election Results



   Grand Haven people have always manifested great interest and pride in the Goodrich line of steamers which ply between this port and the second city of the Union.  The arrival of the first boat is looked upon as a harbinger of a warmer season.  This year, at last, the steamer Atlanta is the first to arrive.  The Atlanta arrived here at five this morning and the familiar whistle, which we will become acquainted with ‘ere the summer passes, was heard here for the first time as the ship steamed up the harbor.  The Atlanta appeared handsome and trim in her several coats of paint and general neatness.  Genial Captain Nicholson commands her again this season.  Byron Beerman is chief engineer, Mr. Nime clerk and Harry Morris purser.  The crew are about the same as last year.  The Atlanta had a number of passengers and a fair amount of freight.  She left for Muskegon shortly after arriving.  Tri-weekly trips will be made until the 15th of April when the Racine will be put on and the daily line established.


   Joe Burke, champion light weight of the Middle States, who has wrestled 143 matches in the last 8 years, accepts Benny Jones challenge to wrestle for the championship of Michigan.  Jones holds the championship of New Jersey and Pennsylvania.  Burke has defeated all comers in Michigan at 140 pounds.  The match will come off April 10th at the Opera House.


   Before the cold snap the lilt of the robin can be heard at sunrise on all sides throughout the suburbs and again at sunset, but with the fall of temperature many of the birds seemed to become mute, though a few a few still pierced the early sky with their high pure song.  It is worth noting that the early spring song of the robin is that of a bird that presses his suit with courage and lyric enthusiasm.  Later the lilting song is alternated with a soft and tender note of parenthood.




   Four church elders were defeated at the late local elections.


   J. C. Ford of Fruitport has been elected supervisor of that township.


   The Republicans carried Chicago at the election yesterday.


   Efforts will be made to raise the Michigan river and harbor items when they reach the senate.


   It is reported that one of Grand Haven’s wanderers has joined the Coxey army in Pennsylvania.


   An axe and a dangerous clothes line explains the reason of the rag over Mink Kieft’s right eye.


   The citizens of Franklin and 2nd St., would be thankful if City Attorney Lillie would replace his sidewalk.


   The Chicora is now running between Benton Harbor and Chicago.


   Defeated candidates can be found at nearly every corner consoling each other.


   One hundred and seventy-five more votes were cast for mayor at the last election than in 1892.


   An overcoat was taken from the office of a hotel in this city last Saturday night, since which time a certain young man has been missing.


   A Grand Haven man who went to Chicago last fall to work at the cooper business ahs returned and declares that Grand Haven is the best town.


   Business in the wholesale dry goods is active.  Light hardware is steady.  Leather consumers hold light stocks, and tanneries complain of slowness.  Lumber is fairly active.


   The steambarge W. H. Barnum, bound down, loaded with wheat, was stove in by striking an iceberg in the straits Monday night, and sank in very deep water.  The crew escaped safely to Mackinaw City.


   Four members of the Grand Haven Athletic Club, John M. Cook; Dan Gale, Wm. L. Andres and John Vyn were victorious candidates at the late election and last night the club celebrated this quadruple victory at the club rooms.  A grand time was had until a late hour.


   The following story from Grand Haven appeared in the Grand Rapids Democrat of this morning:  A new and novel mining company has just been organized in this city.  For twenty years or more after 1835 the Indians along the shore of Lake Michigan were paid off for their lands in annual payments. Small speculators, used to be on hand pay days with various articles of clothing, trinkets and whiskey— mostly whiskey—ready to exchange them for the red man's shuneaw.  In 1840 sixty barrels of whiskey were brought to the harbor and buried in a sand hill just south of the mouth of the river, to be in readiness for pay day. Government officers at Mackinac got wind of the bountiful supply of liquid fire that had been laid in and came on with the intention of capturing it.  The proprietors heard of the coming of the officers, skipped out and were never heard from.  The officers made a thorough search but failed to locate the whiskey. The inhabitants of Grand Haven had long since ceased to talk about it and all but a few of the old settlers, who had ever known anything about it, had forgotten it all together. Recently, however, interest was revived accidentally, and the thirteen saloon men of Grand Haven have organized and subscribed several hundred dollars, which they will devote to prospecting and mining for the lost treasure, which, on account of its great age, would be highly valuable to the finder.




   The wrecking tug Thompson which has been stationed here all winter left for the Straits today.


   A raid on slot machines is being carried on in a number of Michigan towns.


   The cold weather snap has killed many of the migratory birds that arrived here early.


   The steamer A. B. Taylor is getting ready for the season’s business at her moorings at Spring Lake.


   Dunbar & Schwartz at their fertilizing plant near Kirby’s shipyard are doing a hustling business.  They manufacture a superb celery fertilizer known as celery hustler.


   It seems strange that a winter line can be maintained on the Milwaukee-Grand Haven route and encounter the ice they have to without accident, when within the past few days two boats have been sunk at the straits because of injuries received by ice.


   Detroit is 189 miles from Grand Haven.


   Wm. Tietz has built himself a wine press.


   The Grand Haven Athletic Club will take out papers of incorporation with the secretary of state.


   Improvements and repairs are being made on the Mary M. Boyce and Alice M. Gill by the Grand Haven Ship Building Co.


   The change from the old court house to the new will probably be made by the county officers about the middle of May.


   Politically the new council will comprised of a new Republican mayor, Democratic recorder, two Democratic councilmen and six Republicans.


   Rev. Kennedy of the Presbyterian church will deliver a sermon to the Sailors of Grand Haven Sunday evening.  A cordial invitation is extended to all.


   Mr. Johannes Koenes and harm Kinkema have been planting some shade trees on Fifth St.  John says that he is planting now in celebration of the new city government.


   Wm. H. Loutit’s new steamer Pentland was taken in tow by the Geo. Stickney this morning and brought from the ship yard to Robbin’s dock to be coaled up.


   The humming of the telegraph wires is not caused by the wind, for it is heard during dead calm.  Changes of temperature, which tighten or loosen the wires, probably produces the sound.


   Mrs. John Neil has completed arrangements and will take charge of Highland Park Hotel during the season.  Mrs. Neil’s well known reputation as a landlady will insure a successful season for that popular resort.


The Artemus of Michigan.

   In one of his recent works, “Green Fields and Running Brooks,” James Whitcomb Riley has the following poem entitled “The Artemus of Michigan.”  Riley probably received the inspiration when he visited Grand Haven with Bill Nye some years ago:


Grand Haven is in Michigan, and in possession, too,

Of as many rare attractions as our party ever knew:—

The fine hotel, the landlord, and the lordly bill of fare,

And the dainty-neat completeness of the pretty waiters there;

The touch on the piano in the parlor, and the trill

Of the exquisite soprano, in our fancy singing still;

Our cozy room, its comfort, and our thousand grateful tho’ts,

And at our door the gentle face





His artless observations and his drollery of style,

Bewildered with that sorrowful serenity of smile—

The eye’s elusive twinkle, and the twitching of his lid,

Like he didn’t go to say it and was sorry that he did.

C. Artemus of Michigan!  So worthy of the name,

Our manager indorses it, and Bill Nye does the same—

You tickled our affection in so many tender spots

That even recollection laughs





And hark ye!  O Grand Haven! Count your rare attractions o’er—

The commerce of your ships at sea, and ships along the shore;

Your railroads, and your industries, and interests untold.

Your Opera House—our lecture, and the gate receipts in gold:—

Ay, Banner Town of Michigan!  Count all your treasures through—

Your crowds of summer tourists, and your Sanitarium, too;

Your lake, your beach, your drives, your breezy groves and grassy plots,

But head the list of all of these






   There is some talk in Spring Lake of a recount of the votes cast last Monday.  It seems that about 80 voters did not vote for a supervisor.  This is about 20 percent of the voters of the village and it seems strange that so many should neglect to vote for the most important officer to be voted for.  The two candidates for Supervisor made a strong fight and naturally the vote for that office would be nearly the entire vote cast.  Hence the mystery.


   The propeller Minneapolis and her consorts Red Wing and San Diego, from Chicago, bound down, sank at 3 o’clock yesterday morning off old Fort Mackinac in 20 fathoms of water.  Ice made a hole in the vessel and the crew had barely tome to escape.  The Minneapolis was built in 1873 and is well known at this port having plied in and out of here in the 70s.

   The two steamers, Barnum and Minneapolis, that have gone down in the Straits this week, both plied from this port.  The steamer State of Michigan that went ashore near Alpena is also well known here (but by another name) and plied between Grand Haven and Chicago for a number of years.  She was then the Goodrich steamer Despere, and is now twenty-one years old.  The Minneapolis, when owned by the Englemanns, ran between here and Milwaukee.


   The names of six townships in this county end with the letter n.


   The woods is full of candidates for the office of night watch.  It is reported that the job will be let by bid.


   The steamer Pentland will have the capacity to carry 1400 tons of iron ore..


   This is John Klaver’s last day as marshal of Grand Haven, and after today Billy Andres will gear that title.


   The long continued blowing of the whistle on Dan Swartz’s plant on the island about 5:00 last evening led to an alarm of fire being sounded.  Investigation proved that the whistle was out of order and there was no fire.  The whistle continued blowing for fifteen minutes.




   Grand Rapids now claims a population of 90,000.


   “Billy” Andres is patrolling the city today as he did for so long some years ago.


   The new steamer Nyack will be painted the same as the Goodrich steamers.


   C. H. Peterson was the first inspector of hulls in the government office here.


   Thomas Edison thinks sleep a “waste of time,” and is of the opinion the future man can be broken of the habit.


   Capt. John Muir and Larry Crowley, who for years have run the steamer Barrett on the river between this city and Grand Rapids, are considering the matter of running a boat on the river this year, but whether it will be the Barrett is not yet decided.


   The $50 city tax required of the saloons will put $650 into the city treasury if the 13 saloons continue to run this year.


   Building operations have begun on Spring Lake.  Col. West of the Chicago Times has built a handsome house on the lake and a number of summer buildings are going up near Fruitport.  All rooms in Capt. Ashley’s hotel have been engaged for the season.


The Pentland.

   Grand Haven shipyards have built many fine vessels for the lake commerce but none more substantial or of finer model than the Pentland.  All last summer hundreds of men were employed in building this fine ship which was launched from the yards of the Grand Haven Ship Building Co., in the early autumn.  The vessel was built for Wm. H. Loutit of this city and nothing was spared to make it a ship worthy of the yard from which it came.

   During the winter the machinery has been placed in the vessel and everything put in readiness for the opening of navigation.  Yesterday she was towed to Robbins dock and coaled up.  She will be idle for a number of days yet but ready to go out at any time.

   The Pentland is 200 feet long, beam 35 feet, and her hold is 14 feet deep.  She has the capacity to carry about 1400 tons of iron ore; an immense cargo.  The engine, which was built by Frontier Irion Works of Detroit is a 20 and 24, 38 inch stroke.  The boiler is a home product, having been constructed by Johnston Bros. of Ferrysburg.  It is 13 feet square.        

   All the latest improvements in vessel machinery are to be found on the Pentland.  Her steam steering outfit and electric fog horn are examples.  Only one other boat built at Grand Haven is steered by steam and that is the Ionia.  When the Pentland encounters a fog bank the electric device that controls the fog horn can be set to blow the horn at the intervals wished for.  The electricity is from a storage battery in the forward part of the ship.

   The officers and crew will have all the conveniences and comforts to be wished for.  The cabins and sleeping apartments are bright and airy.  In the after cabin will be located the dining rooms, refrigerators, kitchen and sleeping apartments of the cook, engineer, etc., etc.  The rooms have all been nicely carpeted by VandenBosch & Bro.  In the forward cabin are the rooms of the captain, mate and wheelsman.  The captain’s rooms above are commodious and handsome, the walls being of sycamore and the grain showing off beautifully.  All the rooms will be heated by steam.

   Besides the propelling engine, a hoisting engine is located on the center deck, for the use of hoisting the freight cargoes.

   Capt. T. McCambridge of this city will command the Pentland and John Farnham is chief engineer.


   Marshal Andres made his first arrest this morning.  He and Deputy Sheriff Klaver escorted two drunken deck hands to jail.


   James D. Stewart leaves tomorrow for Cleveland where he will help fit out the large propeller Pontiac of Cleveland Cliff iron Co., and of which he will be the engineer during the season.  Mr. Stewart is a first class reliable young man and his many friends in this city will be pleased to learn of securing so responsible and lucrative a position.




   Snow to the depth of five inches fell in Detroit.


   Ed. Brown is in training for his wrestling match with Mike Dwyer next week.


   The little passenger steamer Adrienne of South Haven was in port today.


   John Luikens will be chief engineer on the government steamer Gen. Hancock.


   The vault furnishings for the new court house have arrived and are being put in place today.


   The colored people of this city and adjoining towns met last evening at the home of Mr. John Williams and elected the following delegates to the Equal Rights convention which meets at Grand Rapids April 10 and 11; F. R. Graves, Edward Hicks, Harvey Blount, Nathaniel Smith, Hezekiah Smith, Ephraim Molson and John Williams.  The convention has a number of purposes, but aims at the advancement of the colored folk of Michigan.


   Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. McBride are attending the 32nd anniversary of the famous conflict of Shiloh on the old battle grounds this week.  It was participated in by many Union veterans under the auspices of the Shiloh Battlefield association, which has been secured an option on the twenty-five hundred acres of land on which the battle was fought, and which will recommend to congress that the ground be purchased for the government and made into a great national memorial park, similar to Gettysburg and Chickamauga is.


   Joe Burke the wrestler is giving the Spring Lake Athletic club a course of instructions in general athletics.


   The Grand Haven Athletic Club received a vaulting hours this morning, a valuable addition to their athletic paraphernalia.


The Athletic Club.

   The Grand Haven Athletic Club has become a permanent institution in Grand Haven, and an institution of which its members can well feel proud of.  Not a “sporting club,” is conducted in a gentlemanly manner, and its only purpose is to give to the club members a physical education.  Since its organization last winter the club has grown from fifteen to upwards of fifty members.


   President—Wm. L. R. A. Andres.

   Vice Pres. —Edson Duram.

   Sec. —Harm Nurthuis.

   Treas.—F. E. Dennis.

   Sergeant at Arms—Lon VanDrezer.

   Board of Directors—L, H. Wickham, Chris Pfaff, Jacob DeGlopper, Jaohn VanLopik, Chas. Macomber.


Inaugural Address of Mayor Vaupell

Grand Haven, April 5th, 1894.

To the Members of the Common Council of the City of Grand Haven:

Gentlemen—In assuming the duties of chief executive of our city, I am aware of my inability to please all.  I also realize the fact that important questions are likely to confront us during the coming year.  Besides, we are passing through an extraordinary long period of business depression, that calls for and demands from us, the best and most economic expenditure of public moneys.

   We should carry into each department of our city government  the same energy, zeal and business tact, that we would manifest in our private affairs, and wherever we can honestly curtail expenses, it is our duty to do so.  Understand me, gentlemen, I do not mean to economize at the expense of needed repairs and improvements.  Our city has in my estimation been a tax burdened city, compared with other cities, and everything should be done that can legitimately be done to relieve the taxpayer.  No city can prosper that is burdened by over-taxation.  I believe, with an improvement of business, our city is ready to take on a new life and prosperity.

   Gentlemen, I have implicit confidence in your ability and integrity as men capable of safely guiding the affairs of our beautiful city, and I ask your co-operation.

   I hope this council will put away all strifes and discussions, and that it may be characterized as a united body, looking, at all times, to the best interests of the city.

   The greatest question, gentlemen, that is likely to come before us during the coming year, may be that of a sufficient supply of pure and wholesome water; it is a very serious question; one upon which or citizens are divided; you should, if the occasion presents itself, deal with the question with the utmost caution and ability.

   Gentlemen, I have another suggestion to make to you at this time, and that is regarding the disgraceful condition of our sidewalks and I would favor a speedy effort, looking to the betterment of this danger to life and limb.

   I have no adverse criticism to make of the outgoing administration.  I believe they have done their duty.  Times have materially changed since one year ago; retrenchment has been necessary in all commercial pursuits; and city affairs demand it today, as much as any private corporation.

   Thanking you for your kind attention,

   I am yours most respectfully,

John Vaupell.





   Dr. Chaddock has completed his twenty day term in jail for jumping a board bill at the Kirby House.


   It is reported that no one has as yet negotiated to take charge of the Spring Lake Hotel this season.


   The tonnage of the vessels built at Grand Haven shipyards amounts to upwards of 20,000 tons.


   Dr. W. S. Walkley of Grand Haven was in the city on professional business during the week.  The genial M. D. remarked that it was fearfully healthy down there.—G. R. Democrat.


   While there are usually thirteen Sundays every three months, this year we have a case which has not occurred for the past eleven years and will not again this century, in that the first quarter contained only twelve Sundays.


   Yesterday was the confederate decoration day.


   Bert Bolt has rid himself of those handsome Burnsides which were the pride of the east end.


   Mr. G. VanLopik has purchased the schooner Robert Howett, now at Cheboygan.


   March enjoyed April weather, but April is having March weather much to the discomfort of all concerned.


   “A factory lying idle five years will go to decay,” is an old saying that has proved to be true many times.


   At Spring Hill, Kansas, the entire city ticket, mayor, council members, police, judges, etc., is composed of ladies.


   The highest temperature recorded thus far this year was 70 degrees, one day in March.  The mean temperature of the last three months has been 30.


   Ex-postmaster Parish has undoubtedly been reading Mayor Vaupell’s message as he was noticed repairing his sidewalk before sun-rise this morning.


   Marshal Andres, acting under instructions from the Mayor, last Saturday night visited all the pool rooms of the city and gave orders that there should be no more pool or card playing in the rooms on Sunday.


   Of the Presidents of the United States eight have been of Welsh descent, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, William Henry Harrison and John Quincy Adams.


   St. Ignace sportsmen have paid $4 per bushel for a quantity of wild rice seed, which they propose to sow in Cheechock lake for the benefit of the ducks.  Our local sportsmen would find it a good plan to plant wild rice and celery along the lake and in the marshes says an exchange.


   Fred Long, the well known tramp painter who has been around the city for some time was arrested by Marshal Andres last Saturday for drunkenness and this morning was sent to jail for twenty days.  He had completed a sentence of ten days only about a week ago, for the same offence.  Long is probably a character ever visited Grand Haven, and can beat any of the rounders two to one when it comes to drinking “spirits.”  Last Friday he was given the job to paint a sign on Sprick’s livery barn on Washington St.  He remained at his post painting until after ten at night, amusing a big crowd by his maudlin remarks.


   Bennie Jones, who is to wrestle Joe Burke at the Opera House next Friday night, arrived from Saginaw today.  The match will be to the finish and all holds allowed.


   Mr. H. D. Irish, now of the New Livingston Hotel, Grand Rapids, has been in the hotel business for over 30 years.  He kept the Eagle Hotel in Ionia in the 50’s, the old Michigan Exchange at Detroit for eight years, 15 years in the drug business in Ionia, managed the Cutler House for seven years, the Alma Hotel a year, Spring Lake Hotel a year and the new Livingston for two and a half.


   M. J. Dwyer is undergoing a course of training at the Independent Athletic club rooms in preparation for his match with Ed. Brown in Lockerby hall on Thursday evening, April 12.  He goes to the island every morning with Bunk Treadwell and runs from three to five miles.  After returning to the cub he wrestles for an hour or two, and after being rubbed down eats a light breakfast.—G. R. Herald.


   During the four winter months 811,000 bushels of flour, 19,000 bushels of wheat, 971,000 bushels of barley, 100,000 bushels of rye and 1,200,000 bushels of oats were carried by boats from Milwaukee.  This leads the Evening Wisconsin says: “The great bulk of the grain, which aggregated 2,302,177 bushels of all kinds, was carried by the Flint & Pere Marquette steamers to Ludington.  Once upon a time the Detroit and Milwaukee route boasted a fine elevator at Grand Haven, but it burned down and the marked spirit of economy which characterizes the management of the route has thus far prevented its reconstruction.  But the Ludington and St. Joseph routes gain what the Grand Haven route loses by such a course.


Articles Signed.

   The following articles of agreement were signed today by wrestler Jones and Burke.

   This agreement made this day between Joe Burke of Chicago and Bennie Jones of Newark, N. J., to wrestle a match for the championship of Michigan at 145 lbs.

   The match to be the best 3 out of 5 catch-as-catch-can, to take place at the Grand Haven Opera House Friday evening, April 13, 1894, for $25 aside, the winner to take the gate receipts.  The match to be conducted under Police Gazette rules.  No lock barred.  To be a finish match.

   Dated Grand Haven, Mich., April 9, 1894.

Joe Burke,

Bennie Jones.

Witnessed by

Lou VanDrezzer,

H. G. Nichols.  


   Enno Pruim, defeated candidate for supervisor of Spring Lake, has demanded a recount.  His demand will be acceded to within the next ten days.  Mr. Pruim was defeated by a majority of 17 by Aloys Bilz, but the vote for supervisor was 80 less than the whole number of votes cast.  This curious phase is the basis of the demand.  If Mr. Pruim loses he will have to pay the costs of the recount, but if he wins it will cost him nothing.


   The residence of R. C. Robinson on Seventh street near Washington was badly damaged by fire about two o’clock Sunday morning.  At that hour of the morning one of the members of the family was awakened and the smell of smoke being very noticeable, the others were awakened.  The house was discovered to be on fire and an alarm turned in.  The fire department was not long in arriving, and putting out the blaze, but not before much of the furniture had been destroyed and the house badly damaged.  What caused the fire is a mystery.  It started in a clothes closet in the back end.  Some rags were stored in the room and they might have been greasy and the fire caused by spontaneous combustion.  The tin top was burned off the can and it was a miracle that the contents did not explode.


   It would seem as though the residents of towns in the neighborhood of lakes and fishing streams would jealously guard the fish for business reasons, if for no other motive.  The trade of summer visitors bent on fishing is a considerable item to the business men of Northern Wisconsin, and each village and town which has an interest in that line of trade should have a vigilance committee to aid the fish wardens.  If the fish are attacked yearly while they are spawning, in a short time there will be no more fish to spawn, and when the lakes and rivers get the name of being “fished out” the towns which now enjoy the patronage of amateur fishermen will see such sportsmen no more.—Evening Wisconsin.  The same applies here.




   Cornelius Bos has the lumber on hand to build a windmill on his land.


   Bert Nemire has completed painting the Kieft wind mill and also Peter Rossien’s house on Ferry St.


   The steamer Nyack will make four trips a week between Muskegon and Milwaukee.


   Yesterday was a day of horrors.  Milwaukee, Chicago and New Era report terrible fatalities.


   Paste it in your hat that there was a snow storm on the 10th of April, 1894.


   The glass factory is receiving large quantities of foreign imported glass.


   Bills are being posted announcing the wrestling match between Joe Burke and Benny Jones at the Opera House Friday night.


   All of the bids for the old Court House vaults were rejected by the Court House building committee today as being too low.


   A panic in the Humboldt school at Chicago yesterday resulted in the death of one boy and the injury of many others.


   Dwyer will weigh 165 pounds and Brown 175 pounds at the wrestling match in Grand Rapids tomorrow night.


   Milwaukee’s leading theatre, the Davidson, burned early yesterday morning.  Nine firemen who were fighting the flames went down with the walls into the seething cauldron beneath them and were either killed or burned to death.


   The town of New Era where the horrible logging accident occurred yesterday is about 60 miles north of this city on the C. & W. M. R’y.  the logging road upon which the accident occurred runs parallel wit the West Michigan for a few miles.


   The team driven by L. Vyn started on a run up Washington St., today.  At the corner of 3rd & Washington Sts., the wagon collided with the apparatus on the electric light pole that lets the lamp down.  This was broke and the lamp smashed.  Lam kept his seat and turned into the fence there stopping the team.


   Only one fish tug went out today.


   VanLopik will open their clothing store soon.


   Of the 51 states that comprise our Union, 27 are larger than England.


   Martin Lynch who was killed at New Era yesterday was known by a number in this city.


   The vaulting horse which the G. H. A. C. have added to their gymnasium was from A. G. Spaulding & Co., Chicago, and cost $50.


   The C. & W. M. Ry., employs nearly 2000 men and its pay roll amounts to a nearly one million dollars.


   Two new millinery establishments, two clothing stores and a grocery store are among the latest additions to Grand Haven business.


   Deputy Game Warden Thos. Hammond appears to be doing his duty and should be encouraged by all, who wish to see the finny tribe remain in the local streams, safe from illegal netters.


   Some time ago Deputy Game Warden Hammond of Spring Lake discovered nets in the river near Pottawatomie Bayou, belonging to Frank Deremo, Deremo was arrested and the warden kept the nets.  The trial is set for next Thursday before Justice Kay of Spring Lake.  In the meantime, Deremo who claimed he had nets to catch turtles, brought suit against Mr. Hammond for taking his nets.  This suit will come off before Justice Pagelson, but the interested parties are waiting to see the out come of the illegal fishing case first.  It is said that State Game Warden Hampton will be present at the trial.


   The lives of seven stout woodsmen were snuffed out in an instant at the town of New Era in Oceana county yesterday.  It was a logging road horror which will become a part of the history  of the state, and was one of the most horrible ever recorded.  The logging train on Staples & Covell’s road was returning from White River yesterday noon, when within sight of the camp the narrow gauged engine struck a falling tree and was hurled over a sixteen foot embankment.  Nine men were carried down with the locomotive of whom all but two were killed.  When the locomotive toppled over the live coals from the fire box fell on the men.  The steam pipes burst and the imprisoned men met a cruel death by torture.  The men killed were:  Engineer Adolph Shelander, 45 years leaves wife and two children.

   Fireman Guss Anderson, 30 years, single.

   Foreman Frank Shippy, Newaygo county, 35 years, leaves wife and daughter.


   Martin Lynch, married.

   Chas. Wolfe, single.

   Allen Critchett, single.




   The little schooner F. Finch was in with a load of wood today.


   The colored people’s Equal Rights Association held an enthusiastic meeting in Grand Rapids yesterday.


   Ed. Brown is training for his match with Dwyer at Grand Rapids tomorrow night, by sprinting, gymnasium work and rowing.


   There will be a sparring by “locals” between the bouts at the Burke-Jones wrestling match next Friday night, of four three minute rounds.


   The schooner Lena Behm, Capt. Fred Behm, is ready to go out on the first trip of the season.


   Fred Chawker died at New Era yesterday, making the eighth victim of the logging road horror.


   Mayor Vaupell struck the right chord when he urged improvement in the sidewalk system of the city.


   Holland boys under 20 years of age have organized a baseball club and challenge every club of members of their age in the state.


   A Philadelphia man figures that when he reaches the age of 70, four years of his life were spent in barber shops.


   A Nunica saloon has the motto hanging above the bar “We trust here tomorrow.”  As the sign is always left in its place tomorrow never comes.


   Van Lopik Bros. will open their clothing store here next Saturday morning.  They are still engaged in putting their goods in order on the shelves, which will be loaded with as fine a lot of goods as were ever offered in Grand Haven.


   The city marshal will probably not be required to wear a police uniform while on duty this year, as last.  The marshal in a town like this, is often required to do a little detective work and the police uniform gives him away.  If his duties were only those of a patrolman it would be different.


   Mr. John Fisher of this city has purchased Wm. VanSchelven’s meat market and stock of meats, corner Fulton & 4th Sts.  Mr. Fisher has had a number of years experience in the meat business having been employed by the largest shops in Muskegon and Grand Rapids.  He will keep on hand a good stock of fresh and smoked meats.


   Joseph King, the St. Joseph medium, is said to have been “exposed” again.  Frank Bradt, of Waterfliet, invited King to hold a séance at his house.  A Mrs. Pratt thought she saw the spirit of her dead father.  Two men jumped forward.  One grabbed King’s assistant; the other grabbed the ghost, who it is alleged, was King himself with a false face on.  King and his assistant were turned out doors in the rain.


Spring Lake Recount.

   Enno Pruim, defeated candidate for Supervisor of Spring Lake at the last election, having demanded a recount, the parties interested appeared before Judge of Probate Goodrich today.  Those present were the inspectors at the election in the township and Messrs. Bilz and Pruim.  Next Saturday at ten o’clock in the forenoon, in the office of the Judge of Probate, was fixed at the time and place for having the recount.  Mr. Pruim named Gerrit Balthuis of Ferrysburg as his examiner in the canvas; Mr. Bilz named Deputy Revenue collector Peter A DeWitt as his examiner and Judge Goodrich appointed Robert Finch of this city as the third examiner.  All the parties connected with the election is Spring Lake believe that a bad mistake was made somewhere.  There were at least 50 ballots cast for Supervisor which were not counted.  Mr. Bilz’s majority was 17, but Mr. Pruim is confident that the recount will place him in the lead and in the office.  He bases his on the ballots not counted were mostly straight Republican tickets and hence in his favor.  Mr. Bilz on the contrary strongly believes that the recount will not affect him.  He thinks a bad mistake was made, but is of the opinion that the ballots not counted were split tickets.  As the first count developed the fact that the “straights” were in majority for Pruim and the “splits” for Bilz and as Mr. Bilz thinks that those uncounted ones are “splits,” then Mr. Bilz will probably be safe and by a larger majority than at the first canvas.


The Rainy Lake Region

   The following interesting letter has been received from Mr. D. J. Stroebe formerly of Ferrysburg, but now of Tower, Minnesota:

Tower, Minn. April 8th.

   For the benefit of our Michigan friends who are not satisfied with what they have got and a locality where a living can be obtained on reasonable terms, who think of making a change and have read the advertisements that are flooding the country in regard to the Rainy Lake gold fields and think of trying their luck in that wilderness.  I don’t say that there isn’t any gold there and a healthy climate, and delightful scenery in that country.  In the summer time it is all right but the gold fields and Rainy Lake City and the rush that is going on headed for that country, is something to be considered before one starts.  There are hundreds already who have neither work, money, or claims and are not likely to have.  I do not intend to run a country down for it has an abundance of mineral of all kinds and coal as well.  All that will be developed in time, but the idea of a person who knows nothing of woods life or roughing it, starting off into that vast wilderness in mid-winter, as hundreds have done to hunt up a claim, is about evidence enough to pronounce him crazy.

   I do not want to take too much space but will tell you how it is now and has been all winter.  From two to ten teams leave Tower daily for Rainy Lake City, with supplies of various kinds and from 10 to 50 men are on the road traveling back and forth, some prospectors, some going into business, but the most of them looking for work.  As the snow is 18 inches deep and the ice is a good 26 inches on the lakes, it will be 60 days before work will start so that the men can get employment.  Every thing costs (money) at Rainy Lake City.

   The population is 214, 11 of whom are females.  The buildings are seven log houses or camps, one of which is two stories high—that is a hotel, and 27 tents of business places that are running, consisting of one bank.  One land office, where you can buy city lots from $100 to $350, by paying 10 percent down.  One saw mill, that cuts 10 thousand feet a day.  Three hotels or boarding houses, where you can get something to eat for 50 cents, if you can furnish your own blankets or go without one.  A butcher shop where you can buy moose meat or bacon for 26 cents a pound.  In fact every branch of business that is needed in a new town is well represented, especially the saloon business.  There are only sixteen at present of places where they sell Indians whiskey at 15c per small glass, and two places where they keep females to dance.  Three grocery stores where you can get something to eat if you have gold enough.

   Hay costs $65 per ton, oats $3.50 per bushel.  A man and team can get $8 per day.  Freighters charge $2.50 per 100 pounds from Tower to Rainy Lake City.    D. J. S.  


   The Grand Rapids Western League Club and the Cleveland National League Ball Club are advertised to play a game of ball at Alger Park, Grand Rapids, next Sunday but the authorities now announce that they will not grant a license for Sunday ball playing.


   Speaking of Dwyer the wrestler, the Grand Rapids Democrat says:  Mike has been hard at work for two weeks and was never is such good condition.  He has accomplished the feat of lying on his back and outing up a 150 pound dumb bell which no other athlete in the state dare attempt.  Great interest is manifested in his match with Brown, for Brown is heavier than Dwyer and has met some of the best on the mat.




   Two more months and the summer resort season will be at hand.


   Sheriff Keppel has eight boarders with him at present.


   A party of Grand Haven sportsmen went up the river on a hunting and fishing trip, today.


    It is reported that another saloon will go into business on Washington St. in a few weeks.


   Spring Lake people await with interest the outcome of the Bilz-Pruim recount.


   Steam was got up on the steamer Pentland yesterday and her whistle given a number of blasts.


   The United Iron Workers of America have ordered a general strike to begin April 21.


   The steamer Frank Woods of Saugatuck is at the yards of the G. H. Ship
Building Co., undergoing repairs.


   U. S. Steamboat Inspectors Kruger and Goodwin from the Marquette district will inspect the steamers City of Milwaukee and Pentland this week.


   There will probably be about twenty bids for the offices of city teamster and city engineer and about thirty for night watch to be opened at the council meeting tonight.


   The steamer A. B. Taylor, Capt. John Rhodes, came down from Spring Lake this morning.  She has a cargo of hay and will go to Muskegon and take on board some planing mill machinery for Menominee.  From Menominee the Taylor will go on her route.


   Mr. G. W. A. Smith was at New Era and could have seen the bodies of the seven men who met their death there on the logging road accident this week.  It seems that when the engine went over the embankment it turned upside down and the steam pipes burst scalding the unfortunate men.  All of them when pulled out of the wreck were able to walk to camp, but died soon after reaching there.  Their deaths were caused by scalding and it is a miracle that they lived as long as they did.  The coroner who took charge of the bodies had a gruesome task, as the skin pealed off from the bodies when the clothes were removed.  The terrible accident created great excitement and will furnish conversation for years to come in that vicinity.


   The next militia state encampment will be held at Lansing.


   Two local pugilists had a mill in the rear of one of the saloons yesterday afternoon, and left a number of glove marks upon each other.


   The Dwyer-Brown wrestling match occurs in Lockerby Hall, Grand Rapids, tonight.  Brown weighs 10 pounds less than at his last match.


   Abraham Mastenbroek wants to get ahead of Jerry Boynton and get the gravel road built between the city limits and Robinson.  Abraham is a hustler.


   Fred Brown, the Spring Lake photographer, will probably locate his photograph gallery in this city in the near future.


   Art Kromer has made the best run so far this year.  He rode to Grand Haven Monday over rough roads, covering thirty-six miles in four hours’ actual riding time.  He came back on the train.—G. R. Democrat.   


   T. VandenBosch and Bro. are distributing their advertising caps to Corn Planter employees today and will make a complete canvas of the different factories inside of a week.


   There are 14 Holland Reformed church congregations in Ottawa Co., 2178 communicants and 2464 Sunday school scholars.  Their church property is valued at $120,000.  There are 18 Christian Reformed churches in the county, 2511 communicants and 2104 S. S. scholars.  Property valued at $175,000 is owned by the church.


   Postmaster Baar has received a letter from Hon. John C. Blanchard of the U. S. Land Offices of Topeka, Kansas, in which he states that he had read in the Detroit News of whiskey buried in the hills near Grand Haven.  He writes that Rix Robinson once told him all about that whiskey and the finding of two barrels buried in the sand.  From his letter it would seem that the story is not a myth and Mr. Baar will write Mr. Blanchard for the history of the burial of the whiskey.  It is not improbable that a company will be formed to search for this ancient whiskey which would be very valuable if it could be found.


   Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. McBride returned yesterday morning from a trip to the battle ground of Shiloh in Tennessee where a re-union was held last week.  Hon. C. Van Loo of Zeeland, accompanied them and they were the only Michigan people present.  A number of ex-generals who took part in the conflict at Shiloh were present including Lew Wallace.  Mr. McBride says that the south has changed very little since the war.  He showed one old southerner a copy of the Chicago Inter Ocean and the man told him it was the first daily paper he had seen in 17 years.  The residents of the town where the re-union was held said that the band present, was the first in the town for a quarter of a century.  So it was with every thing, but very little progress being made.


   In Spring Lake, Grand River, Highland Park and Lake Michigan, Grand Haven has fine pleasure resorts for the summer visitor as are to be found any where from Maine to California.  At Highland Park one can enjoy the months of summer in bathing and breathing the invigorating air of Lake Michigan.  Spring Lake is a veritable campers paradise and the devotee of Isaak Walton's favorite sport can have all he wants.  It is the home of the bass and the monster gamy fish of the waters, the muskelonge.  There are also many fine fishing spots on Michigan's greatest river, and to the more fortunate who own steam yachts, trips can be made up to Grand Rapids and back, stopping at the many points of interest and enjoying the superb scenery of the Grand.  Many hot summer days can be spent by a sail on Lake Michigan.  All in all, the pleasure at hand for summer visitors to Grand Haven are unsurpassed.  Our resorts should be advertised more widely and brought before the summer outing public.  Undoubtedly, with a little more push and vigor in that direction, Grand Haven would rival and even surpass Petoskey, for our climate is much more congenial.


   The colored people of the state will establish a news paper to be known as the “Michigan Advance.”


   Although the native American sailor threatens to become extinct, the native American master of sailing craft still exists.  Whalers hailing from ports of the United States are commonly commanded by the natives, but the crew is often made up of men belonging to half a dozen European nationalities.


   A Welsh engineer has prepared for a vessel which he claims will attain a speed of sixty miles an hour.  His proposed vessel is flat bottomed, 550 feet long, 50 feet wide, wedge shaped at each end for 400 feet of her length with a displacement of some 14,600 tons.  Such a vessel, fitted with sixteen paddle wheels driving at 170 revolutions a minute, this sanguine inventor believes would be propelled through the water at the rate of sixty miles an hour.


   H. Potts writes to the Detroit news from New Era as follows:  “Few places can be found that are more cheerful than a Michigan lumber camp in the heart of the green pine forest, and peopled by its hundred or more hearty pioneers.  The ring of the ax, the hum of the saw, mingled with the crude song of the woodman; the sharp puff of the engine, the shrill yell of the ox driver; the thundering sound that comes at short intervals from the fall of a giant of the forest, each lend to the life and cheerfulness of the surroundings, and fill the woodmen with an energy and buoyancy that knows not fatigue or melancholy.  After the evening meal of pork, beans, bread and sometimes black-strap at the cook shanty, all gather in the men’s shanty, and entertainers of camp come forth amid clouds of tobacco smoke, and story telling, games, music, song and dancing are indulged in until the gong sounds for turning in.  Such is the life for many years in Staples and Covell’s camp up to yesterday noon, when the dead and dying were taken from the wreck and brought into camp.


   Mr. P. J. Connell and wife, accompanied by Mrs. Robt. Cowan of Muskegon passed through the city today on their way to Coopersville to attend the funeral of their uncle Mr. Thomas Malone which occurs tomorrow morning.




   The schooner Indian Bill is in port with a cargo of wood.


   A Washington street merchant offers $25 to aid along a Fourth of July celebration in the city.  Let the good work go on.


   The Tribune is assured that the wrestling match tonight between Benny Jones and Joe Burke will be straight and positively to a finish.


   The wrestling match between Ed. Brown and Mike Dwyer at Grand Rapids last night resulted in a victory for Dwyer in two straight falls.  L. C. Letiman of this city was referee and M. Kamhout and Joe Burke were Brown’s seconds.  After 68 minutes hard work Dwyer secured the first fall and six minutes after secured a half Nelson and the second fall.


   A citizen suggests that all the tramps whom it becomes necessary to arrest should be put to work.  In Grand Rapids a stone yard is used, but in this city they could be put to work in filling up the Central Park.  Put them under the city teamster and keep them hustling and beyond a doubt every vag would be glad to run out of the city.  Tramps cause the town much expense every year and some means like this should be used to keep them away.  If they knew work was the penalty, very few would stop in Grand Haven.


Exciting Council Meeting.

   Last night’s meeting of the common council was as about as interesting a meeting as was ever held in the city hall.

   The proceedings of the alderman and the retorts exchanged pleased the big crowd that was present.  In the first place the appointment of city officers, who had put in bids, caused a great deal of disappointment among the losers, who were of course in the big majority, and had to vent their feelings on some aldermen for their defeat.  The big fight of the night, however, was on the salaries question.  The council was in committee of the whole at the time with  President VerHoeks in the chair.  Ald. Koeltz made a little speech, speaking sarcastically of “this reform council.”  He stated that the lowering of the salaries proposed would amount to only a paltry sum and that the tax of every taxpayer would only be reduced  a few cents.  “I am by no means a personal friend of the marshal,” Mr. Koeltz remarked, “but I appreciate the dangers and work of the office and am opposed to lowering his salary.”  (The committee had reported to make the marshal’s salary $500 a year.)  Mr. Koeltz urged that the salaries be left as heretofore.  In reply to Mr. Koeltz, Ald. Nyland mentioned Kalamazoo and other towns that were reducing salaries this year and also mentioned a number of cities larger than Grand Haven which paid smaller salaries.  The salary of each officer was considered and the only reduction made was in the office of city attorney.

   The ordinance requiring $50 city tax of saloons was passed, after considerable talk and squabbling.  Alderman Thieleman protested that such an ordinance was unfair, taxing as it did the business men who pay the bulk of the taxes.  Koeltz and Thieleman were together on this, but six other councilmen passed the measure.

   A strange case of affairs came up when the salaries matter was being considered.  At the last meeting of the council the salaries of all officers, except those by bid, were left to the ways and means committee to fix.  After the committee reported last night and while a vote was being taken on each office it developed that certain members of the committee had gone back to their committee work and were voting to keep the salaries at the old figure.  Alderman Nyland had consistently been voting for reduction and he indignantly demanded a rising vote.  Of course when the alderman arose the “cat was let from his bag,” and the alderman who had turned back on what they had done in committee were noticeable and were placed in somewhat awkward position for the moment. 

   Harry Smith was elected city engineer at $80 a month, John Kraal, teamster, $45 a month and R. Dykema, superintendent of water works and street commissioner.  Dr. Rens was elected city physician.  The mayor was given power to employ counsel to attend to the legal matters of the city until a city attorney is elected.  Chas. N. Dickinson and _____ Vinkenmulder were appointed _____  ___________.


The Bids.

   Following are the bids for the various city offices as presented to the council last night.

[The remainder of this article can be seen in the Tribune microfilm at the Loutit Library.]


   Mr. Editor:—Is there anything that would be more apt to make the people skeptical of intended reform in our city affairs than the conduct of the council last night?  Honest and capable men, who were invited to put in bids for the different city positions were grossly insulted by being entirely ignored.

A Disgruntled Reformer.


Proposition From Venner.

   Following is a proposition to the city from C. H. Venner.

8. Congress St., Boston, April 10, ’94.

   To the Honorable Mayor and Common Council of the City of Grand Haven, Michigan.

   Gentlemen:—My attention has been called to the annual report of receipts and disbursements of the City of Grand Haven for the year ending March 16, 1894, from which it appears that the City expended on account of its water works the sum of $5132.09 and that the total receipts from water rents and other sources were $1019.11, making the deficit or loss for the year in the maintenance of said works $4112.98.  It has occurred to me that in view of this large annual loss to the City, and the fact that so large a proportion of the water takers prefer the water supplied by our Company to that furnished by the City works, and that there is still pending undermined an action for an accounting between the City and the Company for water heretofore used, that it might not be out of place at this time to undertake an adjustment of past matters and negotiations for a new contract, which would not only effect a saving to the City on what is now actually expended in the maintenance of its works, but provide ample fire protection in all parts of the city and furnish water takers with water of unquestionable purity.  Believing that an amicable adjustment will conduce to the welfare of the City as well as the Company, and in addition thereto effect an annual saving to the City, I invite your consideration of the following suggestions for a proposition to be embodied in a properly drawn ordinance.

   First:—A five year contract to be entered into under which the City would pay the Company $3000 per annum for the present number of hydrants.

   Second:—The Company to put its reservoir in first class condition.

   Third:—The claim of the Grand Haven, Michigan, Water Works, against the City for water heretofore furnished to be submitted to three arbitrators for settlement.  The arbitrators to be selected from among the managers of three Water Companies in Michigan or Wisconsin, one to be selected by the City, one by the Company and a third by the first two.  The finding of said arbitrators to be final and binding on both parties.

   Fourth:—The City to shut down its works and cease furnishing water for any purpose during the life of the contract.

   The above suggestions if adopted will not only save the City about $1100 per annum upon the basis of last year’s expenditures, but will settle a controversy which I believe has been as detrimental to the City itself as it has been expensive to the Company.  All of which is respectfully submitted.

   Grand Haven Water Company.

By C. H. Venner,





   The steambarge Francis Hinton is in with a load of lumber for pier work.


   Two business men were noticed falling through a grocery box near the Norris today in a rather undignified way.


   Joe Burke and Benny Jones wrestled last night at the Opera House for the championship of Michigan, at 145 pounds.  Burke won in twenty-one minutes actual wrestling time.  A fair audience was in attendance.


   The salaries which the different city officers will get the ensuing year are as follows:  Recorder, $425; marshal and harbor master, $600; night watch $45 per month; city attorney, $100 per annum; chief of fire department, $300 per annum; director of poor, $80 per year; city physician and health officer, $100 per year; sexton, $360 per year; bridge tender, $20 per month; city teamster, $40 per month; superintendent of water works and street commissioner, $1.40 per day from April to December, and $1.00 from December to April.


   The recount of the votes cast for the supervisor of Spring Lake, took place today at the court house.  Gerrit Bulthuis acted as examiner for Mr. Pruim at the recount and Mr. Peter Dewitt for Mr. Bilz.  Robert Finch officiated as third examiner by appointment of Judge Goodrich.  The counting of the votes was begun at 10 o’clock and they were all counted within an hour.  Mr. Bilz’s election was confirmed by a majority of two more than at the first count.  The ballots as recounted were as follows:  Whole number 399, blanks 14, for Bilz 202, for Pruim 183.  The result of the first count was Bilz 169 and Pruim 152.  As will be seen, Pruim on the recount gained 31 and Bilz 33 or exactly 64 ballots not counted at the first canvass.  The only explanation for the error is, that a pack of votes was placed in the box, by mistake, the party doing so supposing they had been counted.  Although the election of Mr. Bilz was not affected, it shows what a liability there is to make mistakes.  A peculiar thing about the uncounted votes was the evenness between the two candidates, the majority being increased only two.


   A burning can of phosphorus near the residence of John Farch on Sixth St., called out the department this afternoon.  A boy named Boomsuiter was badly burned about the legs by the fire and Walter Baker in attempting to put it out had his hands buned.


Deaths of Mrs. C. J. Reilly and Daughter, Nannie Reilly.

   Very sad indeed, were the deaths last evening of Mrs. Mary Reilly and her daughter Mill Nannie Reilly.

   Strangely enough, both who had in life, loved each other with more than usual affection should cross the dark river within an hour of each other.  “God doeth all things well,” and in this case it seemed particularly so.  For several months the daughter had been a patient sufferer with that dread disease, consumption.  Mrs. Reilly cared for her and attended to her many wants, during the long illness, thus breaking down her own vitality.  About three weeks ago the mother was taken to her bed, the long strain having at last compelled her to.  She grew weaker day by day.

   Last Thursday both were allowed to see each other and it was their final parting.  But a few hours afterward they were dead.

   Mrs. Reilly was the first to die, passing away at 5:15 last evening.  Miss Nannie died at 6:15, just one hour later.

   Mrs. Mary Reilly was born in Grand Rapids, Mich., in 1858, coming to Grand Haven in 1871, where she has lived ever since.  She leaves one son, Edward, a young man, two sisters, Mrs. Jon golden of this city and Mrs. John Hines of Grand Rapids and two brothers, Mr. Jas. Murphy of Grand Rapids and John Murphy, a sailor.  She was the widow of the late Charles Reilly who did next October.

   Miss Nannie Reilly was born in Grand Haven the 9th of July, 1875, being 19 years old next July.  Has always lived here and her winning ways and pleasant manner had gained for her a host of friends in Grand Haven, who sincerely mourn her sad departure.

   Both funerals will be from St. Patrick’s Catholic church, next Monday morning at 9 o’clock.


Our Reformed Council.

   Great things were expected of and a large number of citizens, irregardless of party voted for the reformers, expecting a large saving of expenses and an economical administration of the affairs of the city and had great expectations that the laws would be enforced strictly according to City Charter.

   The council has just commenced to get warm in their seats and had surely made a good beginning in publishing to the world that they would receive bids for the performance by competent persons for the several positions they had the power to appoint.  This move was hailed with joy by the now overburdened taxpayers as true harbingers of relief, and as a true indication that all would be treated alike.  But low and behold, at the last session of the council when a large number of bids were opened, (and judging by the list published in your valuable paper last evening) they were all good citizens and thoroughly competent for the positions for which they put in a bid to fill, and they should have had just and decent treatment.  Did they get it?  Certainly not if we judge the matter by public opinion we hear uttered on every street corner today.  There was certainly not one who bid for the night watchman’s position but would have filled it in an acceptable manner.  What’s the matter with Andrew VanHoef, Isaac Van Weelden, Fred Kramer and in fact any of the other bidders.  They were all lower than the man who got it.

   Among the list of those who bid for the position of engineer there was several bids lower than the man who got the job and besides they are recognized as thoroughly competent men in that calling, and ought to have received decent treatment at least.  The charter says the Common Council shall appoint among other officers a city attorney.  Not being able to elect either of the two names prominently mentioned for the position, they good naturedly delegated a power that the charter does not give them the power to do, to the mayor to appoint one pro tem and they good naturedly made no limit as to pay.  This was all very kind to the Mayor, but where does the reform come in?

   They also appointed one man to a second office, Census Enumerator First and Second wards, when he will have just all he can do to perform the duties of one.

A Man who Did Not Vote for the Reformers.




   Yesterday was the second warmest day of the year.


    Gen. Henry Slocum the federal Union commander is dead.


   Miss Mariam Ferry will teach West Olive school this term.


   Base ball cranks in this vicinity will watch with interest the Grand Rapids club of the Western League.  Naturally all in this locality would like to see that town capture the pennant and it undoubtedly will come pretty close to it.


   Grand Rapids is rightfully proud of its base ball club, the best that city ever sported.  Yesterday the G. R. team defeated the National League aggregation from Cleveland by the score of 11 to 9.  The Grand Rapids club has a good chance of winning the pennant of the Western League and has in its ranks such famous players at Whealock, Wright, Carruthers, Carroll and Pinkney.


   One of the phenomena of this lake shore is the peculiar singing sand.  This sand lies within a strata 30 to 50 feet in width and is found along the beach for 250 miles at least. All who have been to the lake shore have walked on this sand and know the strange sensation or thrill which it sends through a person while walking over it; very much like a light electrical current.  Outside of the strata mentioned, the sand of the beach, though of the same kind does not send forth that thrill.  Some years ago the Treasury Department had Capt. Beauvale send some of this sand to examine its qualities and quantities. Its singing sound is probably caused by the action of the water.


   Perch are beginning to bite.


   Only seventeen harbors on the lakes get more appropriation this year than Grand Haven.


   Mr. John Neil and family will move out to Highland Park Hotel and inaugurate the park season about May 15.


   According to the state law all dogs in every township, city ahd town over six months old are to be taxed $1 annually for male dogs and $3 for female dogs.  By the laws of 1893 owners of dogs are required to enroll them on their regular assessment list, the same as other property under penalty of $10 to $50 for failure.


   The most popular man in Grand Haven, and, in fact, one who always been a sort of hero in that town, is Wm. L. R. A. Andres, the present city marshal.  “Billy” was marshal for five consecutive years, from 1884 to 1889.  Since that time he has been in other business, but this spring was again a candidate and was elected by a sweeping majority.  It is probably his feats of strength and his ability as a wrestler that has brought him before the people and made him a local hero.  No man in Ottawa county can lift what he can, and as a wrestler he has a great reputation.  “Billy” was a candidate for sheriff of Ottawa county in 1890, and Grand Haven cast within 100 of a unanimous vote for him, but for local reasons the southern part of the county went against him, and he was defeated by 50 odd votes.  Last summer, while employed on an iron ore barge, he saved two little girls from drowning in Buffalo harbor, and was nearly drowned himself.—Detroit Journal.


   The gas fixtures being placed n the new court house are very fine.


   Mr. Editor:—There are some of our citizens kicking because our new city administration does not compel the marshal to put on a uniform.  I think the administration is all right in that respect.  There are already too many uniforms in this country.  It is un-American and should be discouraged.  In large sites it is necessary, but in a small community like this it is out of place.  This spring after European ways and customs—in a small community—looks and is a weak spot in a great many of our adopted citizens.  Keep the stars and stripes before you and never mind the uniform.  Wasn’t the man who had that rule passed compelling the marshal to wear a uniform, foreign born—in Russia, probably?  He will next want us to bare our heads and kneel when we see his lordship hove insight.


   The Spring Lake bus line is being well patronized for so early in the season.


   A line of electric cars would pay well from Spring Lake to Grand Haven eight months in the year.


   A free bridge would be a great blessing to both places.  No one likes to be taxed for taking a pleasant ride or for crossing a bridge.




   The glass factory has received another large consignment of glass from Europe.


   Two cribs will be built for Michigan City harbor.  Mr. Truman who has the contract at this port will build them.


   Holland’s factory girls have been mad as hops because they heard that one of the pastors declared they had no character.


   Tramps touring through Grand Haven are liable to be caught and set to work filling up the hole in the ground known as Central Park, says the Grand Rapids Democrat.


   A young fellow named Westover has been appointed postmaster at Fruitport and Ex-Supervisor Stevenson removed.  The new man is not liked and poems not very complimentary are being sprung on him by local poets.


   A force of men are working on the pier crib below the glass factory.


   Co. F drilled last evening and paraded the streets for several hours.


   Two young ladies masquerading in the guise of tramps in the 4th ward last evening badly frightened four or five good sized men.  They have (the men) requested us to keep their names out of print.


   The steamer lines at Milwaukee yesterday changed their tactics in fighting the striking longshoremen.  Their new scheme is to load one steamer at a time, so that any trouble which may arise will be confined to a given point, where a small force of police will suffice to suppress it.


   An interesting experiment in municipal reform has been tried at Grand Haven.  When the new common council assumed charge of affairs it invited everybody who wanted a city office to present plans and applications.  It was rightly calculated that this would give the council a wide range for the selection of good officers and many citizens entered into the movement with marked enthusiasm.  It is to be regretted that reliable data as to the result of the experiment is somewhat obscured by the fact that the council then calmly went ahead and voted for a pre-arranged slate, leaving the gentlemen who had been invited to put in bids staring at each other in dazed astonishment.—G. R. Dem.


   Joe Burke challenges any 140 pound man in the state to a wrestle.


   The Hancock, General Gillmore and Williams, government steamers, all moved from their winter quarters today, preparatory to leaving.


   The city is converting a lot of the ground near the Spring Lake bridge into a public dumping ground.  This rubbish, placed as it is along a public thorough fare is very unsightly to say the least.  Yesterday a horse driven by a lady over 70 years of age became frightened at one of these heaps and backed off into the marsh.  Luckily some Corn Planter employees witnessed the accident and went to the rescue, and managed to get the rig on the road again without serious results.


   What’s the matter with a sandpaper factory in this city?  It is said to be simple to manufacture and could be turned out by the car load.  There are few such manufactories but great quantities used every day.


   A special council meeting was held last evening.  The cemetery committee was authorized to buy 500 tile sticks or posts for the cemetery to replace the present posts which are going into decay.  The council also agreed to give Meinke Dykhuis one man to assist in loading sand.


   The resolution referred to in a communication signed X in yesterday’s Tribune in regard to the police uniform was unanimously adopted last spring, a full council being present.  It was the sentiment of the people, and was considered by all a good move, the Tribune being among the advocates for the move, believing it to be in the right direction.


   One of the richest trotting pedigrees in the covers of the Stud Book is that of Geo. St. Clair, the Michigan champion three and four-year-old performer with a three year-old race record of 2:20¼, drawing 225 pounds to a high-wheeled sulky, and a four-year-old race record of 2:15¼ in a fifth heat and winning race at Lexington, Ky., pitted against the best performers of the year.  His sire, Betterton, is the sire of Prima Donna, 2:09¼ and many others by the great Geo. Wilkes.  His dam, a producer, is by Young Jim, another sire of extreme speed and also a son of Geo. Wilkes, while his second dam is also a producer and by the mighty Hambletonian 10.  Geo. St. Clair earned his laurels in hotly contested races and is a performer of the highest order.  His colts already promise to be his equal, and if you will read his advertisement in the Michigan Horse News, and send for tabulation and full particulars to Thomas Savidge, of Floral Stock Farm, spring Lake, Mich., we think you will be convinced that “half has not been told,” and you will be agreeably surprised to learn that his services can be secured at $100 with return privilege.  Come and look this horse over.




   A genuine April shower today.


   The citizens are planting trees in the burnt district in Spring Lake.


   A large amount of shade trees are being planted about the city.


   Congressman Richardson is confident that he can keep the Custom House at Grand Haven.


   Wm. R. Loutit is filling in his lot on Washington St., preparatory to building his new residence.


   The schooner Lydia of Manitowoc arrived this morning with a cargo of lumber.


   A number of Grand Haven people are wishing those Peach Plains socials would continue.


   Messrs. Emlaw and Miller have fitted up a neat little office in the Electric Light Plant.


   The state troops will camp this year within easy sight of the capitol dome on an 80 acre meadow.  The Lansing city mains will supply the water.


   Albert Balgooyan is now general secretary of the local Y. M. C. A.


   W. C. Sheldon has planted trees around his property, corner Fourth and Washington streets.


   Ed. Pennoyer claims the distinction of bringing the first string of perch into the city from the pier.


   Robt. Convey has disposed of his wheel and now rides behind a fine trotter.


   The average temperature yesterday was warmer than any other day this year.


   The Tribune has it from good authority that Postmaster Stevenson of Fruitport will not be deposed by the present administration.


   John Bryce, Ed. Bryce, G. P. Hiler, Wm. Perry, James Stokes and Messrs. Mulder, are on a hunting trip to the big marsh.


   Sheriff Keppel was 32 years of age last Monday and on the evening of that day he was given a genuine surprise at his residence.  A large number of his friends were present and an enjoyable evening spent.


   The steamer City of Racine arrived from Chicago this morning about 9 o’clock on the first trip of the season of ’94.  She has been made still more handsome than in former years by a number of improvements and is resplendent in a new coat of paint.  Capt. Gee still commands the Racine. The engineering department of the ship is in charge of John Parks, with S. Dusold as second engineer.  Harry Kanosh is purser of the boat and Harry McCarthy steward.  The Racine had a number of passengers this morning and a fair amount of freight.


   Thomas Hammond has been elected marshal of Spring Lake.


   Wm. Loutit’s handsome new steamer Pentland made a trial trip several miles out in the lake this afternoon.  A large number of citizens went out with the Pentland and as she steered down the harbor every steamer and incoming tug saluted her.  Mr. Morrison of Cleveland, Ohio, accompanied the steamer to properly adjust her compass.


   The glass factory is rushed with work.


   The government tug Graham is in port.


   Grand Haven's city marshal will not wear a uniform this year because he expects to have a lot of detective work to do this summer and does not propose to allow his clothes to give him away, says the Grand Rapids Democrat.


   Some legislation is probable during the present congress looking to the abolition of the offices of collectors of customs at a number of the smaller ports.  It is asserted that the expenses of maintaining the smaller custom houses is necessary and may at times result in actual loss of revenue on account of the inexperience of officials at the ports where they are employed.  A bill on this subject is now before the house committee on expenditures in the treasury department and has been given some consideration by the committee.  It proposes to discontinue 40 offices, including the one at Grand Haven, Mich., says the Detroit News.




   Jack Adams of the steamer Wisconsin was slightly scalded this morning.


   Attorney Lillie is in Spring Lake today in the Deremo illegal fishing case.


   A mob of striking Polish working men attacked Sheriff Collin’s posse in Detroit yesterday.  Two Poles were killed and the sheriff fatally injured.


   The steamer Nellie made a trip up to Spring Lake yesterday, the first of the season.


   Remember, that Gov. Rich has named Friday, April 27, as the day when you should plant trees, shrubs and flowers to beautify both your home and the highway.  Arbor day is being more generally observed every year.


   During the 27 years that Grand Haven has been a city only five different men have occupied the office of city recorder.  Chas. T. Pagelson was recorder 12 years.


Prospective Views of Grand Haven and Surroundings.

   Mr. C. J. Pauli of Milwaukee has been in town some time, making an India ink sketch of Grand Haven.  Today we saw the drawing and we must confess that it is the best representation of our town, ever made.

   The position of the artist in taking the view was south of the city.  The drawing shows the lake and the harbor, Highland Park to the left, the tannery and water works to the right, the course of the river and Ferrysburg and Spring Lake in the distance.  Every house can be seen and special care was taken to show the landscape in our neighborhood, the bluffs, Spring Lake, etc.

   Mr. Pauli intends to make a lithograph of the work and will now take orders for the same.  We think no better advertisement for our city for a summer resort can be had and hope our citizens will appreciate this and help the enterprise along in a liberal way.


Death of Mrs. A. Bottje.

   The old citizens of Grand Haven are steadily dropping off.  Another has been added to this list, in the person of Mrs. Antony Bottje, who died suddenly last night. 

   Her death was very sudden and unexpected, as she was enjoying good health and had been around yesterday as usual, and had taken supper with the rest of the family.  About ten o’clock in the evening she complained of not feeling well, and half an hour afterwards breathed her last.

   Her death is supposed to have been caused from heart disease, and coming as it did, has prostrated the family with grief.

   Mrs. Bottje was born in Niauw Pakala, Province Groningen, December 19, 1827, and was 66 years and four months old.  She married Mr. Bottje December 6, 1851, and in the early summer of 1853, they immigrated to America, settled in this city, where they have since resided.  For many years they lived in the Fourth ward, in the John Barns old residence.  Their late home has been on Fifth street between Franklin and Clinton streets.

   She leaves a husband and the following children:  Garrit A. Bottje, Mrs. John Roossien, Derk, Harmon, John, Peter, Anna, Sans, Jennie and Antony; also a brother, Mr. G. Gringhuis and a sister, Mrs. S. Juistema, all of this city, to mourn her departure.

   Besides the family and relatives, the deceased had many friends in this city and vicinity to whom she had become endeared, and who sincerely sympathizes with the family in their bereavement.

   Funeral services at the family home on Fifth street, Saturday afternoon at 1:30, and at the First Reformed church at 2:00 o’clock, Rev. P. DeBruyn speaking in Holland and A. S. Kedzie in English.


   Philadelphia has mounted part of her park police upon regulation army bicycles, and they patrol their beats in that manner.  Philadelphia is the first city to do this, but the example is a good one, says the Washington Republic.


   Wm. H. Burch, at one time a member of the Grand Haven Life Saving crew and well known here, was among the injured in the riot in Detroit yesterday.  He is a detective in the employ of the water board of Detroit.  He suffers from several broken ribs and is seriously injured internally.




   The trailing arbutus is out.


   Real estate sales are becoming more numerous.


   Holland churches are putting in electric lights.


   That bad sidewalk nuisance still menaces the city.


   Fred Engle has sublet the Court House mantel contract to McIntosh and Putnam.


   The Roanoke is in today on her last trip of the season of ’93-4.  She will ply from Lake Superior this summer.


   A history of the old court house, the officers who have presided there, the many trials and cases, and the famous criminals who have received their sentences in its court room, would make interesting local chronology.


   The county officers are now located in the handsome new county Court House.  The move was made yesterday although many of the office belongings were left in the old places until today.  It was very laborious work and it will be some time before the files and books can be straightened out as they should be.  The new furniture will not be ready for four weeks or more and the old is being utilized until that time.  Workmen are now engaged in putting the mantels in the offices.  The county clerk’s was put in yesterday.  County Treasurer Pelgrim moved his safe into the new office this morning.  The office of the Probate Judge and County Treasure face Washington St. and the Register and Clerk are on the Franklin St. front.


   Peter Ball is out with the first straw hat of the season.


   Register Clark was the first county officer to transact official business in the new Ottawa county court house.  The business was with Orange Jubb of Coopersville.


   Boys, why do you kill the pretty song birds?  Do you know there is a fine of five dollars for every one you kill?  The marshal should keep his eye out and enforce the law.


   John Stark of this city was engineer on the steamer Caspian of the Ward Line, in the year 1852, plying between Detroit and Cleveland while Capt. A. E. Goodrich, fonder of the Goodrich Transportation Company, was clerk.  Cat. Goodrich died in 1885.


   The case of the People vs. Frank Deremo, illegal fishing, was tried in Spring Lake yesterday.  Deremo was found guilty and fined $5 and costs.  W. I. Lillie was his attorney and Prosecutor Visscher for the people.  Deremo’s claim was that he had nets set for turtles.  He was arrested by Deputy Hammond.


Common Council.


   [The complete proceedings of the Common Council as presented in the Tribune are beyond the scope of this project and only the more interesting passages are noted here in edited form.  The complete records can me seen on the Tribune microfilm at the Loutit Library.]


   Alderman Verhoeks ,,, reported the 4th ward engine house let to the Independent Athletic Club at $4 per month from the 13th inst., and one month paid the recorder.

   Alderman Nyand reported that a test of the quality of the water in the city well would cost ten dollars, and on a suggestion that the water in the pipes should also be analyzed.  Ald. Koeltz moved that the water in wood mains be tested, …

   City Marshal Andres presented the following:

To the Honorable, the Mayor and Common Council:

   Gentlemen—I submit the following named gentlemen as deputy marshals.  Also ask the privilege of two more later on when the Park opens.  Byron Mabee, Wm. Zoerner, Aldred Barden, Chris Pfaff, John Botbyl, J. Sluiter, Albert Nemire, Giles Hiler, Ed. Smith, Aart Vandemeiden, Peter VanDyke, Harm Nodhuis, and Peter Cook.

   Alderman  Verhoeks reported the marshal needing a pair of handcuffs …

   Alderman Glerum stated that the Highland Park streets were covered with drift sand, which should be removed, and that it could be done for $30, the sum which was paid last year.  [Passed]

   Alderman Verhoeks moved as an amendment to this motion that the committee communicate with the owners of Highland Park cottages, respecting contributions to defray part of the expense of such sand removal.  [Lost]

   Chief of Fire Dept. Palmer reported the necessity of a platform for the fire engine on the east side of the South Channel bridge.

   The old court house, its acceptance on a tender by the board of supervisors and the acceptance of it by the school board from the city and its possible return to the city by the school board was discussed by the council, whereupon Alderman Koeltz moved, that in case of its final non-acceptance by the school board, the mayor be authorized to return said court house to the Board of Supervisors.  Carried …


Death of I. C. Gray.

   Died, at his home, April 7th, of  Bright’s disease, Isaac C. Gray, aged 81 years and two months.

   Isaac C. Gray was born January 21, 1813, in the town of Bruswick, Renasaler county, N. Y.  His family is of English origin and was founded in America by two brothers, Henry and John Gray, who came to this country in 1643 and located in Fairfield, Conn.  Their descendants are scattered all over the United States.  Many were soldiers in the Revolutionary war; others served in the war of 1812, and again in the late Rebellion the family were well represented.

   Until he made his home in Green Lake county, in 1867, Mr. Gray was employed in manufacturing woolen goods in Massachusetts and Vermont.  In 1842 he was united in marriage with Emeline Parker, of Windsor, Mass.  He became an Odd Fellow about 1843, but after coming west did not keep his connection with the order, his withdrawal card from Oneco Lodge, No. 100, of North Adams, Mass., being under date of October 1, 1884.  He cast his first presidential vote for Henry Clay, but after the election of Gen. Harrison he became an abolitionist and voted with that party until his work was finished.  He then affiliated with the Republican party until 1867, since which time he has given support to the Democratic party.  He served as school treasurer nearly twenty-seven years, and about sixteen years as justice of the peace.

   He had a bright, genial nature and was kind and gentle to all who came in contact with him.  He has been a sufferer of Bright’s disease for about twelve years, yet his cheerful spirit seemed ever to rise above this affliction and his jolly laugh was oftener heard than words of complaint.  He was the father of four children, the oldest of whom, Coralinn, died when but six years old.

   The funeral services were held at the Congregational church, Sunday, F. L. Selden officiating.—Princeton, (Wisconsin) Republic




   The Leather Co. is making big shipments of hair.


   The steamer Nyack is bigger than the Goodrich steamers.


   The steamer Suit is undergoing repairs at Ferrysburg.


   Several illegal fishermen were found guilty in Holland this week.


   The Muskegon news speaks in a very complimentary way of Capt. Lyman of the steamer Nyack.


   It is surprising the number of people moving here from across the lake.


   The steamer A. B. Taylor is stranded on the rocks of Good harbor reef.  She left here last week to go upon the route between Frankfort, Manitou Islands and Northport.  Last Thursday she went on the reef.  She is resting easily on the boulders in six feet of water and reports say she will be saved unless a gale springs up.  The passengers were taken off in safety.  The Taylor is valued at $17,000 and carries no insurance.  Capt. John Rhodes of Spring Lake is in command of the vessel.  It will be remembered that she stranded at Saugatuck two years ago and last year plied between Sheboygan and Muskegon.


   The High school and Athletic Club nine are playing today.


   Jurors will appreciate the new court house from a sanitary point of view if from no other.


   The “Evening Tribune’s” Neil DeGlopper, captain, defeated the boys Athletic

Club ball nine, by a score of 24 to 2 today.


   G. VandenBosch & Bro. are putting the curtains in place in the new court house.  The court room curtains were put in today.


   Belding has her skates on, and says she will have a railroad from Grand Haven to Grand Rapids, but that that a new shoe factory will be erected before midsummer.


   Mr. J. A. Tubbs of Charlotte has purchased the business and photography outfit of E. P. Baker and takes possession May 1st.  He comes well recommended.


W. C. T. U. Resolutions.

   At the meeting of the W. T. C. U. the following resolutions of respect to a departed member were adopted.

   Death has entered our number and removed from our midst a worthy and esteemed former president.

   In the year 1880 Mrs. Elvira Hubbard was president of the W. C. T. U.  Esteemed and respected by all that knew her, her memory will be cherished by all as a member and worker in the ranks of the W. C. T. U.

   Whereas, This Union keenly feels the loss of its member, whose long and varied services are worthy of our highest commendation.  It is hereby.

   Resolved, That as a tribute to the memory of our sister, a copy of these resolutions be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.  And a copy be sent to the family of our departed sister, with the assurance that they have the warmest sympathy of the W. C. T. U.

   It is a coincidence worthy of note that first meeting of the W. C. T. U. after the death of Mrs. Hubbard was held in the rooms she presided in fourteen years ago.  The rooms now occupied by the Y. M. C. A. were then occupied by the Red Ribbon Club and W. C. T. U.  During Mrs. Hubbard’s term of office the first county convention entertained by the local union was held in the First Reformed church then under the pastoral care of Rev. Mr. Duiker.  It was a large and enthusiastic gathering.  Rev. Mr. Vanderhart now in Heaven, but then pastor of the Second Reformed church took a very prominent part.  Mrs. Benham, lost on the Alpena, was then county and district secretary succeeding Mrs. Henry Spring of Grand Rapids of Grand Rapids to the latter office.  Mrs. Spring has since passed over to the great majority.  Thus God gathers home the workers, but still carries on the work.

A Local Member.

   In loving memory of

   The Dear ones, She One

   Day Hopes to Join.


   Congressman Richardson busied himself today interviewing different representatives relative to the proposition to abolish the custom house at Grand Haven.  He had a satisfactory talk with Congressman Charles Barwig, of Wisconsin, who is the chairman of the house committee on expenditures in the treasury department, to which the Curtis bill reducing the number of custom districts has been referred, and to which the treasury department’s report favoring reduction has been referred.  Mr. Richardson says that the chairman is not in favor of the abolition offices of decided importance like that of Grand Haven.  “I think,” said Mr. Richardson, “that I am entirely justified in saying this attempt to knock out Grand Haven will have a very rocky road to travel.”—Detroit Free Press.




   Next Friday will be the 72nd anniversary of Gen. Grant’s birth.


   The steamer Pentland made a trip out in the lake this morning.


   Michigan produced 2,082 ounces of gold last year for the mint.


   Michigan’s coal product last year was 45,000 tons.


   Much of the marsh land opposite the tannery is being cleared and prepared for growing celery.


   A wrestling match at the Glass Factory between Oscar Elmer and young Swartz was won by Swartz.


   Washington people are becoming alarmed over the approaching Coxey armies.


   Mrs. E. C. Dunbar received a dispatch from her husband yesterday stating that the steamer A. B. Taylor was off the rocks all right.


   White fish are still caught occasionally by fishermen off this port.  Last week one of the local fishermen made a haul of 500 pounds of this fish.


   The Mayor of the city, a Fourth ward alderman and three deputy marshals are members of or employees of the Grand Haven Leather Co.


   The steamers Wisconsin and Nyack left Milwaukee at the same time last night but the Wisconsin got so far ahead of her that she was soon left out of sight.


   Ottawa County’s new Court House including furniture and grading and putting the grounds in shape will cost $60,000.  Architect Johnson writes to the Benton Harbor Palladium that it is one of the most complete Court Houses in the country and has all the conveniences.


   The prime object of the state census is to obtain the name and various other particulars of every inhabitant of the state June 1, 1894; of whatever age, sex, color, race, or condition, with the single exception of “Indians not taxed,” which means persons of Indian descent who are not civilized or who are members of any tribe.  People will be asked among other questions as to their ability to read or write English.


   W. C. Sheldon’s lot, corner Washington & 4th St., is being cleared.


   Improvements are noticeable in all parts of the city.


   The steamer sport will ply between the two Muskegons.


   The county surveyor was at work at the court house square today.


   The little steamer Sport left here for Muskegon, Saturday.


   Postmaster Baar reports large numbers of trailing arbutus being sent from this office.


   Nearly every building and business in Spring Lake is receiving a coat of paint.


   Sand is being taken off the Third St. sand hill so rapidly that the hill is disappearing and soon will be level with the road.


   The Y. M. C. A. rooms were crowded at the services yesterday afternoon.  Rv. Thomas spoke and A. M. Barden sang a solo.


   Fire was discovered on the roof of Mrs. F. Grooters residence today, but was extinguished without the aid of the department.


   Speaking of Capt. Chas. Lyman of the steamer Nyack the Muskegon News says:  Capt. Charles Lyman, who is in charge is a seaman of no little experience, having followed it for the past twenty years or more.  Starting out of Grand Haven, he ahd charge in turn of the passenger boats:  The “Gem,” “Gracey Barker,” “Johnson,” “Batchelor,” and he took the steamer R. T. Rodgers from Lake Michigan the full length of the Mississippi river.  He was also captain of the famous ice tug “Arctic” which kept the channel open at Grand Haven during the winter months and which went out into lake Michigan and rescued the crew from the propeller Michigan which was crushed and sunk in the ice while in his command.  Coming to Muskegon eight years ago he took charge of the Carrie Ryerson for four seasons, subsequently acting at 1st officer on the City of Racine, for three seasons.  Last year he was in command of the tug Crosby and this year he is in charge of the largest boat that runs in this port, the Nyack.


   John Wheat of Robinson was arrested here by Marshal Andres, Saturday night for drunkenness and was fined by Justice Angel this morning.


   The G. H. A. C. contemplates getting suitable ground for out door sports, such as vaulting, sprinting, throwing the shot, etc., etc., during the summer months.  Regular field days will be established and public exhibitions given.


   Geo. W. McBride had an interesting article entitled “Old Shiloh’s Field” in yesterday’s Grand Rapids herald.  The material for the article was gathered during his recent visit to the old battle ground.


   The clerk of the steamer Atlanta and a crowd of young fellows bound for Chicago, got into a squabble last night at the dock, which nearly resulted in a general fisticuff.


   Prof. Kedzie of Lansing thinks that the boomers who settled Oklahoma could have found just as good homes in Michigan and states that the diversity of crops that can be raised here is one advantage over that country.


   The Grand Haven Athletic Club Seniors and G. H. A. C. Juniors are the names of two ball clubs made up of members of G. H. A. C.  both teams are practicing and will in a short time be ready for challenges.  The senior club is composed of the best players of the city and we will undoubtedly have a number of good ball games this summer.


   Thomas Savidge, proprietor of the Floral stock farm, Spring Lake, was in the city yesterday and said that he thought the prospects very good for y season with the trotters.  He recently sold to an eastern buyer a very handsome span of roadsters.  His young stallion Geo. St. Clair, 2:15¼, will be placed in the hands of Clarence Fox who will shape him for the fall races.—G.R. Democrat.


   The Baltimore Sun says:  Baseball is peculiarly the national game and from now until cool weather the baseball crank will be very much in evidence.  Let us not discourage him.  He is helping the nation grow strong and healthy men for times when it may need them.  Young and old America stands on top of the tip toe of expectation eagerly awaiting the command—play ball.  Everybody feels perfectly happy except the umpires, and even they are not greatly disturbed at thought of the epithets which they know are shortly to be launched at their devoted heads.




   The ground is being properly laid out and preparations made for the erection of Wm. R. Loutit’s residence.


   The German church society recently organized in Grand Haven township, today purchased the furniture of the old court house.


   The Harper’s Weekly of last week had an article on the re-union at Shiloh battle field which was illustrated.  In one of the groups can be seen the well known face and form of Geo. W. McBride.


   The C. & W. M. will soon extend its line to Mackinaw.


   The steamer Wisconsin is jostling, making daily trips between here and Milwaukee.


   The United States man-of-war Michigan has been ordered to Detroit early in May to make a survey of Detroit River.


   The steamer Fanny M. Rose, Capt. Cobb, will begin the season between here and Fruitport and Spring Lake next Thursday.


   Capt. Lysaght of the L. S. station has caught eighteen sturgeon within the last six days, the total weight of which was 900 pounds.


   The match factory has shut down for a few days to admit the putting in of new machinery and making additional store room.


Glorious Fourth

   Grand Haven should have the biggest Fourth of July celebration in the history of the town this year.  We must begin early and make it a howler.

   Major Mansfield makes some good suggestions which would be well for the arrangement committee to follow.  One of his suggestions is to have a display of the mammoth fishing industry of Grand Haven. This could be arranged on the city's river front.  Have the twelve or more fish tugs of the port gaily decorated and steam up and down the river in a line.  The tugs can be followed by the fishing smacks and sail boats.  If possible all the craft in port could take part and add to the display.  A net could be placed in the river and the fishermen show the methods of hauling in the catch.

   People from the country and interior towns would be interested in such a display.  People who live in lake port towns all their lives little know what fascination the lake and vessels have for interior residents.  Excursions could be run several miles in the lake and also up the river and to Spring Lake and Fruitport.

   Last, but by no means least, the pleasure and entertainments of the day should end with a grand military and naval display across the river.  The display of two years ago was the marvel of all the visitors to the city.  Nothing like it had ever before been seen in Grand Haven.  It was a grand sight and should be repeated again this year, only on a grander scale if possible.

   Big bon fires lighted on top of the hill and on the sides, the military and batteries arranged so as to show off effectively, and fireworks.  Then let a gun boat proceed down the river.  It to be bombarded by the batteries on the hill and replying with its own guns.  Have the spars and rigging of the vessel so arranged so that when it catches fire it will show off with proper effect.

   Major Mansfield also suggests that a mine be exploded on the hill.  It could be located about in the center and enough placed in it to remind one of Petersburg when it exploded.




   Nearly 5,000 men are now in commonweal armies, marching towards Washington.


   A movement is on foot to start a Coxey army from Grand Rapids to Washington.


   A ware house will be built in Muskegon for the accommodation of the Nyack.


   The Wellman Polar Expedition is now well on its journey tot the pole.


   There was quite a quantity of ice in the lakes yesterday morning, and in some places as thick as a silver dollar.


   “Truck” the famous dog of the Muskegon fire department died yesterday.  The animal had run to every fire from the Central station for 13 years.


   The entomologists say the seventeen year locusts will put in an appearance this year.  The advance guard may be expected during the last days of May.  It will be in full force about the middle of June.


   In accordance with the usual custom the High School will have a special Arbor Day exercises Friday afternoon to which all are invited.  Hon. Geo. A. Farr will deliver the address.


   Only one bid was received for the old Court House at the meeting of the School board last evening.  That was by M. Vanden-Bosch and his bid of $102 was accepted.


   Two of the Chicago schools are closed on account of smallpox, and it behooves connecting points to be careful.  The disease nearly always exists in large cities, but that offers no reason why travelers should not use the bump of caution and perhaps profit thereby.


   Messrs. Miller and Emlaw of the Electric Light Plant take justifiable pride in the neat office which they have fitted up in the plant.  These gentlemen performed the work of making the office personally and have fitted it up to the King’s taste.  Light, airy, and neat, it is a model office.


   The lecture by Mrs. Wright, on Turkey in the Congregational church last evening, was given to a full house, and was most interesting.  The terrible condition of women in Turkey in contrast with this country, led all present to be more than ever thankful for a home in America.


   Jerry Boynton, president of the Southern Michigan railway, says he expects to commence work on the road from Battle Creek in about a month.  It will take about 800 men, and they will be at least three months at doing the job.  The people at Battle Creek have strong hopes of securing the shops for that city.


   It’s none to early to make arrangements for the Fourth of July celebration.  Begin now. 


   Ed. Case, the well known deaf and dumb man who lived here so many years is dangerously sick at the poor farm at Eastmanville.


   Court spectators who have worried away many long hours on the hard benches in the old court room, will rest in ease in the handsome opera chairs which are to be placed in the new court room.


Dedicate on Independence Day.

   The court house building committee at its meeting yesterday decided to dedicate Ottawa County’s new Court House on July 4.  Grand Haven citizens will receive this decision with a hurrah, as it will be the means of giving the city the greatest celebration in the history of West Michigan.  Ex U.S. Senator Ferry and Hon. C. VanLoo of Zeeland were requested to deliver the dedicatory speeches.

   Fisher, Kinkema & Co., were given the contract to sod the Court House square.  Their bid was 7½ cents per cubic yard.

   The vaults in the old Court House were sold to Enno Pruim.

   A check was made out in favor of the Fenton Metallic Co., for the vault fixtures in the new Court House.

   The committee also ordered nine dozen chairs, seven revolving book racks and furniture for the offices.

   Arrangements were made to have the ladies waiting room carpeted, and have placed therein chairs, a divan, center table and portieres


Deer Goes to Tonawanda.

   The tug Deer of Capt. T. W. Kirby’s fishing fleet has been sold and yesterday made her last trip to the fishing grounds from this port.

   Capt. Kirby has sold the tug to the Niagara Falls Paper Co., a corporation doing business at Tonawanda, N. Y. near Buffalo.  The terms are private.  The tug will be used by the paper company for towing purposes, and today, men are already at work removing parts of the cabin and converting her into a towing tug.  It will be a week or ten days before she will be ready to start her on her long journey down Lake Michigan, Huron, St. Clair and Erie to her destination.

   Capt. Thomas McCambridge of the steamer Pentland will take the Deer down the lakes.  Robt. Page will remain on her as an engineer this season and T. Scanlan as fireman.

   The Deer is a new boat and with her sister tug “Elk” were the finest of the local fishing fleet, and ranked with the best fishing tugs of the lakes, in every particular.  She was built for deep water fishing and with the “Elk” fished at the Reef, midway between the two shores of Lake Michigan.  She was commanded this year by Capt. … Kramer and he took her out on the last trip yesterday.

   Grand Haven will watch with a feeling of regret the departure of this member of the local fleet.


   Mr. Paull who is preparing a birds-eye view of the city returned to Milwaukee today.


A Challenge.

   Grand Haven, April 25, ’94.

   The R. K. Stalling nine of the Mirror Factory do hereby challenge the G. H. A. C. nine to a game of ball, game to be played next Saturday afternoon at the old base ball grounds, south of the city on Sheldon street. 

One of Them.


   Mr. Tubbs of Charlotte will take charge of Baker’s gallery in a few weeks.


   Saugatuck and Douglas will turn Arbor Day into a picnic for harbor-saving purposes and plant trees all over the face of nature from the lake shore to the top of the sand hills.


   It has been observed that young people engaged in cigarette and tobacco factories suffer from nicotine poisoning.  Their skin is yellow, and they suffer from various maladies caused by the absorption of the poison.


   First Lieutenant Ed. Andres will probably be the next captain of Co. F.  Lieutenant Andres is one of the oldest ranking officers in the state service.  He has been lieutenant since October 12, 1887 and has made a capable painstaking officer of whom too much praise as a militia man can not be said.


Juniors Win.

   Two rival base ball teams have originated from Grand Haven Athletic Club known as the G. H. A. C. Juniors and G. H. A. C. Seniors.  Yesterday the two clubs tested their mettle by a game at the pest house grounds.  By Mabee and Ike Van Weelden constituted the battery of Seniors and Wm. O’Connell and L. Nordhouse were in the points for the juniors, as pitcher and catcher respectively.  The game was well played and honors easy, up to the fifth inning, when the Seniors went to pieces and nine of the Juniors crossed the home plate.

   The Juniors played a strong steady game throughout.  They scored two home runs of Maybee’s pitching.  One long drive for four bases was scored by the Seniors, but pitcher O’Connell kept the hits well scattered and at the end of the 9th inning the Juniors were winning 16 to 7.  Score by innings.

   Juniors  0, 0, 1, 2, 9, 1, 0, 3,—16

   Seniors 1, 0, 1, 0, 2, 1, 2, 0, 0,—7

   Umpire Ben Snyder.


   Years ago when base ball was just starting in as the National game, and when the Cincinnati Red Stockings was the only professional team in the country, Grand Haven had a club known as the “Eagles”.  The present style of pitching was then not dreamed of, and the way that club swiped the ball tossed to them in the slow method in vogue then, was a caution.  The ball grounds of the city were then located near the present site of G. D. Sanford’s home.  Many of the members of that club are still residing here.




   There are 64 cottages and pavilions at Highland Park.


   Henry Sanford caught a good sized eel while fishing at the pier yesterday.


   Workmen are tearing down the annex of the old court house, covering the old vaults.


   A new sidewalk has been laid in front of DeGlopper & Yonker’s shop on Second street.


   The Fanny M. Rose is now running twixt here, Spring Lake and Fruitport.


   The building boom of last year in this city looks from present indications as though it would be continued this year.


   John Slaghuis, C. VanderNook and Geo. Treager secured one of the biggest strings of fish of the season at the pier yesterday.


   The G. H. A. C. seniors accept the challenge of the Glass Factory nine to play Saturday afternoon. April 28th.

Captain, G. H. A. C.


   Wm. Robinson is engineer of the steamer Fanny M. Rose this year.  James Stokes formerly of the Rose is on the government tug Graham now.


   The old court house will be moved form its present location and converted into a Holland school for children of First and Second Reformed church parishioners.


   Moderator Glerum of the school board has made out the papers transferring the old court house to M. VandenBosch.  The building will be moved to lower Columbus street and used as a Dutch school by the Christian Reformed churches.


   The Grand Haven Ship Building Company have contracted to build a twin screw passenger steamer for O. W. Taylor of Ludington.  It will be 65 feet long, 30 feet beam, and have two engines.  The new steamer will be used for ferry business at Ludington.


   Prof. Harrington will lecture at the M. E. church tomorrow night of his tramp from Maine to California and what he caught with his kodak will be thrown upon a canvas by a stereopticon.  The professor has been in Georgia a great deal and speaks interestingly of the primitive and simple lives of the people in the “black region” of that state.  The residents of that section live and grow up on their farms, very seldom going out of their own county in a life time and are happy and contented with their lot. This class of whites are known in Georgia as “Crackers.”  Open hearted and hospitable their houses are open to any stranger.  Prof. Harrington has made a study of this most unprogressive of American people.  The views which he shows are from scenes of interest all over the country.  Admission will be 10 and 15 cents.


   Joseph Kibler will take charge of the Andres House next Tuesday.


   Grand Haven proposes to make a specialty of showing off its fishing industries, including the amateurs who sit on the dock and never catch anything, at the Fourth of July celebration.—G. R. Democrat.


   The dread disease of smallpox is raging to an alarming extent in Chicago and in towns like Grand Haven, in easy communication with the metropolis, should use all sanitary and medical means to keep it out of their boundaries.  Vaccination and proper cleanliness are necessary.  Dirt breeds epidemic and the city should be cleaned.  Grand Rapids has taken heroic measures to keep it out.  Although there have been no genuine cases of the disease there, the city is taking proper steps for prevention.  Every city in the state should do like wise.  The Chicago press is keeping very quiet about the smallpox cases there, but the fact is, the pest house cannot accommodate the growing list of patients.       


City Well Water All-Right.

Editor of Evening Tribune:

   Dear Sir—The result of Prof. Kedzie’s analysis of our city water was received by me this morning.  Being a matter of general interest, I hand you herewith copies of the water committee’s letter to him and his reply with enclosed analysis for publication if you so desire.

H. Nyland,

Of the Water Com.

Grand Haven, Mich., April 21, ’94.

Prof. R. C. Kedzie,

Agricultural College P. O. Mich.

   Dear Sir—Yours of the 16th inst. To hand.  At their last meeting the common council of this city instructed the Committee on Water Works to have two analysis made of water from city water system.  One of the water taken from the well direct; the other from a hydrant.  We have this day shipped you by American Express, two one-gallon jugs of this water, labeled “Well Water” and “Hydrant Water” respectively and would like to have you analyze them separately and do the same for us as quickly as possible.  The well water you will notice has no taste and no smell. While the hydrant water is rank and has a swampy taste.  What we want particularly to find out from this analysis is whether the water becomes rank by the confinement in the pipes or whether the pipes dirty the water and gives it this offensive taste.  Kindly furnish us with as much information on this point as possible.

Very Respectively yours,

Herman Nyland,

Chairman Water Com.

Agricultural College P. O. Mich.,

April 25, ’94.

H. Nyland, Chr. Com. on W. W. of Grand Haven.

   Sir—The specimens of water were received and have been analyzed.  The results enclosed.  The waters differ very little from each other in mineral matter, but differ much in the amount of organic matter and containing twice the amount of oxygen from Permanganate of Potash.  While the well water is clear, bright, tasteless and odorless and is excellent quality, the hydrant water is dirty, has an offensive odor and a disagreeable taste and is of poor quality.  You did not inform me of the material of your water mains and I know nothing of the cause of the poor quality of the hydrant water, yet it is evident that the pipes need cleaning in some way, by flushing or some similar way.  With well water of such excellent quality, it is too bad that the cup which offers it to your citizens should be full of uncleanliness.  Your truly,

R. C. Kedzie

Results of Analysis Is:

    Hydrant Well  
  Total solids in gallon on evaporation—grains 10.00 2.22  
  Volatile at red heat, organic—grains 3.15 1.40  
  Blackening on heating much little  
  Mineral residue—grains Consisting of 7.84 7.82  
     Carbonate of lime    “ 4.20 4.34  
     Sulphate    “             “   .56   .42  
     Carbonate of magnesia 2.96 2.94  
     Chloride of sodium .12


  Oxygen contained from permanganate grains 2.00 1.05  
  Nitrates .00 .00  
  Free ammonia parts in 1,000,000 .07 .06  
  Albumenoid ammonia parts .10 .08  
  Odor or water on warming offensive none  
  Quality of water poor excellent  



           Bert Vanden Boomgard Dead.

   Bert Vanden Boomgard after an illness of five months with consumption died at three o’clock this morning at the home of his parents on Elliott St.  He was 18 years and 10 months old.  Bert was born in this city and lived here all his life.  He had many friends in Grand Haven who regret his departure so early in life.

   Five brothers have passed before him and three have died of the same disease that took him off within the last year and a half. 

   The funeral will take place Saturday afternoon at two o’clock from the Second Reformed church.


   Marshal Andres shot Chas. E. Boyden’s dog today for biting John Brandstetter, Jr.


   The seniors at Akeley Institute will plant a tree tomorrow.  Hon. Geo. W. McBride will deliver an address as will a number of each of the other classes of the college.


   Every business man in town having a sense of local pride is in favor of a Fourth of July celebration.


   Now that the city water is proved without question to be pure and wholesome, the council has a duty to perform which can no longer be delayed.  The fact of the matter is, it must be done.  The mains must be extended, more wells dug, and a reservoir or standpipe erected.  If we are to have waterworks, let the whole community get the benefit.


   R. S. Mecreedy, editor of the Irish Cyclist says, “Cycling is the ideal recreation for the business or professional man.  It completely occupies his mind for the time being.  The change of scene, the incidents of the road, the attention necessary to be bestow on one’s machine—all unite to attract his attention, and he will hardly have traveled a mile before the tired, numb feeling in the head will have given place to one of exhilaration.”




   The celery growers are now in the planting season.


   The old court house will be moved some time next week.


   A number of citizens remembered Arbor Day by the planting of trees.


   Geo. Sole caught 100 perch if four hours fishing at the pier Wednesday.


   It is probable that a number of local fishermen will leave for the trout fishing grounds May 1. 


   Bert VandenBoomgard is the fifth brother to die instead of the sixth as the Tribune stated last night.


   J. J. Danhof’s residence corner Washington and Seventh street is being re-shingled.


   Business men are said to be anxious for the street sprinkler to resume its rounds.


   The senior class of the High School planted a number of ivy vines at the Arbor Day exercises.


   There was a large attendance at the free lecture on temperance by Prof. Harrington in the M. E. church last night.


   The Globe Match factory of this city is the only match factory in the country not controlled by the great Diamond match monopoly.


   Local interest in baseball has revived again this spring and amateur clubs are springing up all over the city.


   D. A. Lane claims to have caught the biggest perch of the season at the piers.  It weighed one pound and three ounces.


   The parties who stole the hyacinths last night, had better return them, or I will publish their names.

Frank Kaatz.


   If it becomes necessary to remove the City Hall from court house square, the Tribune is informed from a reliable source that it would be impossible to move the building as it is now cracked in several places and the walls on the west side are bulging out.  It would have to be torn down to get it off the square.


   The deal was to be closed today leasing the Norris House and spacious grounds in front of the Grand Haven Athletic Club.  The lease of the second floor in the Gray block, the present location of the club, will be up May 1.  The club will move their paraphernalia into the Norris House at once.  When everything is properly arranged it will make the nicest club house in Western Michigan if not the state.  The ceilings are high and admit of much practice on the bars that could not be done in the old quarters.  The ground room in front will permit all necessary out door athletics, such as vaulting, jumping, etc.  A lawn tennis court will be permitted to remain on the east side lawn.  At the special meeting of the Club last night it was unanimously decided to lease the property.  All of the members take great interest in the move.


   The revenue cutter Andy Johnson has been ordered into commission.


   Washington people are terrified over the near approach of the Coxey armies.


   A search light that will cast light for 80 miles ahs been purchased by the government.


   The U. S. steamer Hancock was here today.


   Wild geese are still flying north.


   The Advent gospel ship was launched at Allegan yesterday.  It is built after the style of the Mississippi River boat.


   The W. C. T. U. in a convention assembled at Grand Rapids has asked the managers of the D., G. H. & M. and D. L. & N. Ry’s to prohibit Sunday excursions.


   When it comes to talking about Fourth of July celebrations Grand Haven does not take a back seat, indeed its specialty is fourth of July howlers.  While other places are dreaming of arbutus and Coxeyite armies Grand Haven has its war cap on and is talking of naval battles and blowing up hills.  The Sand Hill city knows that Fourth of July celebrations are paying investments and there is method in all the apparent madness.-Muskegon News.


   The Netherlands Life Insurance Co. of Holland has been granted a license to do business in Michigan.


   Congressman Richardson writes Postmaster Baar that he is confident of saving the custom house for Grand Haven and can head off that part of the bill.  He will use his argument for Grand Haven the fact that the glass factory is receiving large quantities of imported goods much to the increase of receipts of the office and also lumber which will be imported from Canada to the district.




   The rain last night brightened things up wonderfully and the leaves are now coming out on all the trees.


   A sturgeon was caught in the river near Allegan that weighed 115 pounds.


   It is reported that a meat market will again be established at Wm. VanSchelven’s old stand.


   Ed. Gibbs, pitcher and Lou VanDrezer, catcher, constitutes the battery of the G. H. A. C. and Will Maybee and Ike Van Weelden the glass factory niner’s battery.


   Representative Richardson appeared before the house committee on public buildings and grounds Thursday, in favor of a bill for a $50,000 public building at Grand Haven.


   The Glass Factory base ball nine is badly crippled on account of the absence of its crack battery, Chas. Goets and Cornelius Swartz and the never failing mascot “Mox” but this did not hinder the club from playing the G. H. A. C.’s today.


   Unless rented very soon it is said the driving park in the Fourth ward will be converted into a farm and plowed up.  At one time it contained a good base ball diamond and fairly good track.


   The average temperature yesterday was over 60 degrees.


   The Glass Factory shut down today, and this afternoon the employees are all taking in the ball game.


   The G. H. A. C. have moved all their apparatus into the Norris House.


   Of the 123 persons who became American citizens in Holland, 120 were Hollanders and three Englishmen.


   Allegan claims the honor of catching the biggest sturgeon, but one was caught here some years ago weighing 225 pounds.


Arbor Day Exercises.

   Arbor day exercises were held in the high school yesterday afternoon and were well attended.  The class of ’94 planted several vines dedicated to the Rev. E. E. Hale, who had kindly furnished it with an excellent motto.

   The Juniors had very hastily and elaborately decorated the room, the ’94 class colors, yellow and white predominating.  The program published Thursday was carried out with one exception.  Nearly all the essays were good, while the orations were masterpieces of eloquence.  The song by the two members of the class of 2003, and the violin trio were each well rendered and heartily applauded.

   After a very able address by the Hon. Geo. A. Faar, the meeting adjourned to the grounds where the vine planting exercises were held.  Mr. Vanden Berg’s address to the class there, as a prominent citizen was heard to say, “showed great oratorical talents worthy of careful cultivation.”

   At the conclusion of the exercises, the class of ’94 executed their famous yell, which cleared the grounds of the audience in short order.



   A German tailor has invented clothes that are bullet proof.


   John Brandsetter’s nine were defeated 21 to 11 by Arthur VanToll’s nine this morning.


   Benjamin Harrison is the only living ex-President and Levi P. Morton the only living ex-Vice President of the U. S.


   It is predicted that May 1 will see nearly all the vessels laid up for want of business.  The only ones left running will be the liners and boats under contract.  The lumber fleet will suffer somewhat more than the other boats. Many of the schooners have not fitted out at all, and most of them that are already in commission will be compelled to lay up.


   Geo. Taylor brought a mud turtle into our sanctum this week that the found on his farm that on close inspection he found marked 8½ inches 1882.  He says he marked a turtle on that date in this way and put it into the Lloyd Bayou.  It now measures 9 inches its growth being only ½ inch in 12 years.


   Capt. R. Cobb was in town [Spring Lake] Wednesday putting up cards of the running of the steamer Fanny M. Rose over the Fruitport route commencing April 26.  The Capt. is well liked by the traveling public.


   The fishing is good in Spring Lake waters these times, so much so that the netters are on alert though Deputy Hammond is after them with a long pole.


   A merry couple of our young people went out on a lark hunting wild flowers and lost their horse and buggy and had a brisk time walking home.


   Peach men say that the prospect for peaches in this vicinity is excellent at this writing.




   Tomorrow will be May Day.


   Perch are biting well at the pier.


   A party of gypsies has been camping in the 4th ward.


   Smallpox has broken out in Jackson and all the schools will be closed.


   The High School nine defeated a boy’s amateur nine 36 to 4 Saturday.


   The Grand Haven Leather Co. are about to make extensions on their large dry-house.


   The G. H. A. C. will keep much of their athletic paraphernalia in their grounds in front of the Norris.


   Workmen have started the work of sodding court house square.


   D. VerWay has the contract to move the old court house.  Work will begin a in a day or two.


   The old Beech Tree mill is now almost torn down.  The Leather Co. has a force engaged in raising the building.


   Hon. Dwight Cutler has placed a contract with the Smith Granite Co. of Westerly, R. I., through their Michigan agent, Geo. Simpson of this city, for a fine mausoleum of Greek design, to be erected in Lake Forest Cemetery by next October.  The entire structure is to be built of gray Westerly granite.  The interior will be finished in light and dark Tennessee marble, with a tiled floor.  The doors will be made of solid granite, with hinges and fastenings of bronze, including a bronze gate of handsome design.


   The G. H. A. C. and R. K. Stalling’s base ball nine played an interesting game before a large crowd Saturday afternoon.  The ball tossing representatives of the Athletic club clearly outplayed the glass factory boys, winning by a score of 22 to 6.  Score by innings:

                          1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9

G. H. A. C.        4  2  1  6  6  0  3  0    —22

R. K. Stallings    2  0  0  2  0  1  1  0  0 —6

The glass factory nine is desirous of playing a series of games with the G. H. A. C. and have named Decoration Day and July 4th as suitable days.


   All members of Co. F are requested to be on hand for regular drill tonight.  Preparations for inspection and other important matters to be considered.

   First Lieut. E. H. Andres,

                  Comdg, Company.

   Arin VanToll,

   Company Clerk.


Death of Mrs. R. Beekman.

   Yesterday afternoon occurred the death of Mrs. Rieyer Beekman at the home of her parents in the fourth ward.  Mrs. Beekman had been sick for some time with heart trouble and other complications and her death was not unexpected.

   Deceased was 20 years of age, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bishop and had lived in this city for nine years.  She was married seven months ago to Mr. Beekman. 

   Mrs. Beekman leaves to mourn her early departure, besides her parents, husband and near relatives, many friends in this vicinity, who can sympathize with the bereaved ones,

   The funeral will occur at 1 o’clock from the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bishop on Friant St., in the 4th ward tomorrow, Rev. DeBruyn officiating and at 2:30 from St. John’s Episcopal church of which Mrs. Beekman was a member and of whose choir she had for some time belonged.  Rev. Rogers will officiate at the church.


   The schooner H. H. Badger is unloading a cargo of lumber for John Macfie at the D., G. H. & M. dock.  The lumber is brought from lake Huron near Alpena.  More will follow and be shipped by cars from here to Grand Rapids.  The captain of the Badger gained notoriety some years ago by carrying the boodler McGarrigle from Chicago to Canada in a schooner.


   A writer to the Detroit Tribune speaking of lake ship building says:  “With the exception of a few specialties like steam steering gear, steam capstan and windlass, it is not necessary for lake shipbuilders to go east, west or abroad for anything that enters into the construction of the largest steamers that vex these waters.  Everything from keel to smokestacks can be made at the lake ship yards, foundries and machine shops.  Many of the recent devices that promote safety and speed in navigation are of lake port inventions.”


   The Detroit Evening News is of the authority that a lot of whiskey was buried in the sand hills in the vicinity of Grand Haven many years ago by some smugglers who had shipped the stuff there to sell to Indians on government pay day.  S.R. VanDrezer, of this village, was a resident of Grand Haven in 1843, and says at that time a story was current that Rix Robinson, an Indian trader, had sunk ten barrels of whiskey in wild rice near the Grand River, and that he had also buried a lot of gold in the vicinity.  The burial of the gold and whiskey was caused by the rumor that the Indians were in a plot to steal the money and the goods, and to massacre the trader and the other whites there.  Mr. VanDrezer says as a confirmation of the story he found $100 in gold in the summer of 1844, which was buried in the sand on the west side of the river, at the roots of the red oak tree, the wind having blown the sand away, leaving the money exposed to view.—Saranac Local.


That Gravel Road.

   The people of Grand Haven begin to see that a good gravel road is needed over Peach Plains and up to Chas. Clark’s corners.  It is the main road that leads from Grand Haven and a pleasant level road that people and visitors would appreciate to drive over for pleasure.  The citizens of Grand Haven would like to contribute to build a gravel road over said route.  I would like to take steps in a few days to come in with a subscription list among the merchants and citizens of Grand Haven.  I am able to say that the farmers are willing to work and labor with their teams on the road if we could even get the money enough in the city to pay for the transportation of the gravel.  The gravel will not cost us a cent.  The only expense will be in transportation.

   The road would make a fine pleasure drive and a good bicycle road.  The land along its line will raise in valuation as soon as the first shovel is raised for improvement and I believe we are all interested in a good gravel road.  A drive of six miles out from the city would be good for health or wealth.  Let us all stand together for the benefit of said road.  Farmers and citizens of the country, if you would like to, subscribe now and help it all you can.

   I have done all that I can to agitate this important improvement.  Let us all think it over.

Abraham Mastenbroek,

         Com’r. Highways.