Grand Haven Daily Tribune  February 2, 1903


A Birthday Reverie.


I need not tell thee, mother dear,

That I am seventy-three:

Nor that thy son desires thee here,

To spend this day with me!


Mother, I know thy spirit eyes,

From yonder Jasper Sea.

Can look down through earth’s cloudy skies,

And gaze in love at me!


That thou canst bow thy spirit wings,

Down from thy home above;

And whisper unto me of things,

Born of thy angel love!


I have desired that thou might come,

My happiness to see—

Might come and bless my humble home,

And spend this day with me!


What supreme joy would fill this place,

If I could once more see

My sainted mother’s angel face,

And spend this day with me!


I would forget the ills of life,

Which have so troubled me—

Forget the past, and all its strife,

If I could meet with thee!


Thank God!  Distance cannot destroy

Communion sweet with thee!

And thou art here to see thy boy,

And spend this day with me!


Dear Mother!  When this life shall end,

And earth’s scenes fade from me;

How sweet to know that I shall spend

The Life Beyond, with thee!


Grand Haven, Mich.,

February 2nd, 1903.



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