The Evening Tribune July, 1891

Resort News

Boardwalk at Highland Park.


   Summer guests arrived in large numbers today for the season.

   The many cottages at Highland park are filling up fast for the season.

   The painters and carpenters have found lots of work at the Park this spring and summer.

   Prof. Ainsworth will be at Highland Park hotel Saturday evening with the band. The Professor is one of the best prompters in the country so that the best of music and calling may be assured for those who trip the light fantastic.

   A pleasant party was given by Miss Mattie Chappell at the Angel cottage, Highland Park, last evening. About 60 were present, and after supper all were adjourned to the beach where bonfires were built and a very jolly enjoyable time was had.

   Conductor Robinson and family of Detroit, are pleasantly located at the Park for the season.

   Mrs. Leavenworth and family of St. Louis arrived at the Park today and occupy Mr. John Macfie’s handsome new cottage.

At Highland Park.

   The following are new arrivals at Highland Park Hotel:

   E. C. Dunbar, wife and child, Detroit; James Robinson and his wife, Miss Jennie Robinson, Miss Marion Robinson, Detroit; J. P. Brayton and wife, Grand Rapids; John T. Randall, Chicago; Stewart Foote, Grand Rapids; Carr Leonard, Green Bay, Wis.; Henry Neeland, Chicago.


   Mrs. Slayton is occupying the Cumming’s cottage at the park.


   Abers Bro’s., the popular painters, have lots of work on hand as usual. That their work is first class and always gives satisfaction is evident by the amount always on hand. Their present contracts in the city include the new Cutler House and the residence of Alderman DeGlopper, C. VanZanten and A. Verberkmous. The following cottages at Highland Park will also receive new coats of paint from their brushes: Mrs. Chase’s, D. A. Waters’, Henry Bennett’s and Mrs. Young’s. And at Fruitport they will paint the Congregational church.

   Highland Park is in the "swim" these fine days.

   The average dude learning to swim is a funny sight.

   The "Jolly Fat" club is picnicking at Highland Park today.

   Telephones have been placed in the Cutler, Boyden and Brayton cottages at Highland Park..

   A party of eleven arrived from Chicago last night and will occupy the Dr. Reynold’s cottage.

   Mrs. Rice and family of Grand Rapids have taken the McBride cottage for the summer.

   Harvey Blunt visited Highland Park the other day for the first time and he says: "Oh my! Quite a town; nice place; lots of people; lots of men at work; people having a good time. Oh my! nice little town; houses going up as far as he could see; didn’t go to the end. When are the street cars coming? Ought to be running, save the teams; my! my!" This is Harvey’s opinion of the Park and he is about right.


   The Spring Lake House will have its formal opening for the season tonight.

   H. P. Wyman and family from Grand Rapids are located at their Highland Park cottage for the season.

   P. Langiler and family of St. Louis, who summered at the Park Hotel last season, will arrive at that popular resort next week for the season.

   A pleasant little "hop" was given at the Highland Park Hotel Saturday evening. Although the attendance was not as large as might have been expected those present reported a pleasant time. Altogether "the Honors" at the Park was an enjoyable day although our Southern visitors thought 63 degrees and "overcoat unusual trimmings."

Spring Lake House.


   The opening ball at the Spring Lake House last night was well attended and was a most enjoyable affair. The ride home, in the Park bus was enlivened by a narrow escape from dumping off the edgings near the bridge. Further damage was averted, through the kindness of Judge Soule, who walked ahead with a lantern "and in this way we returned home." The hops will be continued on Saturday nights. The Messrs. Irish are are to be congratulated on the success of the first one. A very pretty useful souvenir was presented to the "parting guests" in the shape of a tablet bearing a cut of the house.


   Miss Mary Cutler will entertain a party of her young friends at the Highland Park Hotel this evening.

   A substantial railing has been built on the edge of the drive in front of the Highland Park Hotel. Now if the steps leading up to the Hotel could receive a bright coat of paint, the general appearance to that vicinity would be much improved.

   Arrivals at the Highland Park Hotel yesterday were J. A. Elliot, Chas. E. Wyman, A. Hill and wife, all of Grand Rapids; C. H. Passahils, Chicago; J. E. Lindsey and wife, Davenport, Ia; Mirs. Ada Patter and daughter; Toledo, Oh; J. H. Armstead and wife, and H. P. Wyman and family, city; E. Davis, Milwaukee.


   The weather is a little too chilly to make picnics at the Park fashionable.

   The many handsome and tasty cottages at Highland Park are nearly all occupied for the season.

   A party of ten from Chicago are occupying the cottage just completed by Mrs. J. E. Young at Highland park.


   A telephone has been placed in Dr. Newell’s cottage at Highland Park.


   Mermaids decked in all colors of the rainbow, may now be seen floating off Highland Park. If you don’t believe it, go and look for yourself.


   John Macfie raised the stars and stripes on his cottage at the Park today.

  Mr. H. D. Irish, who made the Cutler House at Grand Haven, before its destruction by fire, so popular, is now proprietor of the Spring Lake house, which accounts for the praise that is heard everywhere of the excellent management of that house this season.—Muskegon Chronicle.


   Misses Boyden and Leavenworth gave a German at Kilnare last night. Dwight Cutler Jr. led the German with Miss Mary Baker. Nineteen couples danced making a very pretty party. The cottage was beautifully decorated with flags and chinese lanterns. Visitors from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clare, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hunting, Messrs Chas. McQuawan and Fred Deane of Grand Rapids.


   The Kirby House register bears the following in bold letters; "Henry George, Old House." Whether or not this is New York’s great Henry George of single tax theory, nobody seems to know.

   The party given by Mrs. W. C. Sheldon and daughter at the Highland Park Hotel last evening was a very delightful affair. About 50 were present and an excellent supper was served. Music, singing and cards, with a bonfire on the beach for the young people, were among the pleasantries of the evening.


   A big crowd of people arrived this afternoon enroute to Highland Park.


   The travel towards the beautiful Highland Park yesterday was large and shows the need for those promised street cars.

   The following arrivals at Highland Park Hotel today:

  F. D. Woodlock, T. E. Jacobinson, Mrs. J. S. McClellen, Miss Ida McClellen, Miss May McClellen, Mr. Frank McClellen.


   Wm. Mieras and wife, J. Ball and wife, John VandenBerg, Wm. Baker, Miss Lizzie VanToll, Miss Clara VerHoef, and Misses Blom, of Holland, are picnicking at Highland Park today.


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