Grand Haven Daily Tribune  August 28, 1912


Sugar River


By David Fletcher Hunton


   NOTE— "Sugar River," is a beautiful stream rising in Sunapee Lake, in Sulivan county, New Hampshire, and flowing westerly, through the lovely village of Newport and Claremont; and finally emptying its sweet waters into the broad Connecticut River near Windsor, Vermont.


River!  I would once more see,

Thy sweet waters, flowing free,

Through the land that's dear to me!

I would give thee, loving glance

I would welcome thy advance;

And be thankful for the chance!


On thy banks, oh lovely stream,

I have seen thy waters gleam;

And have dreamedmany a dream!

I have tried thy currents strong,

I have fished thy course along,

And have listened to thy song!


River!  I have watched thy flow,

All thy currents high and low,

And have loved thee, long ago!

I have seen thy azure hue,

Like the sky’s cerulean blue,

Mirrored on thy bosom too!


I have been upon thy shore,

With a precious friend, of yore

But, that dear friend, is no more!

Jacob Wheeler lies there still,

In “God’s Acre” on the hill;

Just above the dam and mill.


Sugar River!  near thy tide,

Sister Millie paled and died;

And we laid her at thy side:

River!  more than this, I crave,

Since dear Mother’s humble grave,

Nears the margin of thy wave!


More than this, dear Father, lies,

Buried deep from human eyes.

Near theeneath my native skies!

River!  if I some day stray,  

Where my buried loved ones lay,

Thou wilt not be far away!


Sugar River!  while you flow,

Past the graves of those I know;

Let thy voice be soft and low!

River!  if some day we meet,

‘Twill be when thy waters sweet,

Murmur at my silent feet!


Now, sweet River, Time will tell,

When I go near thee to dwell!

Till that timeFarewell!  Farewell!


Grand Haven, Mich.  August A. D. 1912


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