The Evening Tribune September, 1891



A New Shoe Shop.

   Mr. G. L. Venstra has opened a shop opposite the Postoffice and is prepared to manufacture and repair boots and shoes in first class style and guarantees satisfaction.


   Matters in the match factory line are progressing finely. Men are hard at work completing the first machine.


   H. Bloecker & Co.’s foundry soon to be rebuilt will have double the capacity of the one recently burned, and will be built of brick.


   The tannery observed Labor Day by giving its employees a holiday.


   Levi Wickham has moved his household goods into the rear part of the building occupied by him as a barber shop.


   Michael Falvy has sold out his blacksmithing business and will look for another location.

   The D., G.H. & M. has handled more freight and baggage this year and carried more passengers than for several years past.


   Some disposition will soon be made of the glass factory matter.


   Levi Wickham’s fast growing trade in his barber shop has necessitated the securing of an assistant, and William Brunaugh of Kansas City, in every respect a first class barber, has been secured for the position, and commenced work today.


   Loggers are getting their teams and sleds ready for their winter’s campaign in the woods. Some of these sleds are 12 feet across the bunkers and as high as 7,000 feet of logs are hauled upon them at one load. The logs are sometimes piled 20 feet high, and the roads being icy and level two horses are enabled to draw them to the landings.


Our Canning Factory.

   Few of our citizens are aware of the extent of, and interest attaching to, the Grand Haven Canning Factory, one of the numerous enterprises of our thrifty neighbors, George Hancock & Sons.

   At the rear of their extensive greenhouse they have erected a commodious building admirably adapted to the demands of the business a visit to which will amply repay the curious.

   They are now packing ready for the market about four thousand cans daily and expect to run as high as sixty or seventy thousand for the season; quite a respectable start in the trade.

   They have raised all but a few baskets on their own land, where about eighteen acres are devoted to tomatoes of the finest varieties.

   During the canning season nearly sixty hands are kept busy in the field and factory.

   Fresh form the field the tomatoes are carefully sorted and put into crates in which they are plunged by machinery into a vat and thoroughly washed. From this they are lifted and plunged into the scalding vat, thence into a cooling bath where they are rolled on the tracks to the pealing tables. The flying fingers of twenty-four girls prepare them then for the canning machine, an apparatus run by the foot of the operator, which forces the tomatoes into the cans to their utmost capacity. Next the solderer affixes the cape in frames holding four dozen they are placed by machinery into a boiler and partly cooked all the remaining air being thus expelled through a small hole left in the cap. They are then returned to the solderers, who close the hole, and then, again, to the boilers where the cooking process is completed. Next they are run into the warehouse, where piled by thousands from the floor to ceiling, they are ready for packing and shipping.


   The Cutler House barber shop, Lehman Bros., Prop., received its barber fixtures today.


   G. L. Veenstra is moving his boot and repair shop next to Wickham’s barber shop.

   Lehman Bros. will move their barber establishment into the Cutler House this evening. They will be pleased to welcome their old patrons in the new place of business which will be the finest in the city.


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