Great Lakes Surfing Association
Beach & Pier Rescue Project

Rescue Craft Launch  9/16/07

Most of the project exercises actually begin over at Harbor Island with the launch of the GLSA RESCUE craft by Ken "Cheeze-Kurls' Smith.  It's fun going over there for the assist, although I don't do much, because it gives you more of a feel for the scope of the project.  It is also fun watching others launching their boats and there response to our rescue unit.  Pretty cool, if I don't mind saying so.

Cheeze-Kurls getting the GLSA RESCUE craft and sled ready for launch at Harbor Island.

Not the typical jet ski rig.  The surfboards on top, Wave runner with RESCUE on the hull and towing the sled marks it out for special attention from others launching their boats.

Rescue Craft Route from Harbor Island to Exercise Area.

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