The Evening Tribune August, 1891

Pedagogues and Would
be Pedagogues.


   The regular Ottawa county teacher’s examination takes place today and tomorrow at the High School building, beginning this morning at eight o’clock.

   Applicants for third grade certificates are examined in orthography, reading, penmanship, geography, grammar, arithmetic, U. S. history theory and art of teaching, civil government, physiology and hygiene. An average of 80 per cent is required.

   In addition to third grade branches applications for second grade are examined in algebra and physics, and a further addition for first grade of geometry, botany, general history and school law. An average of 85 per cent for second grade and 90 per cent for first grade will be required.

   The regular examining Board, Cora M. Goodman, chairman, Berlin, and Professors A. W. Taylor, Nunica, and J. W. Humphrey, Sec., Holland, are conducting the examinations.

    It has been impossible today to obtain a list of all the teachers and would be teachers present, but the attendance is larger than usual. Representative Dykema’s new law necessitating the renewal of certificates only every three years strikes the teachers very favorably, at leas their comment so indicate.


   One hundred and four teachers attended the examinations here yesterday and today and with few exceptions will receive certificates. The examination board will finish its work here tomorrow.


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