The Evening Tribune

Grand Haven, Mich. June, 1894




   Will and Geo. Wyman took part in the shooting tournament at Grand Rapids this week.


   The revenue cutter Andy Johnson is in quarantine at Milwaukee because the crew were exposed to smallpox.


   The wolf that escaped from Forepaugh’s circus in Muskegon has been killed in Muskegon township.


   Levi Wickham offers a year’s barber work to the man who will be wedded on the Court House steps, July 4.


   The Athletic Club of this city is now classed with the best in the state, Detroit, Grand Rapids, Jackson and Ann Arbor.


   Four cities in the U. S. having Grand as the first word of the name have a population of over 5000.  They are Grand Crossing, Ill., Grand Haven; Grand Island, Neb.; and Grand Rapids.


   Put your name on the street sprinkler list now being circulated.


   Capt. Chas. Lyman of the steamer Nyack is improving nicely.


   Juistema Bros., offer a pair of shoes to the bride who will be wedded on the court house steps July 4th.


   Fifty-two sturgeon have been caught by the life saving crew this year.  They average about 30 pounds each.


   Henry Sprick is visiting the different business places today in the interest of the a street sprinkler.  Every business man should affix his name to the list.


   The 2:10 afternoon train on the D., G. H. & M. took about fifty of the G. H. A. C. and their admirers to Coopersville.  The Grand Haven City Band accompanied the party.  The local team will consist of about the same members who played Decoration Day.  Ed Gibbs will pitch and Ike Van Weelden catch.  This evening a number of the G. H. A. C. will give an exhibition in Maxfield Hall.


   The pupils of the eighth grade history classes had the opportunity of listening to a very interesting and instructive account of the battle of Shiloh, or Pittsburg Landing, this afternoon.  Mr. McBride, who was upon the field of battle and who has an article in the June number of the Blue and Gray on the subject, very kindly consented to address them.  The informal talks are very instructive and, coming from friends and acquaintances who have participated in these famous battles of the recent war, create especial interest.


   Postmaster Baar, County Clerk Turner, Sheriff Keppel, Supt. Estabrook, Peter J. Danhof and N. Robbins, jr. are leaders in a movement to organize a base ball nine composed of the office men of the city.  The first practice game will be played after supper tonight.  Many of the members of the team are old ball players who would probably be playing in the National League today if they had stuck to the business.  Geo. D. Turner for instance has a number of “Two-old-cat” in the shape of several missshappened fingers, caused by foul tips and hot liners.  Some of the others also carry “remembrances” on their persons.  The team will probably be fully organized and ready for battle in a few days.  Their first combat will undoubtedly be with the grocery proprietors who have challenged them.


   Game warden Frank A. Kennedy of Grand Rapids is still confined in county jail.  He was arrested on a copias for arresting two Holland men who were supposed to be fishing illegally.  They were acquitted and now get back at Kennedy by incarcerating him for false arrest.  Kennedy in default of $500 bail will remain in jail.  He is said to be a conscientious officer and it seems wrong for him to be imprisoned for trying to perform his duty.


   Merchants are inquiring about that street sprinkler today as the streets have been swept by a dust storm all day.


   The bicycle with its light and graceful metallic construction, its remarkable strength in proportion to its weight, its noiseless rubber tires, both its function and the wear and tear to the highway reduced to a minimum, contains the elements of a new type of vehicle that will come into universal use says Cycling.  




   VanLopik Bros., will donate a silk hat as a wedding present to the gentleman who will be married on the Court House steps July 4.


   Capt. Kirby’s fish tug Elk left today on her long journey down the lakes to Tonawanda, where she will be used for towing by the Niagara Paper Co.  Capt. McCambridge takes the Elk down the lakes.  Robt. Page and Thomas Scanlan also accompany her.


   John VanLopik, accompanied the G. H. A. C. to Coopersville yesterday to do the clown act in the entertainment.  In the afternoon John attempted to jump over a cigar sign and as a result has a badly wrenched ankle.  He was unable to take part in the show.


   Speaking of the arrest of game warden Kennedy the Holland Times says:  “The whole matter was no doubt gotten up to intimidate Kennedy and keep him out of the county but he is not scared when he is performing his duty and serving the people.  The citizens of Holland should appreciate the efforts that are being made to put a stop to illegal fishing and do all in their power to aid the Prosecution.  The end of the case is not yet.


   Writing of his Central Michigan Ry., to the Grand Rapids Democrat, Jerry Boynton says, his business will consist of through freight from lake ports situated on the east and west shores of Lake Michigan, including grains, flour and other merchandise as well as salt, lumber, plaster, manufactured and farm products from the west and north, eastward bound, while its cars will return loaded with coal and coke from the coal fields of Ohio, Pennsylvania and Indiana.  The Central Michigan railroad has a territory strictly its own, while no road of equal length will have a better paying local traffic.


   A new bus will be put on Andy Falls’ Line next week.


   “Joe Yellow” is said to be in Muskegon painting signs.


  Already a number of young fellows are considering the Fourth of July marriage proposition.


   Geo. Hancock & Sons will give the bride and groom, married on the Court House steps July 4th, the handsomest bouquets they can make.


   The G. H. A. C. team defeated the Coopersville nine 24 to 6 yesterday.  The game was too one sided to be interesting and was never in doubt.  None of the batters of Coopersville could gauge Gibb’s delivery to any extent and during most of the game they were at his mercy.  The grounds were very poor and rough and a good fielding game was impossible.  Robert Radeke umpired.


   Ding Wiebenga, an employee of the Kit factory, met with a terrible accident this morning, whereby he loses the little finger on his left hand and a considerable portion of the hand itself.  He was working at the style saw when he received the injury.  Dr. VanderVeen amputated the finger and part of the left hand.  Mr. Wiebenga has been married about a year and lives on Jackson street near 7th.


   D. VerWy moved one of the old court house sheds onto Mr. Kamhout’s lot on Franklin St., this week.


   Robt. Parsons, 1st mate, is in command of the Nyack in the absence of Capt. Lyman.


   Ball & Co. will present a handsome lamp to the couple who get married on the Court House steps Independence Day.


   John Brandstetter caught a black bass yesterday weighing slightly over three pounds, one of the largest this season.


   Holland has taken steps to keep boys and men from loafing around the churches on Sunday nights and as a result three young fellows are now in the county jail.


   W. Phillips returned from Chicago this morning.  He says that smallpox is abating there and very little attention is paid to it.


   Col. Sills of Cleveland, Ohio, has been in the city for a number of days going to Milwaukee last night.  The Colonel claims the distinction of raising the first company to go to the front after Fort Sumter was fired upon.


   It has been found that none of the employees of a certain match factory ever had the grippe and that the book keeper there was the only person out of his family of eleven who escaped it.  The reason for this is claimed to be the daily contact with the sulphur which is used in the manufacture of matches, and it is suggested that wearing a little powdered sulphur in the stockings might prove as effective as it is said to have proved in yellow fever and cholera.


   A practice common among sailors when desirous of securing water on Lake Michigan or Lake Superior is to sink an empty jug with lead and line to a distance of 30 or 40 fathoms and draw the water from bottom of the lake.  The jug is corked before it is lowered, but the pressure of water from above is sufficient when a certain depth is reached to force the cork inward and allow the jug to fill.  In raising the jug to the surface the water taken in when the cork was removed is not replaced by the warmer water near the surface, and a cool drink is assured.  Of course, it is necessary to see that the cork is not too tight and that it is cut off even with the top of the neck of the jug.—Marine Review.




   When in the country tell your friends to come to Grand Haven July 4.


   The yachts My Partner and Flirt of Grand Rapids were here Saturday on their way to Ottawa Beach with a party.


   “Who is the happy couple that will be married on Ottawa County’s new court house steps July 4th?’ is the question that is being asked quite frequently.  We think they reside in Grand Haven and we will be enabled shortly to give their names.


   The wheelmen of Grand Rapids are organizing a Bicycle Protective association for the purpose of inflicting punishment upon impious individuals who unlawfully swipe $125 machines bought on some other person’s installment plan.


   Highland Park will boom this summer.


   Large numbers visited Highland Park yesterday.


   Boom the celebration July 4th whenever you are out of the city.


   J. D. Ritzema, the Jackson St. merchant, will present the following articles to the couple who will be married on the court house steps July 4:  One wash tub, a wash board, clothes line, three dozen clothes pins, bottle blueing, 6 bars of soap, One broom, a mop stick and a pail.


   The G. H. A. C. basket ball team will play the Y. M. C. A. team of Muskegon next Thursday.  The local team has had very little practice, is not yet on to the fine points of the game and does not expect to win.  About two months from now it may be different.


   Mr. Edson Duram, Mgr. G. H. A. C. wishes to announce that he is now about to organize and teach a class in Indian Club swinging for ladies and also a class for boys in club swinging and athletic sports generally.  Applications will be cordially received at any time at the Club House.


   Burglars effected an entrance into the meat market of John Powell, on Seventh street, Saturday night, and got away with sixteen pounds of butter in jars, fifteen pounds of sausages, ten pounds of bologna, bacon and frankforts and about $1.25 in change.  Mr. Powell made the discovery yesterday morning and at once notified the police.  The burglars got into the shop by prying open the back door.  The goods they obtained were valued at about $18.


   The different chairmen of the 4th of July committees met last Saturday night with the order of the day committee in the G. H. A. C. parlors.  The finance committee chairman reported that $350 had been subscribed and with a little more effort $150 could be added.  Two hundred and twenty-five dollars was appropriated the Military committee.  Major Mansfield the head of that committee believes the coming of the three Grand Rapids military companies is assured.  Three field officers, including Col. Rose and Lieut. Col. Chase will be here also.  The Grand Rapids companies will participate in the naval battle in the evening.  $300 worth of fireworks will be used for the naval display across the river.  This is twice as much as the amount used two years ago and will assure a grand exhibition.  The committee having in charge the sports of the day are arranging for the greatest athletic event in the history of the city.


   Postmaster Baar received the following good news by telegraph from Representative Richardson this afternoon:

   “I am assured a favorable report on Grand Haven Public Building Bill.  My treasury and currency bill we provide funds.

Geo F. Richardson.”


Fourth of July Wedding.

   The following gifts will be presented to the couple married on the court house steps, July 4, so far as known:

   Courier~Journal, five years subscription.

   Levi Wickham, one year’s barbering free to groom.

   VanLopik Bros., silk hat to groom.

   Ball & Co., handsome lamp.

   Hancock & Son, beautiful bouquet to couple.

   Juistema Bros., pair of shoes to bride.

   D. Wright, 5 lb. box confectionery.

   J. D. Ritzema, household articles.

   D. A. Lane, nice family Bible.

   John D. Duursema, wedding cake.


   A Milwaukee paper telegraphed over here today to know if the report was true that Grand Haven had declared quarantine against Milwaukee.  The report was a hoax that perhaps originated in Milwaukee.


   The river is unusually dark now.


   The Elk it is expected will reach Buffalo tomorrow.


   Master Louis Kamhout was badly bruised by being hit by a ball yesterday.


   The Goodrich Transportation Co., like so many other extensive corporations using large quantities of coal daily, is suffering from the coal famine, and it will be necessary to postpone for a week or ten days the putting on of the steamer Virginia for the summer.  No announcement has yet been made when the Saturday night trips from here to Chicago will begin.




   The street sprinkler is again making the rounds.


   H. Sprick is getting his Highland Park buses in readiness.


   Grand Haven is fortunate in having no conflagrations.


   The new court room was inaugurated in good shape.


   Hon. G. W. McBride has an article in this months Blue and Gray on his trip to Shiloh battlefield.


   Watch the list of presents to be given to the Fourth of July couple grow.


   Frank Kaatz and Herman Ott are delegates to the state convention of the Arbeiter Verein which meets at Battle Creek next week.


   The court house committee has extended an invitation to all of the township and city officers of the county to be here July 4.


   Beginning today the Goodrich Trans., Co., will resume every day trips to Chicago.  The boat will leave here on its first Saturday night trip next Saturday.


   With 10,000 more population and base ball cranks in the same ratio as they are now in the city, Grand Haven could support a state team.



The Wildest in Years.

Two Delegations Sent to the State Convention.

   Many exciting and noisy conventions have been held in Grand Haven, but the stormiest convention, by all odds, was the one held in the new court house today.

   It was the first gathering of the kind in the new building and years from now the wild county convention of 1894 will be mentioned.  It can never be forgotten by those who were present.  At times there would be a lull in the war of words between the rival factions, but the roar that would always follow reminded one of the Chicago Board of Trade in panicky periods.

   The storm has been brewing ever since the call for the convention was issued.

   Over 100 delegates were in their seats when D. O. Watson, chairman of the county committee called the convention to order at 11 oclock.  Secretary Peter DeWitt read the call.  Right here the fun began.  Chairman Watson called Henry Bloecker to the chair to preside as temporary chairman.  The hubbub that followed was ominous.  Mr. Watson called for the ayes and nays and declared the ayes winners.  Seated inside the railing and by the side of the judges bench were the cohorts of Mayor Hummer of Holland.  Hummer and his faction arose in protest.  They declared that the nays were clearly the winners of the motion and that the action of chairman Watson in ruling over the heaviest vote was high-handed and unjust.

   The battle that finally divided the convention was on.  Enemies of Watson arose and denounced what they called his high-handed and one man rule.  When a delegate of the Watson faction arose and endeavored to defend his chieftain, the anti-Watson men would try and shut him up by remarks such as put him out, close his dirty face, etc., and vice versa.  Men stood with clenched fists glaring at each other.  The lie was passed several times, but strange enough not a blow is known to be struck, though the participants were at white heat all the time.  The Hummer men wanted a division of the house; a vote taken for officers of the convention.  The Watson men were strenuously opposed to a vote.  Mr. Watson said that is was the custom of the chairman of every Republican and Democratic convention for years to call to their chair the temporary chairman of his choice.  He was only following precedent when he named Mr. Bloecker for the position.  In the debate that followed, Mr. Watson, Roswell Lillie, Jacob VanderVeen, E. D. Blair, I. H. Sanford and Mr. Hummer took a prominent part.  Cries of obstructionist and put him out were numerous.

   Mr. Hummer declared that Democracy was not Democracy unless the majority ruled.

   Hints were made that Mr. Watson had offered bribes for delegates of his stripe to come to the convention and one of the delegates said that he could prove his assertion.

   During the wrangle no further business was done.  M. G. Manting was nominated for temporary secretary but would not accept.

   From the start the two great factions were strenuously opposed to every motion made by the other.  Speakers could not be heard half the time so great was the din.  Dinner was forgotten.  Finally Jacob VanderVeen was nominated for chairman by the Hummer faction.

   Mr. VanderVeen arose to state a motion.  Mr. Watson tried to shut him off by calling him a usurper. 

   In the greatest din and excitement the convention then divided and two conventions were held in the same room.

   The tables around which they were held adjoined each other.

   Around the Watson quarters, Postmaster Baar, Henry Bloecker, Roswell Lillie and others were conspicuous.

   At the anti-Watson table, Jacob VanderVeen, Mayor Hummer and G. D. Sanford were running things.

   The Watson convention elected the following delegates to the State convention:  D. O. Watson, A. Mastenbroek, H. Bloecker, M. Kamhout, D. Growly, H. R. Baxter, F. H. Hendricks, Roswell Lillie, P. H. DeWitt, John P. Oggel, Harm Bosch, Nelson Stanton and H. Miller.

   They also adopted the following resolutions:

   The Democracy of Ottawa county in convention assembled, reaffirm the principles of the Democratic party as declared in the platform of our party at Chicago, 1892, and congratulate the county upon the success of those principles in the triumphant election of Grover Cleveland, who by his acts, has shown that he is the President of the whole country, knowing no North, no South, no East, no West; recognizing the wisdom, patriotism, and statesmanship of our President and believing in his fealty to the principles of the Democratic party we endorse his administration.  While some of us may differ with him in matters of policy, we are all agreed in the belief that he is impelled by motives of highest patriotism, and by an unselfish devotion to the highest good of the whole people.

   While there are differences of opinion among us in matters of detail, we all believe in the free coinage of silver whenever it can be done consistently, with the maintenance of a sound and safe currency.

   While we recognize the many difficulties attending the change of an administration, and the disappointment of the many who have sought appointment to office, we deny, that in the distribution of public patronage there is any system of bossanism or refereeism known among Democrats.  That this term Refereeism is a will o the wish which originated among the cunning of the Republican and other opposing politicians made for the sole purpose of creating discord and divisions among members of the Democratic party.

   We congratulate the whole people of Ottawa county upon the excellence of the New Court House in all its appointments and arrangements and we esteem its honor of the first organized body to meet within its walls for the transaction of public business.

   We extend a cordial invitation to all voters of Ottawa county who believe in the principles of Democracy and who are in favor of the maintenance of good government to unite with us in the support of the ticket to be nominated at the Democratic State convention to be held in Grand Rapids, June 28th inst.

Mr. Chairman, and Gentlemen of the Convention.

   Your committee on resolutions beg to report the following:

   The Democracy of Ottawa County in convention assembled send greetings to our sister Counties.  We reaffirm our faith in Democratic principles and pledge ourselves anew to the cause of the people.

   We heartily commend the efforts of the present administration in their struggle for tariff reform and denounce the trusts and monopolies that are attempting to thwart them in their efforts to carry out the will of the people as expressed by an overwhelming majority of the voters.

   We demand thorough revision of our patent laws and every other law that tends to create special privilege and give one man an undue advantage over his fellows.  We demand the prohibition and abolition of stock gambling and dealings in Futures in every form.  We denounce the fraud of 1873 that demonetized silver and reduced our monetary medium to the single gold standard at the command of the British bond holder and money holder.  And we demand the steady restoration of silver to its rightful and full equality of privilege with gold, as existed from the foundation of the republic down to this fraud of 1873.

   We further denounce in the most unqualified language the hateful Referee System of machine politics that has been fastened upon the Democracy of Michigan by Don M. Dickenson and our delegates to the State convention are hereby instructed to use every means possible to relieve our party of this odium.

   The antis elected the following delegates to go to the state convention:  Geo. P. Hummer, Geo. D. Sanford, Thos. Savidge, D. Miedema, J. DeJongh, F. K. Pete, L. Jenison, Mr. Savey, Mr. Nienhouse, J. VanderVeen, r. Dowd, D. R. Waters, Ed. F. Blair.

   Which of the two sets of delegates chosen by the conventions will be recognized by the state convention remains to be seen.  Both sides are confident.

   The convention of today, or rather the war, shows that the Democratic organization in this county is in bad shape.  Two factions are engaged in cutting each others throats.  One under the leadership of Collector Watson and the other led by Mr. Hummer.


   Senator Pettigrew has a bill which provides a sum of $600,000 to be paid the 850 Pottawatomie Indians living in Michigan.


   Rumors are afloat that Art will take advantage of the presents offered July 4th.


   The committee will not divulge the names of the couple who will be married on the court house steps July 4th, until the Fourth.  The marriage will take place at three in the afternoon.


   On or about June 12 St. Joseph pier head light tower, on the north pier at the entrance to St. Joseph harbor, will be moved about 100 feet nearer the outer end of the pier.  At the same time the front pier head light will be shifted to the outer end of the north pier extension a distance of 300 feet.


   Boating on Grand River is a dead duck for this season.  The W. H. Barrett, which has plied between this city and Grand Haven for the last eighteen or twenty years, lies at the lower dock near the mouth of the steamboat channel looking very deserted and forlorn.  There is a good depth of water, but the boat has not made a trip this season and prospects are that it will not make one.  The trouble seems to be that the big stockholder of the Valley City Transportation Co., lives in Toledo and does not care to devote any more time or money to navigate on Grand River.  He has removed the steamer Valley City, which earned $2,400 in three months last summer from passenger traffic alone, and is running her as an excursion boat.

G. R. Press.




   The light house steamer Dahlia is making a tour of the lake.


   The Ferrysburg road bridge is being repaired.


   The Electric Light Co., contemplates putting in an incandescent light system this fall.


   Gladstone is a great lover of the wheel and says a bicycle is easier than a tonic, a potion or a pill.


   The Longfellows defeated the Sand Pounders last night 13 to 9.  Tomorrow afternoon the victors pay the Grocery Clerks.


   The government quarantine for smallpox at Chicago will be discontinued June 10, and no more outgoing vessels will be inspected after that date.


   The firm of Nyson & Root will open a steam laundry in the Davis building on Washington St., next Monday.  They have every facility for fine laundry work in all its branches and are men of long experience in the business.  Orders will be promptly attended to and delivered and will be called for if parties wish.  Mr. Nyson is a former Grand Haven boy and would be pleased to meet all of his old friends.


   A blaze on Buswells dock called out the fire department this morning.


   The record for batting the base ball is 354 feet, 10 inches.


   Thirty-two years ago today the Confederates surrendered Memphis.


   By Mabee is acting marshal in the absence of Marshal Andres.


   The Athletic Club now has 68 members.



   County Clerk Turner donates the marriage license to the couple married on the court house steps July 4.


   Some of the lakes of Canada are very large.  The Great Slave Lake is nearly as large as Lake Michigan.


   Major Mansfield received a bad cut on his head while at work in the glass factory yesterday by a piece of iron falling on him.


   Within the past twelve months several Muskegon industries have moved to Grand Haven.  Grand Haven is the better town and will always be.


   Wm. VanDrezer will prepare the finest dinner ever got up in this city for the couple married on the Court House steps.  The bridesmaid and best man are included.


  A local clergyman says that he would proffer his services gratis to the couple married on the Court House steps July 4, if he was in the city that day.


   The rapid growth of the lake passenger traffic has been a marked feature of the past decade.  The magnificent steamers of the Goodrich Co., the Graham & Morton Co., the Manitoba and others engaged in the trade between Chicago and Lake Michigan ports have kept pace with the rapidly increasing lake travel in size and accommodations.G. R. Dem.


Fourth of July Wedding.

   The following gifts will be presented to the couple married on the court house steps, July 4th, so far as known:

   Courier~Journal, five years subscription.

   Levi Wickham, one years barber free to groom.

   VanLopik Bros., silk hat to groom.

   Ball & Co., handsome lamp.

   Hancock & Son, beautiful bouquet to couple.

   Juistema Bros., pair of shoes to bride.

   D. Wright, 5 lb. box of confectionary.

   J. D. Ritzema, household articles.

   D. A. Lane, nice family Bible.

   John D. Duursema, wedding cake.

   Silas Kilbourn, load of wood and a tub.

   N. Robbins, Jr., one ton of coal, after the strike is over.

   A. M. Ferguson, string of choice bananas.

   Jos. Koeltz, one box of Havana Stars for groom.

   G. A. Bottje, lot of tinware.

   Boomgard & Son, nickel plated coffee and tea pot.

   Mr. James Barnes, one table.

   Wedding trip to Spring Lake and back on Andy Falls bus line.

   Ruet Wierenger, 12 pound ham.

   Mrs. Mattie A. Kennedy, new hat for bride.

   I. N. Tubbs, one dozen photographs.

   Walter Baker, tea set.

   T. VandenBosch, fine silk umbrella.

   B. C. Mansfield, set of silver tea spoons.

   F. A. Hutty, box of perfume.

   County Clerk Turner, marriage license.

   Wm. VanDrezer, serve dinner to bride and groom and bridesmaid and groomsman.

   Mrs. John Niel, dinner at Park Hotel to bride and groom, groomsman, bridesmaid and minister.

   Wm. and T. Baker, bag of flour and sack of potatoes.

   Judge Pagelson, affidavit of marriage.

   Kirby House, sumptuous dinner.


Smiths Cove.

   The following from the pen of H. Potts:  Spring Lake is one of the most beautiful inland lakes in Michigan.  It is five miles in length and from a fourth to a half mile in width.  It lies about two-thirds in Ottawa Co., and the balance in Muskegon Co.  It is surrounded by high bluffs, and at one place an arm of the lake projects into the land in what is known as Smiths Cove.  A high hill overlooks the north side of the cove, and a heavy growth of timber still stands upon the lower ground of the south side.

   More people have lost their lives within an area of a square half mile than any other point in Western Michigan.  It was a log shanty, standing on the hill on the north side of the cove that in an early day Negro Dock plunged a butcher knife into the back of a lumberman he was boarding with, and followed him out in the yard and cut his throat from ear to ear.

   Two years later a man living in the same shanty, while in a delirium of typhoid fever, jumped through a window, ran down the hill and plunged into the water.  His body was not found.  Two colored men mysteriously disappeared, one form Grand Haven, the other from Spring Lake village.  After a couple of weeks their bodies were found floating in the cove.

   A sailor attempted to jump ashore with a line from a vessel on the south side of the cove.  He was taken from the water dead.  Near the same spot, a short time after, an old man attempted to water his horse.  His hat was found floating, and his body came to the surface after a several days.

   Five men have been drowned off mill booms in and near the cove, and three boys are known to have given up their lives while in bathing.  Two daughters of a Capt. Walters, who lost his life falling from his vessel on Lake Michigan, went in bathing in the cove, and the youngest was taken from the water as a corpse.

   A Grand Rapids saloon keeper took a bottle and a boat and went into the cove fishing.  The bottle and boat were shortly found deserted and his body was found on the eighth day.

   A colored cook at the Spring Lake House took his wife out for a boat ride in the cove one pleasant summer evening.  He was rescued, but her body was in the water several days. 

   This is not a complete list of the casualties of the cove, but shows that it is by some strange fate attended.




   The Washington St. front of court house square is being sodded.


   Part of T. W. Kirbys cement walk has been relaid.


   The tugs engaged in fishing all have stayed in today.


   Fourth of July is only four weeks from yesterday.


   Holland steamers will run excursions here July 4.


   A census taken in this city July 4th would surely give us 20,000 people.


   A side track is about to be laid along the side of the Glass Factory to facilitate the handling of freight.


   John Boyce of the Athletic Club, is an expert on the bars and trapeze as many circus performers.


   Grand Haven will be the busiest city in Michigan Fourth of July.  We can safely figure on 15,000 visitors.


   The fireworks at the naval display across the river July 4th, will be shot towards the lake instead of towards the city and there will be no danger of accidents.


The proprietors of the Cutler House will give free use of the bridal chamber, and dinner and supper to the parties that get married on the Court House steps on the 4th of July, 1894.


   To the couple who are married on the Court House steps, July 4th, C. E. Conger will present a handsome bound copy of the Ottawa County History and Compendium of General Information.


   The Highland Park Hotel is not behind the times by any means.  The proprietor offers a 4th of July dinner to the bride and groom, who are to be married on the court house steps and also to the one who ties the knot.


   Since the first of January there have been 35 cases of smallpox in this state.  Ten have died and 16 recovered.  Muskegon has two cases yet, Bay City, 3; Sturgis 2 and Grand Rapids and Detroit each 1.


   The fight to the finish between Billy Murphy, who styles himself featherweight champion of America and Menton the Michigan wonder, is booked for tonight.  It is reported that the mill will come off in Fruitport and that the party has chartered a boat to take them up.


   Capt. Lyman is now able to be around a little.


   Long vacation is only a few weeks away.


   The steamer Joe, formerly of this port, is in the ferry business between St. Joe and Benton Harbor.


   Co. B of Grand Rapids has already accepted the invitation to come here July 4, and the others will do so.


   Already a number of prospective young merchants are laying plans for putting up stands July 4.


   The Riversiders, formerly the Sand Pounders defeated the Longfellows last night by the score of 18 to 15.


   A tennis club is marking off and preparing the tennis court next to the Episcopal church.


   Much attention will be paid to the athletic events on July 4, under the supervision of President Andres of the G. H. A. C.


   The naval display across the river the night of July 4th will be grander than the display off the World's Fair grounds last 4th.


   A special car with C. & W. M. officials was here today and ran off the track near the D. G. H. & M. depot but was got on again without difficulty.


   In order to add éclat to the Grand Haven Fourth of July celebration a timid but trustful young pair will step up and be married on the steps of the new court house.G. R. Dem.


   Marshall Andres is arresting very few tramps.  He shows those individuals one of our sand hills and promises him work shoveling sand if he does not vamoose.  The tramp generally "gits".


   The Watson faction declared that the credentials handed in to their secretary at Tuesdays convention shows that they had the largest delegation present.  They claim 71 delegates.


   One of the features of the 4th of July celebration in this city will be a free for all race up the big sand hill across the river.  It will be the most amusing thing ever seen here. The hill is steep, and wind and cool-headedness will tell.


   Ald. Grevengoed has been traveling through the county this week and incidentally booming our Fourth of July celebration.


   G. Vanden Bosch & Bros. will give to the couple who will be married on the Court House steps one good sized Smyrna rug.


   The military that will be here 4th of July will be Co. F and the three Grand Rapids companies and four field officers.  No such military display has ever been seen in a town of 10,000 in Michigan.


   Since the strike, coal has become more than before a "black diamond."


   Halleys great comet is expected to be visible in the heavens soon.


   Two Spring Lake men caught 150 pounds of black bass yesterday.  The heaviest of the fish weighed 6˝ pounds.


Fourth of July Wedding.

   The following gifts will be presented to the couple married on the court house steps, July 4th, so far as known:

   Courier~Journal, five years subscription.

   Levi Wickham, one years barber free to groom.

   VanLopik Bros., silk hat to groom.

   Ball & Co., handsome lamp.

   Hancock & Son, beautiful bouquet to couple.

   Juistema Bros., pair of shoes to bride.

   D. Wright, 5 lb. box of confectionary.

   J. D. Ritzema, household articles.

   D. A. Lane, nice family Bible.

   John D. Duursema, wedding cake.

   Silas Kilbourn, load of wood and a tub.

   N. Robbins, Jr., one ton of coal, after the strike is over.

   A. M. Ferguson, string of choice bananas.

   Jos. Koeltz, one box of Havana Stars for groom.

   G. A. Bottje, lot of tinware.

   Boomgard & Son, nickel plated coffee and tea pot.

   Mr. James Barnes, one table.

   Ruet Wierenger, 12 pound ham.

   Mrs. Mattie A. Kennedy, new hat for bride.

   I. N. Tubbs, one dozen photographs.

   Walter Baker, tea set.

   T. VandenBosch, fine silk umbrella.

   B. C. Mansfield, set of silver tea spoons.

   F. A. Hutty, box of perfume.

   County Clerk Turner, marriage license.

   Wm. VanDrezer, serve dinner to bride and groom and bridesmaid and groomsman.

   Mrs. John Niel, dinner at Park Hotel to bride and groom, groomsman, bridesmaid and minister.

   Wm. and T. Baker, bag of flour and sack of potatoes.

   Judge Pagelson, affidavit of marriage.

   Kirby House, sumptuous dinner.

   Chas. E. Conger, copy of Ottawa Co. Compendium.

   C. and E. Dowd, useful toilet articles.

   Albert Van Dyk, paper and paint room in couples residence.

   Mrs. H. Haines, furnish ice cream and angel-food at the parlor in the evening to bride, groom, bridesmaid, groomsman and minister.

   Haines and VanderZalm, furnish paper and paper one room for the bride and groom.

   Cutler House, dinner and supper, free use of bridal chamber.

   Henry Meyer, pair of shoes for groom.

   VanLopik & Co., chamber set.

   G. VandenBosch & Bro., Smyrna rug.


   Four members of the Lynch family at Sturgis are dead from black smallpox.  Their bodies were buried in lime in zinc coffins.


   Chairman Barwig, of the house committee on expenditures of the treasury department, yesterday afternoon made an unfavorable report on the bill for the consolidation of custom districts.  This was the bill which contained the paragraph wiping out the custom district of Michigan and abolishing the custom house at Grand Haven.




   The Spring Lake Hotel has a few guests for the summer, already.


   All the fishing tugs at St. Joe have quit business because of the coal famine.


  Levi Wickham will open a restaurant and ice cream parlors in the Sanford building next week.


   R. Lillie has an article in todays Democrat in which he states that the anti-Watsons had only 54 votes out of 128.


   Elegant plate glass windows, the manufacture of the American Mirror & Glass Beveling Co., and a credit to the factory have been placed in G. D. Sanfords residence.


   Geo. D. Sanford takes exception to the claim of the Watson faction that they had the majority of delegates at the county convention this week.  Mr. Sanford says that the antis had 84 delegates present and the Watsons only 42.


   Major Mansfiled has invited the following Grand Rapids companies to participate in our 4th of July celebration:  Co. B, Capt. McGurren; Custer Guards, Capt. Vos; Innes Rifles, Capt. Boone.  Also Col. Case of Three Rivers; Col. Rose, Grand Rapids; Adjutant Giddings, Grand Rapids; Quartermaster, Will White, Grand Rapids; Surgeon Best, Grand Rapids.


   The city is making a test of water near the present city well today.


   It is claimed that 2071 men have been displaced by type-setting machines in seventy large cities.


   The cigar dealers in a Wisconsin town have signed and agreement to sell no cigarettes.


   Marshal Andres, John A. Pfaff and Ed. Merrill have returned from a several days trout fishing expedition on the Little Manistee and Big Pine Creek.  They were accompanied by a man named Barnes of Grand Rapids.  The party stayed at the home of a man named Bliss living in Wellston where they received the best accommodations and were given the tip where to find the best fish in all that region.  Mr. Bliss, they commend to all who are thinking of going on a fishing tour.  240 of the speckled beauties were caught by the party, some of them weighing nearly two pounds.  The fish they brought home were the finest ever brought here by local fishermen.


Billy Murphy Knocked Out.

   The finish fight between Billy Murphy, feather weight champion of America, as he styled himself and Jack Menton the Michigan Wonder was fought last night in a barn at Fruitport.  Murphy was knocked out in the tenth round. 

   About 60 sports of the city had chartered the Fanny M. Rose to take them to the battle ground.  The steamer Lizzie Walsh also arrived at about 9:30 with 25 sports and shortly after the trip was made up the lake. 

   An effort had been made to keep the pace of holding the mill a secret.  The pugilists were afraid of holding the fight in Ottawa county and selected a place three quarters of a mile from Fruitport.  It was in the barn of a man named Torrance.  Into this building the sports form Grand Haven, Spring Lake and Holland crowded.

   A man named Mayo, said to be a prize fighter was chosen referee.  Wm. Heavy, was Murphys second, and Kelly, a colored brick layer of this city, was Mentons.  The principals were also attended by other local sports.

   Not long after the fighting commenced it became evident that Murphy was fighting a man in a class above him.  What blows he got in on Menton seemed to produce no effect.  Menton on the other hand fought with a confident and winning air.  Several times his blows caused Murphy to walk around the ring in a groggy condition.  First blood was scored for Menton.

   In the tenth, Menton went at his opponent to win and with a clever blow felled Murphy.  After the usual number of seconds had been called off and Murphy still on the floor, the fight was given to Menton.  It was several minutes before Murphy recovered.

   A little incident occurred before the fight which may yet cause the participants trouble.  A farmer named Huggert, a deputy sheriff, living near the place of battle was aware that a fight was to take place.  In some way he managed to get into the barn and walked to the ring side, tremblingly told those present that he was an officer and would stop the fight.  A crowd gathered around him and some on asked if he could show his authority.  He could not, and was at once unceremoniously kicked out doors.  Outside, someone fired three shots to further intimidate the officer.

   The officer did not wish to risk his life further and beat a hasty retreat.  It is said that he has the names of many at the battle and will give some of them trouble.

   Three-fourths of those who attended last night deny being there, partly because of this incident.

   The steamers returned from Fruitport at about three oclock this morning.  Most of the sports who attended were satisfied.   A knock-out is what they wanted and they saw it.

   Neither of the pugilists were hurt much.  Murphy has a few bruises but Menton does not show a scratch.  When knocked out Murphy was bleeding badly from the nose.

   The winner, Jack Menton, is a cripple, having a club foot.  To see him no one would think pugilism was is business.  Nevertheless he is said to be quite shifty in the ring.  He claims to have fought a 12 round draw with Kid Levigue, the Saginaw pugilist, who has been coming to the front lately.

   Murphy is more of wrestler than a prize fighter but says that he has boxed several rounds draw with Griffe, the Australian.

   The winner of last nights fight gets 75 per cent of the gate receipts.




   It is said that another prize fight is on the string.


   A plank walk has been laid from the street to the front steps of the new court house.


   After tomorrow there will be no more inspection of vessels for smallpox at Chicago.


   Peter Ball offers one dozen cups, saucers, plates and a vegetable dish for the couple that get married on Court House step.


   All of the traveling men of this city will take part in the 4th of July parade, representative of the firm with which they are connected.


   Childrens Day will be observed in the first Reformed church tomorrow evening.  An invitation is extended to all.


   Captain John Walker, the jolly old tar at the beach, offers a free bathing house and suits, a boat ride and a bag of peanuts each to the couple who are married on the court house steps on the Fourth of July.  If the bridal chambers at the Cutler House do not suit them, he will furnish them with another suite.


   Mayor Vaupell issued an order last night that the slot machines in the different saloons and hotels should be abolished.  Marshal Andres is around today notifying those who have machines.  It will take effect after today and if any are running hereafter the owner will be arrested.  The order created some consternation but has been expected for several months.  It is said that the slot machines have been a great source of revenue to their owners, as high as $20 being made from one in a day.  They have been abolished in a number of the cities in the state.


   Capt. Kirbys tug the Deer is engaged in fishing again.


   Wm. H. Loutit, Henry Baar and Nat Robbins, Jr., left on a trout fishing expedition today.


   The glass factory nine played a nine composed of tannery employees this afternoon in the Fourth ward.


   D. A. Lane gave the teachers of the public schools a picnic to Fruitport today on the steamer Fanny M. Rose.


   C. A. Durand of Detroit, the general attorney of the Retail Merchants Protective Association, called at this office today and informs us that his association contemplates organizing a branch in this city.  The association is a general one in its character and its objects are to protect merchants and other business men from the deadbeat and to assist them in getting more favorable laws passed by the legislature.  A paid secretary is employed in each town to do the business of the merchants.  This association is said to be thoroughly organizing the whole state and giving satisfaction to its members.  Mr. Durand is a son of Judge Durand of Flint, who was a defeated candidate for Justice of the Supreme court two years ago.


   Jack Menton the pugilist slipped out of town yesterday afternoon for fear of being arrested for his connection with the fight.  Last night Billy Murphy also left, taking the Goodrich boat for Chicago.  When the boat landed in Chicago this morning Murphy was arrested.  A telegram from the Muskegon officers had preceded him.  He will be held until the officers come to the conclusion what to do.  Huggert the Fruitport deputy sheriff who was misused by the crowd of sports Thursday night is here today, gathering what information and the names of those present that he can.  Huggert says that he went to the ring and placed the two fighters under arrest, also the umpire as he called the referee.  The crowd pressed around him and forced him out doors.  He was struck several times and outside some on fired at him.  Huggert heard the bullet whistle by his head.  He claims  to know the man by sight who did the shooting.  Huggert it is said gathered quite a few names of witnesses to the fight today, and promises to make things interesting for them.


   Walter Baker sold the 4th of July fireworks to be used here.


   The court house dedicatory exercises will be held in the forenoon of July 4, in Central Park, just opposite the new building.


Akeley Commencement.

   The commencement Exercises of Akeley, beginning next Friday, June 15th, will continue through the following days until the 21st.  This should be an especially interesting Commencement to the citizens, as it is the first time that a Grand Haven young lady has attained to the honor of graduating at Akeley.  A large number of guests from out of town is expected, as the members of St. Johns parish have kindly offered hospitality.  On Tuesday evening, the 19th, the students of Akeley will render Shakespeares drama of Mid-Summer Nights Dream, with piano selections from Mendelssohns Opera.  A small admission fee will be charged, as the seating capacity of the hall is limited.

   To all of the exercises, the Citizens of Grand Haven are most cordially invited, and especially to the Graduation on Wednesday morning, at 10:30 in the College Chapel.  This invitation is official, and no especial invitations will be issued, except by members of the Graduating Class.

   The programme is given below.


[See original article on microfilm at Loutit Library]


Base Ballists, Attention.

   Everybody interested in base ball is requested to be present at a meeting to be held in the Firemans parlors in the City Hall at 8 oclock next Monday evening.  Arrangements are to be made for the organization of a good base ball club to be run in a business way, and with a board of directors and proper officers to look after affairs.

   Grande Haven should keep pace with every other city and maintain a club of which it could feel proud.


Fourth of July Wedding.

   The following gifts will be presented to the couple married on the court house steps, July 4th, so far as known:

   Courier~Journal, five years subscription.

   Levi Wickham, one years barber free to groom.

   VanLopik Bros., silk hat to groom.

   Ball & Co., handsome lamp.

   Hancock & Son, beautiful bouquet to couple.

   Juistema Bros., pair of shoes to bride.

   D. Wright, 5 lb. box of confectionary.

   J. D. Ritzema, household articles.

   D. A. Lane, nice family Bible.

   John D. Duursema, wedding cake.

   Silas Kilbourn, load of wood and set of tubs.

   N. Robbins, Jr., one ton of coal, after the strike is over.

   A. M. Ferguson, string of choice bananas.

   Jos. Koeltz, one box of Havana Stars for groom.

   G. A. Bottje, lot of tinware.

   Boomgard & Son, nickel plated coffee and tea pot.

   Mr. James Barnes, one table.

   Ruet Wierenger, 12 pound ham.

   Mrs. Mattie A. Kennedy, new hat for bride.

   I. N. Tubbs, one dozen photographs.

   Walter Baker, tea set.

   T. VandenBosch, fine silk umbrella.

   B. C. Mansfield, set of silver tea spoons.

   F. A. Hutty, box of perfume.

   County Clerk Turner, marriage license.

   Wm. VanDrezer, serve dinner to bride and groom and bridesmaid and groomsman.

   Mrs. John Niel, dinner at Park Hotel to bride and groom, groomsman, bridesmaid and minister.

   Wm. and T. Baker, bag of flour and sack of potatoes.

   Judge Pagelson, affidavit of marriage.

   Kirby House, sumptuous dinner.

   Chas. E. Conger, copy of Ottawa Co. Compendium.

   C. and E. Dowd, useful toilet articles.

   Albert Van Dyk, paper and paint room in couples residence.

   Mrs. H. Haines, furnish ice cream and angel-food at the parlor in the evening to bride, groom, bridesmaid, groomsman and minister.

   Haines and VanderZalm, furnish paper and paper one room for the bride and groom.

   Cutler House, dinner and supper, free use of bridal chamber.

   Henry Meyer, pair of shoes for groom.

   VanLopik & Co., chamber set.

   G. VandenBosch & Bro., Smyrna rug.

   White Laundry, six months laundry work to groom.

   Globe Match Co., 1 case of matches.

   Peter Ball, dishware.

   Capt. Walker, sundries.




   Childrens Day has been observed since 1872.


   Two deaths from smallpox were reported in Milwaukee yesterday.


   Nyson & Root are out with a handsome laundry delivery wagon.


   Letters are carried from Paris to Berlin through pneumatic tubes, at the rate of 20 miles a minute.


   The first Goodrich boat to run to this shore was the Huron in 1857.


   Peter VandenBerg graduates form the U of M this month and will then be a full pledged M. D.


   Billy Murphy, the pugilist arrested in Chicago, refuses to come to Michigan without requisition papers.


   Marvin Turner and Lawrence VandenBerg, who graduate from High School next week, will enter the U. of M. in the fall.


   Deputy Sheriff Huggard of Fruitport has made a complaint before Justice Collins of Muskegon against fifteen witnesses of the Fruitport prize fight.


   The men who got up a biography of Muskegon and Ottawa counties last year are now around trying to collect on the volume.  They were treated roughly by one indignant farmer at Ravenna.


   The oldest steamboat company in the world, organized in 1818, is still in existence, and runs boats on the Ohio River between Cincinnati, Louisville and St. Louis, under the title of the United States Mail Line.  This concern built the first streamer designed exclusively for passengers.  She was named the General Pike.  It took her thirty-one hours to make her trips between Louisville and Cincinnati, a trip that is made at the present time in nine hours.


   Lake Michigan is eight feet higher than Lake Erie.


   Extensive repairs are being made at the Fruitport blast furnace, and that institution will soon be working.


   The tug Callister, Capt. James Young, is attending to the dredge at work at the mouth of the harbor.


   Grand Haven will soon have another smithy.  Adolph Zeimer, formerly blacksmith at Bloeckers foundry, is erecting a shop on the lot, corner 2nd and Columbus. Sts.


   When Grand Haven sports come on Muskegon soil for a prize fight and in addition insult a Muskegon county officer, they wound the sacred honor of Muskegon county and must take the consequences.  Only Muskegon sports are allowed to fight in Muskegon county, and Muskegon sports never insult a Muskegon officer.—Muskegon News.


   The Grand Haven Stars were defeated by the Muskegon High School team at the Sheldon St. grounds Saturday afternoon by the score of 34 to 9.  The Stars did not play with their usual vim but instead battle and fielded like tired men.  With a little ginger and their usual good game they could have defeated the Muskegonites.


   A movement will soon be under way to organize a city base ball league here, the league to be composed of nines from the Tannery, Corn Planter, glass Factory, Kit Factory, Grocery Clerks and professional men.  It is possible that there will be eight clubs in the league.  A schedule of games will be arranged and each club will play a game a week with some other club of the league.  By each club playing two games with the other a good season could be arranged in the race for the city pennant.  


   It is charged that thousands of bogus vaccine points tipped with croton oil and not with the pure virus are on the market.


   By a vote of 60 to 2, Chicagos council has passed over the mayors veto an ordinance prohibiting cigarettes containing poisonous substances.


   In a game between the Tannery nine and the Stallings Saturday afternoon, Ed. Hicks, the Tannerys right fielder made the longest home run drive ever made on the grounds.  Ed was obliged to doff his cap to the applauding spectators when he reached home plate.  In the same inning C. Nyland hit the ball for three bases.


   Last Saturday a stranger went to John M. Cooks Third St. grocery and quietly walked away with a pair of light pants, that were hanging outside.  He was detected by Miss Lizzie Boyton, the clerk, who was alone at the time.  Miss Boyton called to him but he paid no attention.  The young lady then started after and by her persuasion induced him to throw down the stolen article.  He was not arrested.


   Two of our West Olive old veterans of the rebellion shouldered their muskets last week and went scouring our hills on a search for J. Verhoeks and his companion, who broke jail at Grand Haven, but they did not succeed in finding the game they were after, says the Port Sheldon correspondent of the Holland News.


   A party consisting of N. Robbins, Jr., G. A. Farr, Henry Baar, George and Charles Wyman, Graham Macfie, Fred Clark and Wm. H. Loutit returned today from a trout fishing expedition to the Little Manistee.  In a day and a halfs fishing they caught 1,164 of the beauties.  They brought home the greatest lot of fish ever brought here by local fishermen.    


EDITOR TRIBUNEI can no longer keep back from publishing my opinion and disgust of the union grocers of this city of the outrageous profits.  They make it nothing less than robbery.  It was witnessed last Saturday that one of our grocers bought potatoes at 80 cents a bushel and sold those very potatoes at $1.20; 40 cents profit and that is only one article, letting alone the rest.  It is a wonder that people run behind in their grocery bills and must trust, which they would not have to do if a reasonable profit was made on the goods?  And then they expect and dare make remarks when some other disgusted ones do not patronize home industries.  It would serve them right if people would club together and get their groceries at wholesale. 




   Game Warden Charles S. Hampton has requested the resignation of Deputy Frank Kennedy, who has been in Ottawa county jail until a few days ago.  The reason is that Mr. Kennedy has been too zealous in the discharge of his duties.  The Grand Rapids Democrat says:  Mr. Kennedy has been the best and most energetic officer on Mr. Hamptons staff and has made arrests which would have been creditable for officers several times his weight.  It is characteristic of him that when he goes after a man he almost invariably returns with a prisoner.  The sportsmen and all others who see the game laws enforced are not pleased at Mr. Kennedys removal and will endeavor to secure his re-instatement. 


Supposed to Be Drowned.

   Samuel Yock, a son of Peter Yock of Spring Lake township is missing and is believed to have been drowned.  Yesterday morning he took a canoe to go fishing.  Nothing has been heard of seen of him since.  His parents, who live near the line between Spring lake and Crockery townships became alarmed last night and a search was made.  Nothing was discovered until this morning however, when his canoe was found floating bottom up in Pettys Bayou.  It is thought that he capsized from the canoe.  The young man was about 19 years of age.

   Some acquaintances of the family are of the opinion that he is not drowned but simply has left home.  It is said he disappeared mysteriously once before some years ago.




   Zeelands coronet band will probably be here July 4.


   The University of Michigan will get at least five of the graduates of the city schools this year.


   The Houtcamp family of Muskegon who are sick with smallpox are gradually improving.


   The Cutler Mausoleum at Lake Forest cemetery will not be erected until October.


   The city pumping station has been burning wood in place of coal for the past three weeks.


   The glass factory and tannery nines will play a game of ball again in about three weeks for $25 aside.


   George C. Borck offers to donate to the couple to be married at the new Court House on the Fourth of July a lot of cabbage, tomatoes and fruit of the egg plant.


   The excessive heat filed the streets with people until a late hour last night.


   Grand Haven streets will be lined with side shows and stands July 4th.  Already outside parties are here looking for places to set up stands.


   Hundreds of perch were caught at the pier yesterday and today.  One enthusiastic fisherman tells of hooking a fish up by the tail.


   Grand Havens tender regard for the morals of the summer tourist has led the town to prohibit the slot machines.


   "For a town of its size I never before saw such an interest in athletics as is manifested in Grand Haven" said a visitor to the city recently.


   Two lads of this city left home yesterday morning and not being home at ten oclock last night a search was made for them.  They at last turned up at a late hour.


   The Muskegon Chronicle says:  Deputy Sheriff Norman has gone to Chicago after Murphy, one of the principles of the fight.  He will be arraigned on the charge of fighting.  Over a dozen warrants will also be served on those who were present at the slugging match.


Mr. Citizen of Last Night: Will you kindly give your opinion of who is the robber, when a grocer buys a stock of potatoes at 90 cts. a bushel and soon after the market price drops to 50cts., and he is obliged to sell at a loss of 40 cts., per bushel?


The Ladies Win.

   The debate on Womans Suffrage between members of the Womans Club and gentlemen of the city took place at the Unitarian church last evening before a large audience.

   Mrs. Geo. A. Farr, president of the Womans Club presided at the debate.  Mrs. G. W. A. Smith, Mrs. E. L. Craw, Mrs. H. Potts, Miss Lora A. Smith, Mrs. G. W. McBride and Mrs. James Hancock espoused the cause of woman suffrage in very able arguments, bringing forth many new points.

   Messrs. Geo. A. Farr, Dr. Reynolds, Dr. Walkley, Prof. Estabrook and H. Potts took part in the opposition.  Their speeches were mostly in ridicule of woman suffrage.  Mr. H. Potts and Dr. Walkley took down the house by their laughable remarks.  One of the gentlemen who was to have taken part in the debate did not put in an appearance and the ladies broadly stated that he had shown the white feather.

   The debate closed, a vote was taken, of those present, of the merit of the speeches.  The ladies came out far ahead and womans suffrage was a victor by a vote of 125 to 36.

   The new ideas brought forth by the lady debaters showed much study and research and were delivered in a convincing way.  As for the gentlemen the best they could do was to ridicule the entire thing.  Nevertheless at the close they all admitted defeat.

   Besides the debate there was music and Miss Marcy read a poem.

   Ice cream was served after the exercises.


The Athletics.

   A baseball team was organized in this city last night which will undoubtedly make Grand Haven famous in amateur base ball circles of Michigan before the season is over.  The club will be composed of about the same members that now constitute the G. H. A. C. team and the club will probably be known as the Athletics of Grand Haven.

   The officers elected were Pres., R. K. Stallings; Vice pres., N. Robbins, Jr.; Sec., Robt. Radeke; Treas., B. D. Keppel.

   Board of directors, R. K. Stallings, N. Robbins, Jr., Robt. Radeke, B. D. Keppel, Wm. H. Loutit, Gerrit Ball, Dr. Reynolds, G. B. Parks, Geo. Wyaman.

   Lou Lehman was elected manager of the club and Wm. L. Andres, assistant manager.

   The club has a number of challenges from outside clubs, among them several amateur clubs of Grand Rapids.  Also one from the celebrated club at Miner Lake, Allegan county.  The Miner Lake club is probably the strongest amateur nine in Michigan.  Among its players are a number of old tri-state leaguers who have settled in Allegan County.  The clubs mainstay in the box is Frank Kitson.  His curves have not been found by a club this year to any marked extent, and he has won every game which he has pitched.  It would be a treat to have the two teams meet.

   The ball grounds will probably be located in the driving park in the 4th ward, one of the best diamonds in the city.

   The local clubs battery will be Gibbs and VanWeelden.  Players will be signed by contract.


   Nothing more has been learned of Yock who is supposed to have drowned in Spring Lake Sunday.  His hat was found floating on the lake yesterday.  A sister of the young man works in the Cutler House.


   The supply of water in the city well went down to only one foot one night this week.  So much is used for domestic and lawn supply in the summer that there will be guessing as to where water will come form and it may be necessary to resort to the river at times.


   The steamer Chicora recently made the trip from Chicago to St. Joe in three hours and forty minutes.


   The matter of abolishing the custom office here and in a number of other places is now positively settled.  Congressman Richardson gained a victory by urging its absolute necessity here and was sustained by the committee.  The glass factory of this city who import great quantities of glass here were also important factors in keeping it here.


   As recommended by the state military board, the annual encampment of the Michigan National Guard will be held this year at Island Lake, near Brighton, commencing Aug. 15, and continuing for five days.  The camp will under the command of Brigadier General E. W. Bowen.  Members who have not attended 75 per cent of the drills will not be eligible to attend.  Quartermaster General Devlin has already commenced the work of putting the grounds in shape for the encampment, and when the troops arrive there August 15 they will find everything ready for their comfort and convenience.




   The swimming season for the small boy has opened.


   The Canada Side ball club defeated the Professional mens nine last evening by the score of 16 to 12.  Prof. Estabrook pitched for the Professionals.


   R. W. Duncan is one of the vice-presidents having in charge the dedicatory exercises of the court house.  Lucius Lyman represents Spring Lake and Henry Saul the township in that capacity.


   Although we do not have near as many wild song birds as we used to, still they are quite plentiful.  The notes of the bob white in the morning and the whip-por-will at night are heard frequently in the outskirts.  The robins come back each year in about the usual number.


   Mrs. Geo. Sanford met with quite a serious accident this morning.  An ice box fell upon her striking the thumb of her left hand.  Mrs. Sanford fainted and it was some time before she revived.  The thumb is swollen so badly that it is not yet known whether any bones were broken.


   Vyn Bros. wagons have all been nicely painted.


   The big posters for the Fourth of July celebration are out.


   Hustle along your gifts for the couple to be married July 4.


   Corn, potatoes and other crops are coming forth in good shape.


   Telephones will be placed in the Spring Lake House and Mr. Bakers home in Spring Lake.


   One young man of this city is making a neat profit by catching and shipping turtles to Chicago.


   There was a heavy shower in Fruitport this morning, although there was no rain here.


   We will have more Muskegon visitors here July 4, than will remain to see the celebration in the Sawdust town.


   Just one year ago the twenty-first of this month Ward & Russell were given the contract to build the new Court House.


   Visitors say that Spring Lake furnishes as good camping grounds as any other lake in the country.  It waters too, abound with bass and other fish.


   All persons holding books belonging to Public School Library are requested to return the same at once preparatory for annual inspection.  It is gratifying to know that the library is appreciated and used.  We learn that close to 13,000 books were given out this year being an increase of 2,000 over last year.


   It is understood that the famous Fox Battery of Grand Rapids would be pleased to be here July 4th.  The Fox is one of the greatest batteries in the country.  They will bring thirty uniformed artillerymen to Grand Haven, with sabers.  Also two of their large brass cannons.  If possible, we should get the battery here as it would be one of the greatest attractions of the celebration.


   Mr. A. W. Constantine is here from Chicago.  He is a contractor and builder in the worlds fair city.


   L. C. F. Hintz, factory inspector of Michigan is here today on an official tour of inspection of the different businesses.


   Factory Inspector Hintz who was here today says that there is a great change for the better in Grand Havens industries since his last visit.


   Already this season there have been two drowning here and at Spring Lake.


   Grand Haven is the healthiest city in Michigan.  We have no epidemics here and despite the continual travel between here and Chicago have not had a case of smallpox.


   Rev. P. DeBruyn will officiate as chaplain at the court house dedication exercises July 4th.  Hon. T. W. Ferry and Hon. C. VanLoo will be the orators.  Remarks will be made by the Chairman of the board of supervisors.


   Major Mansfield, aside from his regular duties is busily engaged in getting everything in readiness for July 4th.  He will have charge of the military on the big hill at the sham battle this year.  One of his schemes is to have an electric search light so placed on the hill that the movements of the troops can be seen on this side. If the Fox Battery should come here they would also take part and their big guns will make a noise that will be heard 50 miles in the lake.


   The local sports who attended the prize fight at Fruitport last week are becoming more and more alarmed.  Deputy sheriff Sternberg of Muskegon went to Lansing Monday and secured requisition papers from Gov. Rich directing Gov. Altgeld of Ill. for the body of William Murphy the loser of the fight.   Deputy sheriff Norman now in Chicago will probably bring back Murphy the latter part of this week.


   Base ball was first played by an organized club in 1845.  The first match game was played at Hoboken, N. J.  The first regular salaried team was the Cincinnati club in 1868.  Their career on the field will undoubtedly never be excelled.  From October, 1868 to June 1870, they played 70 or more games and did not meet a single defeat.


   Grand Haven has had its taste so visited by the base ball epidemic that is about to organize a city league with eight complete teams.—G. R. Democrat.


   Lake bathing is now in order.


   One of every 180 persons, rides or owns a bicycle in this country.


   A National Home for aged and infirm colored people will be erected in Washington.


   The temperature registered 84° this morning, the warmest of the year, so far.


   Look out for tramps.  It was a tramp that gave Sturgis a smallpox epidemic.


   Lawn tennis is comparatively new in America.  It was first played in 1874 in Massachusetts.


   The swimming record for one mile is 26 minutes, 8 seconds, made in England.


   Menominee papers state that the car-ferry steamers will commence running between Frankfort, Mich., and that city by about June 15th, this being considerably sooner than was expected.


   One of the census enumerators says that he is meeting with very little trouble in getting at the facts for the census.  Citizens are willing to answer every question.


   The season for boating accidents has opened, and the many recorded in newspapers should be warnings to the unwary.  Leave sail boats alone unless you know how to handle them in emergencies and in row boats leave no fools the risky experiments which kill many and benefit none.


   We are now approaching the strawberry season.  Already big loads of the fruit raised in Bass River and Allendale are brought down each day and shipped to Chicago and the berry picker is in his element.  Some people become very proficient in picking berries and fill over 100 quarts in a day when the berries are good and ripe.




   Spricks buses are now on the Park route.


   Akeley College girls are picnicking at Spring Lake today.


   At present there are only four or five prisoners in the county jail.


   Guests are arriving at the Highland Park cottages.


   Marquette reported rain this morning.  This vicinity is longing for a shower bath.


   The Grand Haven Base Ball Association will solicit for stock subscriptions.


   In some places on the street today the thermometer registered 90 degrees.


   Bloecker & Co., have just built a steam steering gear for the Fanny M. Rose.  Hows that for a Grand Haven industry.


   This hot, dry weather is said to be withering the strawberries.


   Capt. Loutits residence is rapidly going up.


   The steamer Fanny M. Rose will run an excursion to Lake Harbor next Sunday.  Boat will leave here at 9:30 and return here at 2 p.m.


   Symrna is the smallest town in Michigan that has electric lights.


   Grand Rapids factories are shutting down and it will be a very dull summer in that town.


  A large party from LaGrange, Ill., breakfasted at the Park Hotel this morning.  A party of summer guests are expected at the hotel next Saturday.


    The Central Michigan railroad, Jerry Boyntons paper line from Grand Rapids to Lima, O., will certainly be put through, he announces.  It will not touch Hastings, but will cross the C. K. & S. at Delton.


   The disappearance of young Yock of Spring Lake is still a mystery.  His body has not been found ad although everything seems to indicate that he was drowned there are many who think that he has run away.


   W. B. Folger and father are here from Grand Rapids.  Mr. Folger discovered that his cottage at the Park had been entered and cooking utensils stolen.



   There will be no dead heads at the games to be played by the ball club just organized in this city.  Only the players will be admitted to the grounds free.


   Although the Young Mens Christian Association has long been stronger in this country than in Europe, the International Conferences of the organization has never met here.  The chief deterrent reason has been the great cost of bringing nearly 2,000 delegates from all parts of the world to the United States.  This expense would fall largely upon the association on this side of the Atlantic, and they are hardly ready to shoulder it.




   To here those grocery proprietors talk you would naturally suppose they could play ball, but hey cant.


   Billy Murphy is in the Muskegon jail and the sports who attended the fight expect to be subpoenaed at any time as witnesses.


   Jacob Baar caught nine black bass at the pier this morning weighing 14 pounds.  F. A. Hutty caught one weighing 3˝.


   The stars and stripes was made the National flag 117 years ago yesterday.


   The steering gear spoken of in yesterdays issue was manufactured by Dake Engine Manufacturing Co., and is worked by one of their famous engines which is said to be a great improvement over a pony engine for that work.


   Deputy sheriff Norman arrived on the Goodrich steamer this morning with Wm. Murphy, the prize fighter.  He was in shackles and taken directly to Muskegon to be tried for taking part in the fight at Fruitport last week.


    As Acting Mayor Verhoeks and Deputy Marshal Smith were returning home from down town the other evening they were run into and hurled from the sidewalk by a bicyclist, but fortunately neither sustained injuries except a few scratches.  It is said notice of an iron clad ordinance prohibiting bicyclists from running down city officers will be given at the next council meeting.


The Cove.

From the Courier~Journal:—Permit me to say a few words about the article of Mr. Potts, published in last weeks Courier, in regard to a place he calls Smiths Cove.  I have lived here for forty-one years and never heard that name before, nay furthermore, there is no such place here.  There is an arm of the bayou, so called, which is known as Smiths Bayou.  He states that more people have lost their lives within an area of a square half mile than at any other point in Western Michigan.  Such nonsense.  True Negro Dock plunged a knife in the back of a man named Haskins, (not a lumberman,) that was north and east of Bells mill with which the water had nothing to do and was not near the Smith bayou.  Two years later, he states, a man jumped through a window of the house and plunged into the water.  If that did occur at all it was north and east of the Monroe and Boyce dock on the north side of the lake, (not cove.)  The two colored men mentioned by Mr. Potts, he must have reference to some other place as I can not recall that case to my mind.  As to the Sailor referred to, that was a sailor off a vessel lying at what was then called the Hopkins dock.  Said sailor went in bathing in the west side of the lake and was drowned.  The old man referred to as watering his horse, and was drowned, so Mr. Potts states, was perhaps Mr. A. McClarity who was on the bridge with his horse.  The horse was drowned, but Mr. McClarity is far from drowned today as he works his land from five in the morning until seven at night.  No man was drowned off a mill boom in the Smith bayou (not cove.)  The daughter of Capt. Walters referred to was carried by a man by the name of McKeen.  He lost his footing and let go of the child.  She was drowned north of Bells mill.  (In no cove.)  The Grand Rapids saloon keeper referred to was not drowned because of the bottle, but three heavy men in one small boat.  Mr. Johnson, the man that was drowned, in trying to entangle his line upset the boat and he was drowned.  That was north of the Bells mill (no cove).  His body was in the undertakers hands within four hours after the accident, instead of eight days, as Mr. Potts has it.  The colored cook referred to was drowned north and east of Monroe & Boyces dock, no where near the Smith Bayou and her body was recovered the next day.  There are places on Lake Michigan and other lakes where more boats have gone down with all on board.  It might be well to tell the public to shun those places, and not confine yourself to what you call the cove of death, for this no such place on Spring Lake.  E. Pruim.         


   Mrs. Dr. VanderVeen entertained the Akeley girls at luncheon Tuesday and D. A. Lane yesterday gave them an excursion to Fruitport returning last night.  Both occasions were pleasant and long to be remembered.


   Persons unknown attempted to fire the C. & W. M. warehouse just opposite the depot today.  Smoke was discovered under the building at about 1:30 this afternoon and an alarm turned in.  The fire was put out easily before any damage was done.    


   The statement made by the Tribune that the jewelry recently found here was stolen from C. Donkers saloon was wrong and in justice to the latter it should be so stated.


Local Editor Grand Haven Tribune:

   Sir:—We understand that the Grand Haven Leather Co., have reduced wages of their employees from 10 to 40 per cent and in the color room from 20 to 40 per cent.  Isnt it time that our grocery keepers reduce their prices in accordance wit the times. 

Juvenis No. 2.


   The Francis Hinton went out today.  [Pier Construction]


   Great quantities of water are being consumed by water takers these warm days.


   The steamer Grand Island which used to ply above the rapids at Grand Rapids will next week start on the route between here and Grand Rapids.  Capt. J. M. Mitchell will command the boat.


   It was reported Monday that peter Yock, jr., was drowned in what is known as the Hammond Bayou, as he was last seen in a canoe at that place, but no traces of him being found, his father is impressed that he has gone away from home as he went away once before.  He is a young man 19 years of age, rather under the medium height, of Holland descent, beardless face, looks rather young for his age, darkish complexion.  Any information of his whereabouts will be a great comfort to his parents.  Papers please copy.  


   At the meeting of the West Michigan Fruit Growers Association in Muskegon yesterday, President Phillips and Judson Harris, of Agnew, said he knew very little about the east and south sides of the county, but in other portions the peach crop was as good or better than last year.  Pears are a very good crop.  Strawberries are damaged in spots by frost.  Raspberries are all right as far as known.  Near the lake nothing is ever killed with frost except when a northeast wind prevails.  Mr. Phillips said that Ottawa county would have an old time apple crop.  Samples of peaches are on exhibition form Agnew.




   Capt. Walker reports very good bathing at the Park.


   The schooner Indian Bill is in with a cargo of wood.


   Some years ago the tug Pearl, operated by Capt. Obeck is said to have made a haul of 10,000 pounds of fish which knocks the St. Joe record hollow.


   Deputy sheriff Sternberg is here today getting what information he can, as to the parties who attended the Fruitport prize fight last week.  His presence in town it is said have scared a few more sports out of the city over Sunday.


   When the alarm of fire was turned in yesterday the supply of water in the city well was so far gone that the engineer had to connect with the river.  Today the big well was filled with water from drive wells which have been experimented with, and the city mains were flushed.


   Marshal Andres has ordered that there be no more Sunday ball playing within the city limits and anyone violating the order is liable to arrest.


   Major Mansfield was in Grand Rapids yesterday and made the closing arrangements with the Fox Battery and the three military companies of the Valley City, which are to be here July 4.


   The City of Milwaukee had her flags at half mast in memory of Myron Scott today.  All of the vessels in the harbor had their colors at half mast as well as many private poles about the city.


   Wm. Murphy the prize fighter was brought before Justice Collins in Muskegon yesterday, charged with prize fighting.  He asked for an examination which will be held next Monday.  In the meantime Murphy is in jail in of default $1,000 bail.  Murphy says that he had no means to get a lawyer, but when he arrived in Grand Haven yesterday morning the boys there had informed him that they would provide him with an attorney.  The fact is that none of the boys dared approach him while he was here yesterday.  When the deputy first reached Chicago after Murphy the prize fighter agreed to come to Michigan without papers but changed his mind at the suggestion of friends.  He is sorry now that he did not come.



Death of Myron Scott.

   It is with a deep sense of personal loss that the Tribune announces the death of Myron Scott, which occurred at four o’clock yesterday afternoon.  Although he has been sick and confined to his home since last November, and the last few weeks has been gradually sinking, still his demise is no less a painful shock to his many friends.

   His death was caused by catarrh of the stomach, contracted by exposure in service.

   Myron Scott was born in West Dresden, near Geneva, N. Y., forty-nine years ago the fourth of last March.  His birthday was in the beautiful lake region of the Empire State and when quite young he was engaged on of the small steamers that ply on Seneca Lake.

   When the war started, Mr. Scott, though then but a lad, enlisted and went to the front.  He served two years in Co. H., 33d N. Y. Volunteers, a regiment made up of men living in the counties adjoining the birthplace of Mr. Scott.  He participated in the first battle of Bull’s Run and Harper’s Ferry, also in the memorable contest at Antietam.  At Fredericksburg he was wounded in two places and captured by the confederates.  After capture he was made a prisoner in old, historic Libby, where he was for some time.  A brother was killed in the battle of the Wilderness.

   In 1863 deceased came to Grand Haven, and has been an honored and respected citizen ever since.  Shortly after arriving he engaged on the tug Jones.  For nearly twenty years he was the employ of White & Friant as engineer of their tugs and steamers, in the lumber business.  Among the boats in which he sailed here were the tugs Miranda, St. Mary, (old) Tempest, Stewart Edward, and Claude and the propellors White & Friant and Tempest, sailing on every lake of the great chain.

   Mr. Scott was married in 1867 and three sons blessed the union, Eugene A., Arthur A., and M. Kingsbury.

   Eight years ago Mr. Scott was appointed one of the board of government steamboat inspectors with an office here.  Mr. Scott was boiler inspector, and Capt. Dodge, the other member of the board was inspector of hulls.  Together they traveled many miles in the course of their duty, in the district over which they had jurisdiction.

   Mr. Scott succeeded Mr. Cowan to the office of inspector, the latter being now engineer of the Auditorium, Chicago.

   For some time Mr. Scott’s health has been failing and in late fall he … remained indoors most of the time since.  A few weeks ago he tendered his resignation as inspector, since which time, inspector boards of other districts have attended to the business of this district. 

   Deceased was a member of Weatherwax Post, G. A. R. and also a member of Ex-Prisoner’s Association.  He has held a number of offices in the G. A. R.

   Mr. Scott was a member of Grand Haven Lodge No. 139, Free and Accepted Masons, and was king in Corinthian Chapter, No. 84, R. A. M., and Thrice Illustrious — Master of Grand Haven Council, No. 51, R. & S. M.  He was also charter member of several marine engineer’s lodges.

   He was a prominent member of Muskegon Commandery, Knight’s Templar, under whose auspices his funeral will be conducted.

   The entire community will mourn the death of Myron Scott.

   Mr. Scott was a man to be admired and loved by all who were so fortunate to share his acquaintance.  Kind and gentle in the extreme, and of modest disposition, a harsh word was a stranger to his lips.  After his amiable family, the marine engineers of this city will most certainly mourn his death.  During the eight years that he was a local boiler inspector, he made a friend of every engineer with home he was connected.

   The funeral tomorrow will undoubtedly be very impressive.  It will be held from the residence on Water St., at two o’clock tomorrow afternoon under the auspices of the Knight’s Templar.  The Masonic orders will attend as escort.


Editor Tribune—In your last night’s Tribune we find an article which reads as follows:

Local Editor Grand Haven Tribune:

   Sir:—We understand that the Grand Haven Leather Co., have reduced wages of their employees from 10 to 40 per cent and in the color room from 20 to 40 per cent.  Isnt it time that our grocery keepers reduce their prices in accordance wit the times. 

Juvenis No. 2.

   I am a poor scholar myself, but have been told by a friend of mine that has studied language that the meaning of Juvenis No. 2 means Crank No. 2.  I have also been told that if business does not pick up, the Grand Haven Leather Co. will be obliged to shut down for awhile and I presume we will then hear of Crank No. 3, who would like to have us give goods away.  I wonder if Crank No. 2 would not like to have a job to go on the road to steal goods for us.  The idea of No. 2 expecting us to reduce prices in accordance with the times.  Are we able to buy goods cheaper now than before the cut in wages?  Why dont No. 2 ask the butcher to sell steak at a reduced price and saloon keepers to sell their beer two glasses for five cents and have the house rent reduced about 40 per cent, and last but not least, have No. 2s wind cut down about 75 percent.  If No. 2 can inform us where we can buy goods from 20 to 40 per cent. Cheaper I think we will be able to sell goods accordingly.  Mr. Editor, this is my first attempt as a public writer, and hope you will excuse me for taking so much of your valuable time and paper, but think things are going too far.  There are too many No. 2s in this town that know more about a merchants business than he does himself.

A Grocer. 


Those Seniors. 

We won't have very long to wait,

The time is almost o'er,

When the Seniors, the pride of Grand Haven

Will disgrace the High School no more.

Of course there are exceptions,

To almost every rule,

And the Seniors number one or two,

That are well liked in school.

But take it as a general thing,

You ask a "Fresh" or "Soph,"

What they think of the Seniors,

And they're sure to say, "They're off."

They act like little children,

When the teacher's back is turned;

And you ought to see them "pony"

When their lessons are not learned.

Their conduct is disgraceful,

And their seats had to be changed,

Their president, M. Turner,

Was with the Sophs arranged.

The others who had misbehaved,

Were Leland, Smead and Keil,

And were placed upon the foremost seats,

Their littleness to feel.

We hope when next year comes around,

And the Junior's time arrives,

That there will be some honor

In our class of "95."


   Chicago stands forth among the harbors of the word, as regards tonnage of vessels leaving and entering.


   It may not be generally known, that in early years Grandville was the rival of Grand Rapids, by reason of it being at the head of Grand River navigation, water communication being looked on as far more important in a citys growth than it is now.




   The barge Francis Hinton is in with stone [Pier Construction]


   The fish tugs that went out this morning were obliged to return because of the seas.


   James John, a Bass River Indian, was sent to jail for five days by Justice Pagelson this morning for drunkenness.


   Capt. Cobb of the steamer Rose was subpoenaed as a witness in the examination of prize fighter Murphy at Muskegon today.


   Nysen, the 90 year old man of Holland, boasts of never having worn anything on his feet but wooden shoes and slippers.


   A heavy wind brought in a number of schooners for shelter yesterday and today.  The vessels at the pier this morning were the Indian Bill of Muskegon, Winnie Weaver of Chicago, loaded with slabs, Condor of Grand Haven, slabs for Milwaukee, Lena Behm, slabs for Chicago, Day Spring and Green of Benton Harbor and the little hooker Smuggler of Paw Paw.


   The body of Peter Yock was found this morning in Spring Lake near pettys bridge.  This settles the mystery, there having been some doubt as to whether the young man was drowned or had run away.  Today was the ninth day that he disappeared.  His drowning is supposed to have been caused by the capsizing of his canoe.  The canoe, and the hat worn by the young man, were found the day after his disappearance.


   The rain of yesterday was a welcome visitor in this vicinity.


   The large addition to the G. H. Leather Cos dry house is now under way.


   Some of the Grand Haven employees of the steamer Nyack have gone on strike.


Objects to Hoop Skirts.

   As I was in your city yesterday attending the funeral of brother Scott I could not help noticing the hoop skirts and other rubbish that littered your streets.  I will suggest that you clean up your otherwise beautiful thorough-fares before the 4th of July as you have invited Western Michigan to meet with you on that day and as a great many will avail themselves of that opportunity it will look better to strangers.

A Former Resident.


   The Democrat says that the West Bridge St., road to Grand Haven is the best bicycle road from Grand Rapids.


   There will be a clay pigeon shoot by the Grand Haven Gun Club at the foot of the big hill across the river at two oclock Wednesday afternoon.  The shoot can be witnessed from the foot of Washington St.


   The last train load of Challenge Iceberg Refrigerators, completing the largest order in the world for refrigerators, to any one firm, left eh Challenge Corn Planter Cos factory at Grand Haven, Mich., today.  The works have been and are still obliged to run full time to complete their seasons output.


   The graduating class of the High School consists of Ada Louise Blair, Stephen J. Brouwer, Herbert T. Cummings, Frances Wagstaff Findley, Thomas J. Kiel, O. Miner Leland, Marie Louise Pagelson, Ethel Elma Smead, Marion Stickny, Geaorge G. Stroebe, Marvin W. Turner and Lawrence H. VandenBerg.  The valedictorian of the class will be George G. Stroebe.  The class motto is Not Yet.


   Mrs. H. C. Akeley and daughter of St. Paul are in the city to attend the closing exercises of the year at Akeley, and the growth and progress made at the school during the past year must be very pleasing to them.


   The United States health officials at Detroit have engaged the steam yacht Florence B. and established a quarantine service in Detroit river.  They board all boats from Chicago and examine them for smallpox.


   Bishop Gillespie delivered an able and interesting sermon at St. Johns church on Sunday morning.  It was full of kindly advice and instruction to the six young lady graduates who were all present and could be accepted as a good lesson for all who were present to follow.


   The base ball association has the choice of two grounds upon which to build a diamond.  One is Mrs. Hopkins property in the 4th ward and the other near Jas. Kennedys is controlled by Jacob Baar.  Both are handy and a sidewalk the entire distance from town.  A fence will probably be erected on one of the sites this week.


   Game Warden Hampton makes a big report of what he did during the month of May, but does not even mention his calling for the resignation of his deputy Kennedy, down at Holland, who was so foolhardy as to arrest a party of democrats of influence whom he caught violating the law.—East Jordan Enterprise.


   It is now full song-tide with the birds, and all the suburban woodlands yet spared by the fatal hand of improvement are ringing night and morning with notes of all birds most familiar to this region and of others less easy to identify.  The birds are the last wild creatures to retreat before the advance of urban civilization.




   Already there have been four or five drownings at Saugatuck this year.


   Nearly all of the wind bound fleet were in this morning, but left during the course of the day.


   Give the new ball grounds a good name.  A crank suggests either Recreational or Washington Park.


   A youth of this city has the habit of prowling around boat houses and purloining what he can get a hold of.  The young man it is said, is being watched and is liable to be put under arrest.


   The examination of Wm. Murphy the prize fighter which was to have been held in Muskegon yesterday was postponed for one week.  Murphy was represented by W. L. Lillie of this city.


   Lightning struck the celery shed of C. Lock on Ferry St., last Sunday afternoon.  One entire side of the building was shattered.  If it had been on a week day some one would undoubtedly been killed.


   The street commissioner reports better sidewalks now than formerly.


   Bath rooms are being fitted up in the Y. M. C. A. rooms. 


   Frank Schwantick cut his hand quite badly on a saw at Bloeckers today.


   Steamer A. B. Taylor, running between Frankfort, Mich., and North Manitou, offers to couple married on the court house steps on the 4th of July, round trip ticket from Frankfort to North Manitou.  Anytime during their honeymoon.


   The local committee met with the county committee yesterday and the program for the 4th was fixed and arranged.  The Grand Rapids Military, Co.'s, B, E, and H will arrive at 9 o'clock on the morning of the 4th.  Fox Battery will arrive the night before.  First in order in the celebration of the day will be the procession.  This will form near the city hall.  The four military companies and Fox Battery and nine mounted officers will be in line.  The industries and businesses of the city will be represented in the parade.   The school children, fire department, various societies and a Coxey's army will be features.  It will, beyond a doubt be the largest parade in the history of the town.  Court House dedication exercises will be held in front of the court house in Central Park.  Seats and stands will be put there.  Immediately after these exercises the marriage will take place on the court house steps.  This will be the unique feature of the day.  It will not be a mock marriage but a genuine one and a Grand Haven couple will be the fortunate young people who have the honor.  Games and athletic events will be held at two o'clock.  A ball game will be played at the new ball park in the afternoon and those grounds will be inaugurated.  Dress parade to be participated in by the military companies will occur at 7.  There will be other features during the day.  The grandest celebration in the annals of Western Michigan will conclude with a land and marine battle opposite the Washington St. water front in the evening.  This will be the main event of the day and will be worth a many miles journey to witness.


Decorate and Illuminate.

   The citizens are requested to decorate their residences and places of business on July 4, with flags, etc., and in the evening to illuminate the same.   4th of July Committee. 


   Wm. Frank, representing Fred Brundage the Muskegon druggist is here today selling fire works.


   The remains of an Indian chief with all his accoutrements were dug up at Ada the other day.


   A warm day without a cloud in the sky is the next thing to arrange for, for July 4.     


   Two local saloonists are under arrest charged with selling liquor to an Indian.


   Joe Koenes has put down a new sidewalk in front of his residence.  Joe is setting a good example.


   Bloecker & Co. have placed the engine in the little steamer Taylor just launched here.


   Postmaster Baar has had a row of hitching posts placed on the side of the post office.


   Judge and Mrs. J. V. B. Goodrich and son had a narrow escape from drowning Sunday by the capsizing of the clinker boat in which they were, opposite the Kirby ship yard.  They were rescued by Mr. Estes and Ulysses Fordham whom they liberally rewarded.


   There are more working days in the year of the American workman than any other save the Hungarian.  The latter works 312 days in the year and thus has no holiday save Sunday.  The number of working days in the American year is 308.  This is the same as the Dutch; it is 30 days more than the English, 41 days more than the Russian, and from 6 to 18 days more than the working day of any other European country.


   The class that graduates from Akeley tomorrow consists of Miss Edith Powers of Grand Rapids, Miss Lotta Hull of Ravenna, Miss Edith Bunyea of Pentwater, Miss Edna Ford of Fruitport, Miss Kate Wheaton of Grand Blanc and Miss Lillian W. Sanford of this city.  Miss Sanford is the first young lady of this city to graduate from the college.  She has attended since the organization of the college.


   The young men of the steamer Nyack state that there was no strike but they are simply home on a vacation.


   The directors of the base ball association already have $125 subscribed.  The lumber has been secured for a fence seven feet high around the ball ground.


   The recent tidal wave [seiche] at Harbor Spring caused the water to rise fully three feet.  In 1876 the tidal wave forced the water in the bay six feet above the level.  The phenomena is unaccounted for.




   Major Mansfield is making an effort to get drum major Dickinson of the 2nd Regiment here July 4.


   The Democratic county convention held at Muskegon yesterday resulted in a split and two sets of delegates were chosen.


   A prominent Democratic leader of this city predicts that the Democratic party will put two state tickets in the field the coming campaign.


   A sub committee has been appointed by the Court House building committee to make rules governing the janitors duty and the Court House officers.


   One of our blacksmiths will shoe a horse on a wagon in the parade July 4.


   The presents to be given the couple married on Court House steps July 4th, will be exhibited in Van Lopik Bros., store.


   Tannerys desire to state that in their game with the Kit factory nine no Stars or Athletic players be allowed.


   The class colors of the graduating class of the High School are yellow and white.  The class flower is the yellow violet.  The class motto is Not Yet.


As ithers See Us.

   The Grand Haven city marshal has ordered Sunday ball playing discontinued inside the city limits.  This is a serious blow to us amateurs, as the town covers so much territory that they will have to go over into the next county to run their little Sunday pastime.—Detroit News.

   A fastidious stranger has insulted Grand Havens aesthetic instincts by writing a letter to the daily paper there complaining of the presence of old hoop skirts in the gutters.  If he ever tried to live in Western Michigan he would know that anything a Grand Haven lady has worn can never be wholly unattractive.—Grand Rapids Democrat.

   The Democrat man is all right and the ladies invite him to spend 4th with them.


Fourth of July Meeting.

   At the meeting held in the G. H. A. C. parlors last night much business was transacted.  The various committee chairmen reported and their reports were acted upon.

   Major Mansfield reported that the three Grand Rapids military companies and the Fox Battery would be here with about two hundred men.  The military companies will arrive about 9:00 oclock in the morning.

   Fox Battery will fire a salute of thirteen guns at sunrise, the morning of July 4th, in honor of the thirteen original colonies.  Capt. Lysaght of the Life Saving Station will fire the guns that will be a signal for the procession to start.  The battery guns, that morning will be stationed in the hills near the glass factory.

   An interesting feature arranged for, last night, especially in the eyes of the people from inland towns, is an exhibit to be given by the life saving crew.  It will consist of rolling the life boat and shooting the line over a schooner, supposed to be sinking, and pulling ashore the sailors.  This exhibit will take place on the river opposite the D., G. H. & M. docks.  Louis J. Koster was authorized to obtain the suits for the life saving crew for the occasion.   

   An excursion will pass through the city on the morning of the 4th from Milwaukee.  Arrangements were made whereby as many of the excursionists as wish may return here and witness the fireworks and grand battery in the evening.

   Robt. Finch and Capt. Lysaght were appointed the committee to get a schooner, to which the life line is to be shot.

   Capt. Pellegrom was authorized to secure the gun boat for the naval battle.

   The secretary was instructed to petition the council that the streets be thoroughly sprinkled from the city hydrants late in the night of July 3d. 

   The military that will be here two weeks from today will be in itself a sight worth coming to see from miles around.  The guns of the Fox Battery are the largest in the state and it will require sixteen horses to draw their ordinance.

   In the procession, Grand Havens leading industries and businesses will be represented.  The Corn Planter, Leather Co., Kilbourn & Co., Glass Works, Bloecker & Co. will be in line and the merchants.  There will also be floats representing different events including one large one with young ladies in white representing each state of the Union.

   The music of the day will be by the Grand Haven City Band.

   The different societies will be given official invitation to take part in the parade.  Marshals will be appointed to look after the procession.

   Twenty thousand is a conservative estimate of the number of visitors Grand Haven will have that day, and this crowd will have something to see all the day.  the court house dedicatory exercises, the marriage, ball game, athletic events, etc. etc., there will be excursions in the lake and hundreds of little things that will retain the crowd.

   The athletic events arranged by Marshal Andres are:  Mens 100 yards sprint; boys sprint, same distance; three legged race, 100 yards; wheelbarrow race, 150 yards; bicycle race, 4 blocks and return; standing high jump; running pole, high vault, putting 12 pound shot, middle weight; putting 16 pound shot, middle weight; putting 20 pound shot, heavy weight; greased pole and a greased pig.


Akeley Commencement.

   One of the most successful years in the history of Akeley College closed today with the commencement exercises.  For the past five days the school has been giving exhibitions of its work and these exercises culminated wit the commencement this morning.

   Last evening pupils of the College gave a rendition of Midsummer Nights Dream in Assembly Hall.  It was participated in by Misses Morgans, Boorhem, Meade, Moore, Cairns, Ford, VanderVeen, Pierce, Jewett, Corson, Rippey, Jamieson, Emlaw, Stranahan, Merrit, Packard, Keith, Neshr, Phillips, Muller, Hancock, French, Jeble, Green, Slayton, Rockwood, Lee, Rood and Wilkins.  Many of the young ladies taking the leading parts showed that they possessed no small talent in that line.

   As more beautiful commencement day could not have been selected, than today.

   Holy communion was held at 7:30 this morning.  The graduation exercises proper began at 10:30, members of the school filing into the hall to a processional hymn.

   Prayer was offered by Rev. Bancroft of Hastings after which hymn number 434 was sung.  Te address of welcome was by Bishop Gillespie, and was delivered in the fine old Bishops usual pleasing way.

   The address to the class of 94 by Rev. Lewis Brown was by far the finest effort of its kind heard in this city.  In plain but eloquent words and in a convincing way the reverend gentleman spoke words of advice to the graduating class.  His address was made off hand and his remarks will undoubtedly make a lasting impression upon those he addressed.

   Hymn 465 was sung, after which Rev. Wilkinson awarded the diplomas to the graduates.  Mrs. Wilkinson, in well chosen remarks, presented each with a beautiful gold cross.  

   Miss Frances Ford of Fruitport had the honor to be awarded with the Grace church scholarship prize.

   The exercises through the week were well attended and today the parents and many of the friends of the young ladies were in attendance.

   This noon a banquet was given in the college.


   Capt. Babcock of the Fox Battery was here yesterday looking over the ground and a suitable place to put his guns on Independence Day.


Commencement Program.

   Following is the commencement program of Grand Haven High School at the graduation exercises tomorrow night:

[This program cans be seen in the Tribune microfilm at the Loutit Library.]


   Negroes on sugar plantations are said almost to live on sugar during the season when it is made, and to thrive on it.


   The New York Sun calls attention to the historic fact that the flag of the United States is 24 years older than the flag of Great Britain, and also older than a majority of the European flags that are floating today.


   Two years ago at the Fourth of July celebration, people were obliged to go without supper because the eating places had entirely run out of food.  Two weeks today we will have double the number of visitors we had then, so prepare for the emergency and dont let July 4, 1892 be repeated.


   All accounts from Akeley this year show that in all respects it has been a great success and progress.  Financially it shows a balance on right side and the course of studies have been greatly advanced over previous years and under its present able management it is gradually climbing up and the day is not far distant when it will rank with the first schools of the country.


   The Court House building committee has accepted the carpets and furniture for the new Court House.  The carpets are from Spring & Co., of Grand Rapids and will be placed in the offices.  The furniture is from the firm of A. F. Andrews, Chicago and includes tables and chairs for the different offices.  Paintings of Rix Robinson, Rev. Wm. M. Ferry and Pioneer Van Raalte were also accepted to be placed in the new Court House.  Matters concerned the dedication of the new building were also settled by the committee at the session this week.




   A large number of summer visitors arrived at the Park this morning.


   Smallpox is now in ten places in the state.


   The school bell will not be heard again until next September.


   The hitherto victorious Glass Factory nine was defeated yesterday by the Corn Planters 34 to 33.


   The old river steamer Valley City is now plying on the Maumee river between Toledo and Perrysburg.


   Mr. DeVries, watchman at Kirbys fishery injured himself about the head by falling the other morning.


   John Pfaff took the purse at the Gun Club shoot across the river yesterday.


   Buck Lehman and a force of twenty-five men are at work building a fence around the new ball park.


   The graduating class request that no flowers or gifts be brought to the hall tonight.


   The Anna, Capt. Obeek, and the Meister, Capt. W. Fisher, have made catches of 7,200 pounds of fish the past two days.


   Summer began today.  It is the longest season this year, having 93 days.  Winter had 89, spring 92 and autumn will have 89 days.


   The big hill across the river is a fine place for shoots and the local gun club will probably hold their shoots there this season.


   The little steamer Grand Island arrived here last night on her first trip from Grand Rapids.  She is commanded by Capt. Mitchell formerly of the Valley City.  If business is as expected the steamer will make six trips a week between here and the Valley City, leaving here at 1 p.m. and Grand Rapids at 10 a.m.


   The Muskegon Chronicle says that the Muskegon ball club can do up anything in Grand Haven.  Better come down and try it.


    Every Fourth of July stand on our streets this year should be licensed.  Many times the proprietors of these stands are from out of town, they pay no taxes nor do they contribute to the celebration.


   The huge guns of the Fox Battery will arrive here several days before the Fourth on special flat cars, bearing great banners announcing our celebration.


   The city schools closed today for the long vacation and will not resume again until next September.  The year just closed has been a most successful one in the schools.


   The base ball association has secured Mrs. Hopkins property in the Fourth ward for a diamond and in a few days will begin the work of putting a fence around it.


   A party of Californians arrived at the Spring Lake House this morning.


   The schooner Wren which will take a south Haven party on a journey around the world is 26 years old.


   Hollands superintendent of schools gets $100 a year more than Grand Havens.


   The delivery horse of John Hoffman ran away this morning badly damaging the wagon.


   Beginning Saturday and lasting a week the sum will set at 9:41, after which the days will gradually grow shorter.


   Forty-eight years ago last Tuesday the first game of ball ever played in this country took place at Hoboken, N. J.


   When a sugar refinery wharf needs a new floor the old one is not thrown away or sold to a junk dealer, but carted into the refinery and boiled.  The planks are saturated with sugar, molasses, and a variety of other things not usually deemed edible.  The refinery process, however, separates the absorbed sugar from the impurities, and the refiners make a very handsome saving by boiling up the old floor.




   Grand Rapids now has three smallpox cases.


   Grand Haven will have plenty of music July 4.  The Spring Lake, Coopersville and Zeeland bands have been engaged for the day.


   The water works case will undoubtedly be tried at a special term of court next week.  This case is to decide what amount the city shall pay to Wiley Co., for the use of water.  The number of outside water works men will be here.


   It is understood that the Muskegon officials will drop the case against pugilist Murphy providing the costs in the case to date be paid, a sum amounting to over $200.  An effort is being made to raise this amount, and today, two business men of this city it is reported went to Holland, to have an interview with the sports of that town who attended the fight and get them to contribute their share.


   The posts are on the ground and a good portion of the east wall is already up at the new ball grounds in fourth ward.  The main entrance will be on Washington street and the ground enclosed be 280 feet wide 400 feet long.  This is larger ground than the Grand Rapids league club possesses, and the batter who can knock the ball over the fence in deep center field will have earned his home run.


   The fireworks to be used by the city July 4th, have arrived.


   Hollestelle & Van Westrienen offer to the Court House marriage couple the following articles: 1lb tea, 1lb coffee, 25c soap, 1 large bottle bluing, 25c R oats, bologna, 1 bottle catsup.



Seven and Five.

   The annual Commencement exercises of Grand Haven High School always awaken great public interest.  There was no diminution in that respect at the Commencement last night.  The Opera House was crowded with friends of the graduates and every seat in the hall was occupied.

   [The entire Grand Haven High School Commencement as reported by the Tribune can be seen on microfilm at the Loutit Library.]


   [The following is from the City Council Meeting as reported by the Tribune.  The entire meeting can be seen on microfilm at Loutit Library.]


   Alderman Stokes presented the following rules to govern the use of city water to wit:




   All water bills must be paid semi-annually, and except for measured water, in advance, on the first days of January and July each year.

   Service pipes and fixtures connected therewith must be protected from frost and always kept in good repair by water-taker at his own expense, and he shall also prevent any unnecessary waste of water.  Hose for washing windows, sidewalks, etc., on business streets and for sprinkling lawns and gardens may be used only from April 1st and between the hours of 6 to 9 a.m. and 6 to 8 p.m., except for measured water, or by special arrangement, and sprinkling without a nozzle or through a larger opening than Ľ inch is prohibited.

   Water may be used only for such purposes as the contract, or permit specifies, and no owner or tenant of any premises taking water, will be allowed to supply water to other persons or families.  The water supply may be cut off for any neglect or refusal to abide by the above rules and in such case, a charge of one dollar, payable in advance, will be made for turning back on again.

   The superintendent. Or any person delegated by the committee on water works of the common council, for the purpose, must at all reasonable hours have free access to all parts of the premises to which water is delivered, for the purpose of inspection, examination of fixtures, etc.

   The city shall not be liable under any circumstances for a deficiency or failure in the supply of water whether occasioned by shutting off water to make repairs, or connections, or of any cause whatsoever.

   By order of

      Committee on Water Works.

   Dated June 14the, 1894.

                     Herman Nyland.

                     Edwin Stokes,

                     John M. Cook,

                     Jacob Glerum,

       Committee on Water Works.




   Compulsory vaccination has been ordered in Detroit.


   A Goodrich steamer will run excursions on the lake on July 4th.


   A third case of smallpox was discovered in Grand Rapids, yesterday.


   A Spring Lake young lady picked over 170 quarts of strawberries in one day last week.


   An increase for Grand Havens harbor appropriation from $25,000 to $50,000 is being urged.


   Miss Cora M. Goodenow will be reader of the Declaration of Independence here July 4.


    The Grand Haven Stars left for Muskegon today on the steamer Nellie, where they play the Muskegon High School nine.


   Telephones are to be placed in the Waddell cottage at the Park, in Van Lopik & Co.s grocery, and Andy Falls livery barn.


   The steamer Rose will run to Highland Park pier tomorrow, the first time this season.  These trips will continue thereafter.


   Representatives of the Retail Protective Association will be here next week to organize an association in this city.  They have just organized one at Muskegon with 63 members so far.  Alex Southerland is local secretary.


   The boys of Co. F are drilling for the Fourth.


   A gentleman fell between the dock and steamer Wisconsin while trying to get on board the boat yesterday.  He was pulled out by a number of willing hands none the worse for his wetting.


   First Lieutenant Ammon Augar, of the United States Army passed through here this morning on his way to Berlin to spend several months with his mother and relatives.  Lieut. Augar is the only Ottawa county boy who ever graduated from West Point.  After graduation he was assigned to several posts and forts on our western frontier, but the past three years has been U.S. military instructor at the state Normal school in Dixon, Ill.  Next September he will return to active duty at a post in New Mexico.  The soldier can be seen in Lieut. Augar at first glance.  His step and physique indicate the regular army man at once.  Lieut. Augars uncle was Gen. A. Augar who became noted during the civil war.


   William and Geo. P. Savidge have left for New York, where they will take the steamer Paris for Europe, June 27.  They expect to spend the summer in France and Europe.  Mr. Chas. E. Boyden will probably sail on the same steamer for Europe.


   [During the Grand Haven High School Alumni Banquet, as reported by the Tribune, and which can be seen in its entirety on microfilm at Loutit Library, the following appeared:]

   Miss Mary White responded to the toast, Our Citys Pioneer Schools in a paper full of interesting references to the time when the first school house in Grand Haven was a little log structure opposite the present Opera House.  It was then completely surrounded by a dense forest.


Peoples Party Convention.

   Less than ten delegates were in attendance when the Peoples Party county convention was called to order in the new court room by Chairman B. A. Blakeney this morning.

[This article can be seen in its entirety on the Tribune microfilm at the Loutit Library.]


Hep Donker Arrested.

   Hubert Donker, better known in this city and throughout this vicinity as Hep Donker, is in the county jail charged with attempting to enter J. Kooimans saloon.  Hep was arrested late last night by Nightwatchman Cook.

   The officer happened to walk alongside of the saloon on Fulton street when he heard a noise in the rear end.  There is a walk leading to the back door of the saloon from Fulton street, and back of the saloon is a high fence.  It was right there that Watchman Cook saw a man prying and working at a window, who as quick as he knew he was detected jumped over the fence.  Mr. Cook blew his whistle and awakened A. M. Barden who lives in the adjoining house.  A search was made for the man and in a few minutes Hep Dunker was found lying apparently asleep in the rear of Albert Kiels yard.  Hep feigned to be asleep and greatly surprised.  He declared his innocence but was escorted to jail by the nightwatchman.

   An investigation in the rear of the saloon showed that an attempt had been made to get into the building through a window by cutting out the sheet iron covering.  In running away the supposed burglar threw away tools he had been using, consisting of a pair of pliers and a timber spike.  These were found near where he was working. 

   This morning Donker was brought before Justice Pagelson.  He asked for an examination which was granted and next Monday afternoon fixed as the date.  Bail was fixed at $500 and was not furnished.  In court the prisoner said that his arrest was a put up job.  He was innocent of any attempt at burglary but was drunk last night and had been sleeping where he was found.

   Hep just arrived here a day or two ago, presumably from the west.  It was the first time that he had visited his old home for several years.  He seems to have aged considerably since his last residence here.  It will be remembered that some years ago he was sent to Jackson from this city for burglary, for a term of years.  After his release he came back but drifted away again and but little has been heard of him lately.



   The Committee on Procession have secured assurances from the following factories and firms, that they will appear in the Grand Parade on the 4th of July, with exhibits showing the Progress and Prosperity of our city:

Challenge Corn Planter Co., Usual excellent display of their refrigerators and corn planter.

American Mirror & Glass Beveling Co., Fine Display of mirror and glass, etc.

Dake Engine Co., Their celebrated engine and fans in operation.

Grand Haven Leather Co., Leather exhibit in variety.

Globe Match Co., Exhibition showing progress of the manufacture of matches.

S. Kilbourn & Co., Exhibition of coopers at work and their various products.

S. Kilbourn & Co., Exhibit of washing machines.

H. Bloecker & Co., Steam engine in actual operation.

Barnes & Green, Coopers and wood-turning.

DeGloper & Yonker, Wagons and blacksmithing.

Grand Haven Manufacturing Co., Exhibit various products.

Booyink & McSherry, Portable blacksmith shop on wheels showing forge, and anvil and the smith in the act of shoeing a live horse.

Spring Lake Clinker Boat Co., Exhibit of fine boats.

Spring Lake Basket Co., Exhibit basket factory.

T. W. Kirby, Exhibit showing fish reel, repairing and over hauling fish nets, drying, etc.

H. Dornbos & Bro., Fish exhibit and smoke house.

Dunbar & Swartz, Exhibit Globe Fertilizing Works.

American Express Co., Exhibit The way we do it now.

Geo. W. Miller, Exhibit celery farm.

Keift & Roossien,     

C. Lock,                    

James Lock,              

John C. Lock,             

H. Gravengoed, Exhibit organs and machines.

Geo. H. Duram,        

Wm. Thielman,         

Joseph Koeltz, Have a cigar on me.

Chas. Seligman, Take a Santiago.

Van Lopik Bro., We lead them all.

G. A. Bottje, New Process, cooking made easy.

Klaver Bros., Painting signs en route.

D. C. Wachs, Printing office on wheels.  Printing and distributing the schedule of the day.

White Laundry, Here we are.

G. H. Steam Laundry, Come and get clean.

Nat Robbins, Jr., Coal—Strike or three strikes.  When down near the river—drop in.

James Barnes, Nobody leaves without a prize.

Albert Kiel, Always happy to supply.

Boer & Bolt, Dont forget us.

John Cook, Listen to me.

John W. Verhoeks & Co., Best we got.

Wm. & T. Baker, Our prices talk.

John Hofma, Still on deck.

Boomgaard & Son, Corner on hardware.

F. Pfaff, the Quick-Meal.

I. Decker, Still doing business.

J. Godhardt, An old industry.

John D. Duursema, Let no one starve.

Ball & Co., Still at the old stand.

Rileys Bus Line, Hotel, Sir.

T. VandenBosch & Bros., We suit em all.

Peter VerDuin, Are you hungry?

Gronendal & VanZanten, Keep cool.

Daniel Gale, Everything fancy.

G. VanLopik, What do you wish?

C. N. Addison. Everything in the world.

Juistema Bros., Just my size.

Hollestelle & Van Westrienen, We always speak.

Geo. Hancock & Son, Magnificent floral palace and hanging gardens on wheels.

   For want of space the committee is obliged to omit some exhibits which appear in the parade.  This procession is to be the grandest display ever put on our streets, and will surpass expectations of all.

   Everybody shout Grand Haven today and forever.

Committee on Procession.




   A number of cottages are being erected at Highland Park.


   The street commissioner is giving the street a thorough cleaning.


   J. W. Boynton was in the city this morning.  Work will begin on the road shortly he reports.


   Spend an hour at Highland Park this warm weather and go via Sricks bus line.


   A game of base ball was played on the old race course yesterday afternoon.


   Every desirable house in this city is occupied and loud are the demands for more.


   No bathing will be allowed inside the city limits without roper suits between the hours f 5:00 a. m. and 9:00 p. m.



   The young man who is to be married July 4 was given his choice of any lamp in Balls store and selected a beautiful silver mounted vase lamp.


   Geo. C. Sole is getting quite the reputation as guide to all of the best fishing waters in this vicinity.  He is hired by parties to conduct them to these waters.


    Take Spricks bus line to the Park.  Leaves corner Washington and 2nd Sts., every half hour.  Bus will call any part of the city.  Orders can be made with the drivers or at Sprickss Washington St., livery.


   We do not know of another city in Michigan where there are so few vacant houses as here.  This speaks well for the prosperity of our city, in view of the large number of houses which have been erected the past year, but something should be done to relieve the tension.


   Is it not about time that this country passed a law restricting immigration?  President Carnot was assassinated by one of the class that this republic has too many of.  What this county needs is to amend the Chinese exclusion law so as to include Italians and Poles.


   We date all things from the Fourth now.


   A number of young fellows are training for July 4th athletic events.


   Grand Rapids police are after the slot machines.


   Bakers mill will start up for a short cut after the 4th.


   St. Joes harbor is full of boats fast on its bar.


   Cottages at Highland Park are in great demand and should the hot weather continue the inhabitants of Muskegon, Grand Rapids and other sweltering cities will just swarm at our most beautiful park.


   D. Wright has placed a gas engine in his confectionary establishment, being obliged to do so to keep up with his trade in ice cream.  Cream can be furnished by Mr. Wright in any amount.  Parties can be supplied with cream at short notice.


   A meeting of citizens was called at the Southern Michigan hotel Friday night to meet J. W. Boynton, of Grand Rapids, promoter of the proposed railway between Grand Haven and Lima, Ohio, and to pass through Coldwater.  Mr. Boynton wishes Coldwater to donate $25,000 and the right of way through the corporation to the new road.—Coldwater Sun.


   President Carnot of the French Republic was mortally stabbed in the streets of Lyons yesterday by an Italian anarchist.  The president died early this morning.  The murderer is probably a crank, like Guitean, the murderer of our Grafield.  France is torn up over the sad affair.  The murderer is in custody.


   Little James Van Weelden, aged five years, son of Mrs. J. VanWeelden of Washington street, died last night after a painful illness with inflammatory of the bowels and brain fever.  He was a bright little fellow and loved by every one.  Funeral from family residence tomorrow afternoon,  Elder J. VanderVen will speak in the Holland language and C. M. Steffens in the English.


   Nothing shows the prospering condition of a city schools more than the increase in the teaching force of the High School, which will be under the management of Miss Lora A. Smith and Edward P. Cummings.  The position of assistant is also in the hands of one who has received a college training and has had extended normal work—Miss Susie Estabrook.


   Some curious ways are devised by farmers to scare away robins from cherry trees.  One township farmer has his trees gaily bedecked with red, white and blue ribbons to scare the birds.  Another has erected a small windmill in his cornfield, the fans of which strike a piece of tin at every revolution, making a terrific din and frightening away every crow within a mile or two.


   A gentleman whos name is supposed to be George Arnold, was stricken with paralysis a the Park Hotel, Saturday night.  He is a stranger and was on his way from Mount Clemens to Chicago.  Nothing is known as to his residence or connections, but he bears cards in his pocket of a Chicago firm and undoubtedly lives there.  A telegram has been sent to the firm.  Before being stricken the unfortunate man could speak good English, but now speaks only a few words in German.  Dr. VanderVeen is attending him.




   The steamer City of Racine will make three excursion trips out of this city July 4.


   The city will soon be obtaining all the water it needs from twenty-six drive wells shortly to be sunk.


   In 1845 Holland was the largest community in the county with a population of 1829, Grand Haven had 350 people.


   The Grand Haven Corn Planter Company has just competed filling the largest order for refrigerators ever given to any one firm.  The shipment made several train loads and the works have been forced to run full time all season long.—G. R. Dem.


   The sheriff will keep a number of deputies in the new Court House July 4.


   It is reported that an entire tug crew was taken down with smallpox at Spanish River.


   Robt. Radeke offers a $5 bill to the person making the first home run hit over the fence at the new ball park.


   Geo. Arnold the gentleman who had suffered a paralytic stroke at the Park House last Saturday is getting along nicely.


   Base ball has changed since 1880.  Then, it required nine balls for a batter to take his base, seven in 1881-86, six in 84-85, seven in 1887-88, since which date it ahs been four balls.


   Very few of the men who have been sawmill workers all of their lives but can show some mark on their body where the deadly saw got in it's work.  There are many former sawmill hands in this city, now engaged in other pursuits who can show a hand bereft of a finger or two.  When Grand Haven was one of the greatest sawmill towns on earth accidents of this kind were of almost daily occurrence and an arm or a leg sawed off were not uncommon accidents.  It is an old adage that if a man works in a mill long enough he will have some part of his body "sawed off."


   Will Bell of this city was arrested last night charged with stealing a set of billiard balls from the cottage of Chas. E. Boyden.  This crime was committed last fall.  Shortly after, Fred Lockard who was then in the city sold some billiard balls to Wm. Van Drezer.  A short time ago Mrs. Boyden identified the balls in the possession of Mr. Van Drezer as the ones stolen from her cottage.  It was learned that Lockard had obtained them of Bell, and last night that young man was placed under arrest and taken to jail.  Brought before Justice Pagelson this morning, Bell waived examination and was bound over to the next term of court.  Bail was fixed at $300 and has not yet been furnished.


A Generous Company.

   The following letter from John Singleton, general passenger agent for the Goodrich Transportation Co., explains itself.

                            Chicago, June 25th, 1894.

   D. A. Lane, Esq.,

      Secy 4th July Commission.

         Grand Haven, Mich.

   Dear Sir:—I take pleasure in sending you the enclosed order for the passage of the happy couple that are to be united on the steps of the Court House on July 4, from Grand Haven to Chicago and return, berths included, and I wish said couple all the happiness and success possible in this life.

   Kindly fill in the name of parties in this order and have them present it to the Purser of our steamer, and please have the Chairman, F. A. Hutty endorse it on the back over his signature as being correct.

                                    Yours truly,

                                         Jno Singleton,

                                              Genl Pass Agt.


   N. Robbins, Jr. received the first coal after the strike, last night.  Two car loads of Hocking Valley arrived for him.


   Crowds throng to the front of Van Lopik Bros. window to get a look at the wedding presents to be given the court house couple July 4th.


   For some reason we are fortunate, or unfortunate as the case may be, in not getting rain when in places only 10 or 12 miles away it is raining hard.


   Many of the big steel plants in Pittsburg are resuming work.


   Just forty years ago Capt. Frank Scott of the schooner Spartan delivered to a saw mill firm at Pentwater the first circular saw used north of Grand Haven.  At that time only upright or muley saws were used and when the circular saws were in need of repair they were sent back to New York for gumming or resetting.


   B. K. Felton, city engineer of Marlboro, Mass., says I consider the bicycle one of the leading factors in solving the problem of good roads as every wheelsman not only knows a good road, but knows where they are to be found, and will use his influence to secure them in this vicinity.


   The lake shore is strewn with dead fish.


   Strawberry short cake time is nearly over.


   The handsome carpets to be placed in the new court house have arrived.


   The sawdust dock of the old Beech Tree mill is caving down badly.


   The merchants and factories are preparing their 4th of July parade exhibits.


   Plans of the Confederate privateer Alabama for the Fourth naval battle have been accepted.


   Fire crackers larger and in greater number than formerly are being offered by the merchants.


   Many of our merchants are putting up advertising signs on the country roads.


   Insect life is all astir now.  Already the cicada is heard and the firefly at night is making its appearance.


   Ruins of what were probably meant to be spacious mansions can be seen in many places near here.  A number of such old hulks are noticeable on Peach Plains.


   The fence in front of the new ball park will be eight feet high and built of planed lumber.  This front will be rented for signs.


   A citizen suggests that the council should pass an ordinance prohibiting shooting Roman candles on the streets the night of July 3d, as has been the custom for many years.


   Mr. Stork is the new chef at the Cutler place of John E. Williams who is sick.  Mr. Stork comes highly recommended. 


   It reminds one of country life to wake up at 4 oclock in the morning to hear the dreamy far away call of the rooster.


   Ottawa county first took a hand in politics in the presidential campaign of 1840 when Harrison and VanBuren wee candidates.  The Whig candidate received 81 votes here and VanBuren, the Democrat 88.  In 1844, Polk; in 1848 Cass; and in 1852, Pierce, all Democrats received the majority of the votes in the county.  In 1856 when Fremont, the first Republican to be a candidate, was running, this county gave him a majority of 400.  Lincoln received 1414 votes and Douglas 1217 votes in 1860.  Strange enough this county in 1864 gave McClellan 1536 votes, a majority of 200 over Lincoln.  Since that year Ottawa give Republican candidates for president the majority.




   Smallpox is getting a good headway in Milwaukee.


   No big firecrackers will be allowed in Grand Rapids July 4th.


   We have passed one city; once ahead of us in population, Big Rapids.


   A washout near Montague delayed the C. & W. M. trains from the north yesterday.


   VanLopik Bros. have their windows containing the wedding presents trimmed up neatly.


   The corner stone of the home for the feeble minded was laid at Lapeer yesterday.


   One week from today will be the greatest day in the history of Grand Haven.


   Another legal holiday has been added to the list.  The senate bill making Labor Day a national holiday passed the house yesterday.


   The average weight of 20,000 men and women weighed at Boston was, men 141 1-2 pounds, women, 124 1-2 pounds.


   Fisher, Yager & Kinkema have completed sodding Court House square.  The work was done in a very satisfactory manner and is a credit to those gentlemen.  The building committee were highly pleased with the work.


   The river steamer Grand Island began making regular trips from Grand Rapids today.


   Take the steamer Nellie for Highland Park.  Boat leaves slip, foot of Washington St. every hour from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.  A delightful trip on the water free from dust.


   Mr. Geo. Brydges of Grand Rapids will be in the city on the 4th of July, and will be pleased to meet his old friends on that day.  Mr. Brydges is a private in the Fox Battery, which will take part in the exercises on that day.


   The owners of the steamer Nellie have built a convenient pier at Highland Park and land there every hour.  Boat leaves slip at foot of Washington St.


   Take Spricks bus line to the Park.  Leaves corner of Washington and 2nd Sts., every half hour.  Bus will call any part of the city.  Orders can be left with drivers or at Spricks Washington St., livery.


The "Professionals" Won. 

   The game of ball, yesterday afternoon between the "Professionals" and the Ideals, both of this city drew a large crowd and was exciting from beginning to end.  The Ideals objected, at first, to the playing of Colfax Gibbs, but the professional men claim him as one of there regular men and play him whenever he is in the city.

   Among the Ideals were seen several players of former fame. Campbell settled down behind the bat just as gracefully as in the days of yore when he and Coon formed the famous battery for the old Grand Haven team.

   "Buckley," with his old time energy and inimitable "cork screw" was at the other end of the battery for the Ideals.

   The Ideals led for the first few innings, but Gibbs was removed from short stop and not long after they fell behind.

   On the features of the game was Harry Oakes' double flying trapeze act and back somersault in a vain endeavor to secure a high fly in right field.  After the dust cleared away, all that could be seen of Harry was a pair of feet projecting over a high embankment.

   At the end of the game the score stood 21 to 16 in favor of the professional men, and everyone was satisfied he had received the worth of his money.

   The "Professionals" are trying to secure a game with the Muskegon Bankers' nine, and, if successful the game will probably be played the first of next week.


   The steamer Pentland leaves tonight for Escanaba after a cargo of iron ore.  This will be her initial trip.


   Court did not convene at the hour called for this morning because of the absence of the stenographer and the time was taken up until noon with speeches praising our new court house, in fact a sort of inauguration.  Speeches were made by Judge Padgham, Geo. A. Farr, W. I. Lillie. Judge Howell, Ex-Senator Ferry.  S. H. Clink, G. W. McBride and Chas. E. Soule.


Retail Merchants Protective Association.

   Two of the agents of the above concern are in the city today with a view of organizing a branch organization for the protection and benefit of the Retail Merchants.  The Muskegon branch numbers among the members the most reliable of business merchants in that city who speak highly of the system and its results.  In coming to Grand Haven, they do so with the endorsement of many well known firms and will no doubt find a warm welcome.  Here something of the kind is much needed.


   Geo. Arnold is still at the Park Hotel.  His condition is unchanged.


   The first safety bicycle in America was introduced in 1885, and the first ladies safety in 1887,


   The Highland Park Hotel will give a formal opening dinner on July 4th.


   D. A. Lane is making a tour through the country today distributing Fourth of July literature.


   The degree of Doctor of Medicine has been conferred upon Peter M. Vanden Berg by the University of Michigan.  Sixty-two others were conferred the same degree.




   The salaries of a majority of Michigan postmasters have been cut.


   Gus Steele made a mile in 2:14˝ by bicycle in Grand Rapids yesterday.


   Despite the so called dull year, it will be a record breaker at the Soo Canal.


   The starting of the Fruitport blast furnace will be welcomed by the hundred or more men benefited thereby.  The plant has been idle since last year.


   The ditch on Washington avenue, known as Bolts ditch, overflows after every rain and needs a larger outlet.


   This county once had a candidate for auditor general in the person of Henry Pennoyer, who was a candidate on the Democratic ticket in 1860 and Col. W.M. Ferry was a candidate in 1869,


   The new ball park will probably be called Recreational Park.


   Van Lopik Bros., have leased the front fence of the new ball park for signs.


   R. K. Stallings and family are moving out to the Park.  They will occupy ex-Alderman Lockies cottage.


   D. A. Lane who traveled through the eastern part of the county yesterday, says that the country people are all coming here the Fourth.


   In Holland they keep sands from drifting by planting certain grasses, tenacious of roots and life.  California imported the well known sand reed for that purpose, abundant along the Atlantic coast.  Sedge and alfalfa have done good service in the same cause.


   Holland wants a telephone exchange.


   The storm of this morning was the most severe electrical storm of the year.


   No peanut or candy stands will be allowed on the streets or sidewalks July 4th.  This does not include the merchants who can use three feet space from their stores.


   The grand stand to be used 4th of July is being erected in Central Park.


   Some Chicago tugs are burning hard coal.


   Surgeon-General Wyman reports that the number of smallpox cases at Chicago has greatly diminished.


  The Pentland, under the command of Capt. McCambridge left for Escanaba last night.


   Two colored men in uniforms distributed Birkholzs patent medicine literature about town today.


   The whaleback Christopher Columbus defeated the Virginia last Saturday in a race from Chicago to Milwaukee.


   A mile in 1:56 on a bicycle seems incredible, but thats what John Johnson made at Waltham, Mass.


   The Kit factory nine leads in the race for the pennant of the factory league.  The other clubs of the League are the Tannery, Glass Factory and Corn Planter clubs.  All are good clubs.  The Tannery nine has been unfortunate and has yet to win a game.  The Kit Factory nine is very strong and next Saturday will contest with the Glass factorys who are second in the race.  It will be a battle royal.  C. Van Weelden and A. Poel will be in the points for the Kit Factorys and John Fisher and Ike Van Weelden, the great Athletic Club catcher will be the battery for the Glass factory.




   The big guns of the Fox Battery are expected here tomorrow.


   The merchants in the east end are already celebrating the coming of the Fourth.


   Secretary Baker, of the state board of health, reports smallpox in 12 Michigan towns.


   The C. & W. M. Ry., will run a special train here 4th of July so as to get the Grand Rapids troops in the city at 9 a. m.


   A party of four Indianapolis gentlemen are stopping at the Andres House.  They came on a fishing expedition.


   A good authority says that the present census will show and increase of 600 over the census of 1890 in Grand Haven.  Grand Haven is rapidly heading for the 10,000 mark.


   There were 68 graduates in the U. of M. this year.


   The bill, making New Mexico a state has passed the house.


   There are no vacant houses on Spring Lake or Fruitport.


The Democratic Convention.

   The Democratic State convention convened in Lockerby Hall, Grand Rapids, at noon yesterday.  Nearly 1,000 delegates were present.

  The district caucuses were held in the morning.  The 5th District caucus was called to order by D. O. Watson.  A resolution was offered to pass on the merits of the contesting delegates.  G. P. Hummer argued for his faction and Roswell Lillie for the Watson faction.  The caucus voted to admit the Hummer and exclude the Watson faction.  The Watson faction declined to vote.  G. P. Hummer was elected a member of the state central committee and Geo. D. Sanford made a member of committee on organization.

     [The remaining portion of this article can be seen on the Tribune microfilm at the Loutit Library.]


   Lightning entered the electric light plant several times yesterday morning but did no damage, and the lights remained burning.


   The Ransom, around the world party will leave South Haven the night of July 4 on the schooner Wrenn and will stop here on its way down the lakes.


Death of Mary Millman.

   Miss Mary Millman, died suddenly last night at the home of her parents in Grand Haven township.  Although she has been ailing all spring she has been able to be around and yesterday forenoon was engaged in working about the house.  At noon she felt ill and took no nourishment.  Towards evening she fell into a semi conscious condition.  A Physician was sent for, but upon his arrival she was dead.

   Miss Millman was born 30 years ago in New Philadelphia, Ohio, but has lived here ever since two years of age.  Mrs. I. Seifert is a sister and Wm. Millman of this city, a brother of deceased.

   Deceased had a most lovable disposition, always willing to lend a hand to those in need, and loved by all who knew her.   She had many friends in Grand Haven.

   The funeral will occur tomorrow afternoon at 2 oclock, from the parents home in the township.  Rev. Roese will conduct services.


   Tom Davis challenges any 110 pound man in the state for a wrestling match to take place here Fourth of July.


   A dog belonging to Mrs. Walters was shot this morning by the marshal, for biting some person.




   This is Highland Park weather.


   Nearly every county in Muskegon township has lost population.


   All of Zeeland will be here July Fourth.


   The indications are that we will have fine weather the Fourth.


   Quarantine will be raised on the Houtkamp house in Muskegon after the 4th.


   A number of former Grand Haven boys, now in Chicago, will be over here tomorrow.


   We dont usually have so warm a spell so early in the year as we are having.


    Spring Lake village now claims a population of about 800, which is 300 less than in 1890.


   The new base ball diamond is about ready for "play ball."  The base paths have been laid out and filled with tan bark.


   Our streets and business places should be nicely decorated with evergreens 4th of July.  Nothing decorates so neatly as evergreens. 


   Never before were so many strange faces noticed at Highland Park as this year.  Many families never before here, are now at the greatest resort in Michigan.


   The greatest day in the history of Grand Haven is only 70 hours away.


   Robinson townships great increase in population is largely due to Chas. Rouges colonizing efforts.


   Hon. T. D. Gilbert of Grand Rapids one of the pioneers of this vicinity will spend the Fourth the guest of Ex-Mayor Cutler.


   The steamer Pentland did remarkably well on her first trip from Escanaba and arrived here last night at 10 oclock.


    It is remarkable what success Grand Haven boys have in Chicago.  Many of them have responsible and remunerative situations there.


   One of the greatest features of the Fourth of July celebration in this city will be the marriage on the Court House steps.   Nothing has been more talked of than this event and the crowds that stand in front of the windows displaying the presents, given by our merchants block the sidewalk.  The marriage will be witnessed by several thousand people and the happy young couple who will be joined in wedlock are Mr. Art VanToll and Miss Lizzie Bouwman of this city.


   Highland Park presents a metropolitan appearance now.


   Bananas are arriving in carloads for our merchants on the Fourth.


   Hundreds of visitors will pour through the court house Wednesday.


   The speakers stand in Central Park is completed.


   All of the fish tugs will participate in the grand parade on the river July 4.


   The two big guns for the fox battery arrived this morning from Grand Rapids.


   Everybody is interested in sports this year.  Base ball is as cheap an amusement as there is for these hard times.


   Children playing in the rear of the house occupied by Henry Fritz on Fulton street, set fire to a pile of straw this morning.  The fire soon communicated to a shed where DeGlopper & Yonker have hard wood lumber stored.  Very soon both shed and house were ablaze, but it did not take long after the arrival of the fire department to squelch the blaze.  The up stairs of the house was occupied by Frank Hovey, and his household goods, and also Mr. Frits were badly water soaked.  The roof and shed suffered from the flames but the interior of the house was not burned.  A Cramer is agent for the house, the owner being a resident of Chicago.


   Rev. Lewis will officiate at the marriage on the Court House steps.


   Capt. Fritsch and his scow-schooner Nina have arrived at New York from Milwaukee via the Erie canal.


   The Christopher Columbus is considered the fastest passenger boat on the lake.  The City of Milwaukee is a good second.


   Mr. Geo. Arnold the Chicago gentleman stricken with paralysis last Saturday, died at 7:30 oclock this morning at the Park Hotel, where he has been, since taken sick.  His wife and daughter are here and will take the remains to Chicago tonight.


   The Jap is rapidly disappearing from the U. of M.  Once there were as many as 30 or more, but this year there were only three, two of whom were lost at graduation.    


   By order of the lighthouse board notice is given that on or about July 10, 1894, Grand Haven pierhead (front) light (fixed) red will be moved 278 feet nearer the outer end of the south pier at the entrance to Grand Haven harbor, east side of Lake Michigan, and exhibited from a lantern in the enclosed glazed end of an elevated conduit extending shoreward 378 feet to the pierhead light tower.  The distance between the lights will be 384 feet, and the light will, as heretofore, form a range as approaching the harbor, the range line approximating the line of direction of the outer end of the south pier.  The focal plane of the light will be 24 feet above the mean level of the lake.